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70 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Tekmaven

This post and thread should probably be closed. Talking about a 10 year old mouse issue that doesn't say if it's wireless or wired. The posters that talk about wireless mice neglect to mention if theirs are optical or laser, which are fully different in action on my Macs. No …

Member Avatar for 1338
Member Avatar for tactfulsaint

As for showing invisible files, you can use this from Apple's site. [url][/url] Or, download Onyx for free as well. It has the ability to show or hide invisible files.

Member Avatar for Clint_1
Member Avatar for Danarchy

As the subject says, I really don't know where to put this, but since Windows folk are usually more versed in router set ups than Mac users, I thought this would be the place. Move it if it's not, thank you. Whenever I go out to my folk's place, they …

Member Avatar for Danarchy
Member Avatar for royng

Welcome Roy, Never heard of a DOS mode on a Mac either. Maybe with Windows installed? Totally ignorant of that realm. You can use Zipeg, Stuffit Expander and The Unarchiver for free. Those are just the ones I'm aware of. If the zipped files are Mac compatible, any one of …

Member Avatar for XxLostXSnipesXx
Member Avatar for cuivenion

Usually, if you delete a zip file that hasn't been opened, you're good to go. Use Secure Delete (and that can be adjusted to more secure levels) and you're even better off. Takes longer because it over writes more than standard Delete.

Member Avatar for cuivenion
Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for thotdoc

I had the same issue some weeks ago, with my Mini. My Macbook worked fine. Both were on the same Trendnet router. My ISP doesn't have any support for since outsourcing help to the Philippines. Trendnet 24/7 service dismissed it as a computer problem at first. Many Applecare techs …

Member Avatar for ronnieandsandy
Member Avatar for Danarchy

I've found out from experience and Apple Care that I can no longer print documents or .jpgs that are taller than my 23" portrait/vertical oriented monitor or any other for that matter. Preview has been crippled in Snow Leopard so that it will not recognize that the image/document is taller/longer …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for Aneesha

[QUOTE=vermeer99;1582732]royng, please back up your claims if you say the Mac has viruses, then please tell us all what the virus is called, so we can look it up. I am an Apple-certified technician and I have not yet heard of this. I am aware of a trojan (not virus) …

Member Avatar for jsepeta
Member Avatar for bjbillups

[QUOTE=bjbillups]I have Norton from my old OS 9...I upgraded to OSX 10.2.8. The old Norton will not open any of it's documents. What should I use to defrag my is working exceptionally slow, and on occasion, a window will open when trying to open a tif, saying that the …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for rnalh5gh

When you upgrade to Windows 7 your Windows Mail will no longer work. You can, from what I understand, upgrade to Windows Live Mail now and it will import your Windows Mail data. You will have to copy and restore the folder C:\Users\username\Contacts after your upgrade to Windows 7.

Member Avatar for flagstar
Member Avatar for Danarchy

Hello, As a Mac user and minor maintenance man on XP machines for friends and family, pardon my ignorance on this Windows 7 issue. I bought my father an Iomega portable 320GB HDD for Father's Day For his new HP machine with Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. He wants …

Member Avatar for Danarchy
Member Avatar for jacklegs

Welcome jacklegs/Mike, I see from looking, you haven't found an answer to this yet. The only thing I can find that might work for you, if you haven't cleared the caches, is to type into Camino and Opera's address bar, about:cache and hit enter. This does not work in Safari. …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for scarcella

This is illegal to do and against daniweb rules to give advice on. Your last link was about installing Windows on a Mac not what the OP asked.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for imperialguy

[QUOTE=imperialguy;1553939]Some details of my machine and installed packages before proceeding further: [B]Mac OSX version: 10.6.6 Python version: Activestate Python 2.7.1 wxpython version: wxpython 2.8 (uses Carbon API hence limited to 32-bit mode arch only) [/B] I installed wxPython2.8-osx-unicode-py2.7 from wxpython website using their .dmg installer file. This package uses the …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for mahdi68
Member Avatar for dogsbody

Unfortunately, once you highlight an email in Mac Mail it opens. But you can see all the information you want by looking at the long header. Right click on the Mail tool bar at the top of the page and click Configure. A new drop down window will open. Find …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for joesteven

It depends on the browser you are using. And, do you want to disable the pop up blocker, or get rid of pop ups by enabling it? If using Safari, go to the menu bar, click Safari, look down the list and either block or unblock pop ups.

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for eadrtwist

Latest version is Snow Leopard and more than likely won't run on a G4 machine. You can buy an appropriate version from ebay.

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for mah300274

From a slightly thorough look around, the answer is no. You can put them in G4 towers. Panasonic made one for laptops, but it's been discontinued.

Member Avatar for Danarchy
Member Avatar for royng

Other than the methods you mentioned, Onyx can take care of that. It will delete caches, temporary items and more. And it's free. Good luck.

Member Avatar for royng
Member Avatar for royng

royng, Hello again from your other post on DOS. I use Camino the most. Using it right now. It uses the same engine as Firefox, but is like a stripped down version of Firefox. Both Safari and Firefox use way too much memory for my tastes. Opera is my second …

Member Avatar for royng
Member Avatar for platnm6309

SplitFish makes something that might satisfy this request. The FragFX Shark Controller.

Member Avatar for Danarchy
Member Avatar for happygeek

I started on Windows and swiftly moved to Apple within a year of dealing with Windows security. Now I only maintain friends' Windows machines. I don't trust Apple as far as security patches much either. I've not updated from 10.6.5 to 10.6.6 since I've found no sure way to disable …

Member Avatar for Danarchy
Member Avatar for gruvnmove

Not sure if this is related to heat issues, but here is the only free fan control for PPCs that I could find. There is no free G4 FanControl. [url][/url]

Member Avatar for Danarchy
Member Avatar for ladytiger

Go to Dell and look for mouse drivers for Mac OS X under Support. It should have all basic functions out of the box. Some drivers for mice, although said to be Snow Leopard compatible, are not or not very compatible. I have an $80 Logitech laser mouse that if …

Member Avatar for Danarchy
Member Avatar for macki

[QUOTE=grace88;741177]mac the ripper can make a copy to back up the dvd and handbrake can rip to other format. the speed depends on what quality you want and the config of your os[/QUOTE] Apparently Mac the Ripper is no longer available. All I got were dead links.

Member Avatar for Vzard
Member Avatar for Danarchy

Some young and semingly computer savvy kids at two department stores, while I was looking for a boombox for work that would play my burned cd's, told me they write the mp3's to data files and are able to fit many more songs on a cd-r and play them on …

Member Avatar for rayfrank
Member Avatar for Dani

Hello. Glad you figured it out, as I just installed it so GIMP would work, and am clueless as to it's use. By the way, glad to see your site is back up. Danarchy

Member Avatar for piwacket
Member Avatar for Danarchy

I bought Disk Warrior and used it 4 times successfully. Then it started telling me, before replacing the directories, that to insure a failsafe replacement, that I needed to delete 98mb of 'contiguous' space for it to do so. Neither Alsoft nor Apple can tell me how to accomplish this. …

Member Avatar for Danarchy

The End.