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60 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for les_3

You start with a wireless mouse (Bluetooth?) and then say that you got a new mouse and plugged it in (USB?). Which one are you having a problem with. Two completly different interfaces and two completly different troubleshooting paths. Can you please identify the Mouse by model and manufacture?

Member Avatar for macmad
Member Avatar for tactfulsaint

Deleting files is a two step process. When you delete a file, it moves it to the trash. Then you must empty the trash. There is software that will empty the trash if it goes over a certain limit. Hazel comes to mind.

Member Avatar for Clint_1
Member Avatar for harshguy

It looks like someone is short on their libraries. I take it that you approached your instructor with the problem? She said "what an interesting delima you have here, this is a good learning experence for you", and then left you high and dry. Welcome to the real world. She …

Member Avatar for mackit
Member Avatar for oldnier

There are a multitude of ways! Some are free and some cost. So, first up, free with wired connection. A app included with your OS is image capture. It is more of a image (Photo and Video) traffic cop. It recognizes a video device when it is plugged into your …

Member Avatar for Honny flussia
Member Avatar for ferrous

All notebooks and iMacs built from 2011 and after are upgradable to Mavericks. You will also be able to install Yosemite when it is released. Please, next time give more details.

Member Avatar for kc0arf
Member Avatar for MiketheBook

Please note the time of occurance and then take a look at the system log. See if it produces any hints. Turn off the WiFi and see if the problem persists.These days Apple is insisting on WiFi. One solution that comes to mind, if the problem persists after shutting off …

Member Avatar for MiketheBook
Member Avatar for taoorion

Set your time to automatic. This is in system preference->date & Time. Above the calander and clock is a checkbox to set date and time automatically. MS word... I understood that everything was held on their cloud. I fortunally never bothered with MS anything. I would imagine that you could …

Member Avatar for macmad
Member Avatar for Tas

Stuff missing in my account and/or all my stuff missing. The common thread seems to be that you are booting off of the wrong disk, especially DiFFeReNT.The globe points to a network boot and if unavailable, it will wait. Unplugging the network cable will have it boot to the system …

Member Avatar for sanbafunv
Member Avatar for Jerrisney
Member Avatar for Derek3191

Please go to disk Utility and select your HD. On the bottom left corner describes the drive. Is it formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled)? I think that from the sounds of it , you may of formatted the drive as FAT. This is why you are not seeing a …

Member Avatar for macmad
Member Avatar for ibemeganavery

Not good. please check "About this mac" Located under the apple. Run the system report and check to see if it is connected via the hardware. You state that you connected it to a window's machine so I will go with a USB connection. Just look at USB under hardware …

Member Avatar for macmad
Member Avatar for pitaleswapnil

I do not understand your problem. First, you are not identifying your mac (13" or 15"). Second, the NIVIDA graphic card is far superior to the intel card. Not only does it have twice the Ram, but it also GDDR5! I can only wish I had the same delima!

Member Avatar for pitaleswapnil
Member Avatar for LovesPopstars

What OSX system are you running, Lion, Mountain Lion? Where in System Preferences did you make the change? It sounds like you created another account than changed the name of the computer. Worst yet, it sounds like you changed the name of the user folder. Don't worry, it is easy …

Member Avatar for macmad
Member Avatar for saltex

Didn't you mother ever tell you not to play with live ammo? LOL Seriously though, if you want to do modifications on the unix level, why don't you partition you HD and set up two Installs of Mountain Lion. One for testing and one for live. I have four partitions, …

Member Avatar for macmad
Member Avatar for jmay1234

Could you identify the application that you created the file in. Are you using Microsoft word or Apple pages. What OS are you using, Lion, Mountain Lion? Do you have a icloud account active? All of these factors are important in finding your file.Lets first go under the assumption that …

Member Avatar for macmad
Member Avatar for audiotechnob

[QUOTE=nanosani;1134478]You can mount an ISO image in MAC by double clicking the ISO image or issuing the following command: hdiutil mount image.iso[/QUOTE] The above command is to be issued at the command prompt in a terminal window. It is Unix. Know your audience, this is a newbie on Mac!

Member Avatar for dioioib
Member Avatar for nz.terriers

What kind of restore of Leopard did you do? Did you use the "archive and install" option or the "erase and install" option. Were the photos in iPhoto? Were you using timemachine? Please list out what hardware you have. I will watch for your responses and we will see what …

Member Avatar for johhny-marshal
Member Avatar for mantu4

It is a simple step, as long as someone is willing to pass the info on. Just right click or control click on the video and you will be presented with a drop down menu. Select download video and the video will download to your download folder.

Member Avatar for tompatrick
Member Avatar for joesteven

Hold down the "command" button while selecting songs and you can gather as many as you want.

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Member Avatar for zenloki

Just click in the search and all will be selected. Just start typing at this point and all will be deleted from the previous entry.

Member Avatar for tompatrick
Member Avatar for paradox814

I found that the easest solution would br to use dropbox. Free and easy to set up.

Member Avatar for macmad
Member Avatar for syrose

It sound like the mac lost power or was abruptly turn off. This will leave files in the "open" state. Don't panic, I am confident that your data still exists. This is where having an administrator account besides your working account comes in handy. Create an account with administrator privileges …

Member Avatar for smeagol999
Member Avatar for Gandalfs_beard

Oh yea, that's a kernel panic. One of the more elusive problems to resolve. You do not mention what plugin you were using to watch your video. Best bet would be to use you install disk and start up from there, but considering that you have not responded, you cannot …

Member Avatar for cocolio
Member Avatar for Dani

I do not understand the madness of your logic. You state that you have two internal drives you want to stripe together and yet you with to backup to DVD? It makes no sense. The G4 iMac came with only one internal drive and on top of that, it is …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for joesteven

[QUOTE=joesteven;1638845]I took some video clips with my iPhone. I emailed them to my MacBook. I uploaded them to iMovies. The clips appear upright, but the video plays it sideways. Is there any way to flip the video right side up? Thanks.[/QUOTE] Check out this URL [url][/url] Make sure you scroll …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for Aneesha

The last "virus" I have seen on a mac was back in 94 on 8.1. It intrigued us so much at the shop we kept it around for quite a while, just to muck around with it. You want to protect yourself, backup! One thing that you should keep in …

Member Avatar for jsepeta
Member Avatar for JamesMadison

[B][U]Why[/U][/B]!!!! It is now 2009 and no Viruses yet. Clamx is a free software, so do not expect it to be a "one push" and it takes out the garbage to! You want one just to make sure, try virusbarrierx5. Not intrusive and does not seem to put a drain …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for joya

What do you mean that you downloaded OSX again? Does this mean that you reinstalled it from you install disk? Should this be your course of action, it is critical which option you used for the install. Now if you downloaded the install from the apple site, it would only …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for sdbluestem

A line of code and no updates for a year. Wow, where do we start. You state that you cannot run Disk Utility. That (hopefully) points to a permission problem. Create another account with administrator privilege and try to run Disk Utility. Should that not work, enable the root account …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for ToiNKieZ

The difference between Leopard (10.5.?) and Snow Leopard (10.6.?) is mostly "under the hood". The user interface was hardly touched, but a lot of the old code (PPC) was replaced and the system was overhauled. There are too many sites that go into detail on the changes, including apple. The …

Member Avatar for jingda

The End.