Yes this is the first time this has occurred..
I will tell you what happened... Here i go
Ok tonight i sent an im over aim to somebody and they said i sent a link which i didnt and i send another im to another person and they also said i sent a link which i didnt. So i dont know what this is, is it a trojan horse, a virus, or just a worm? I would think it would be a trojan horse. But i asked them what did the link say and they sent it back to me but it didnt register. And she told me that she sent it... Andi didnt think about it being a virus/trojan/worm untill she exited out of the window. Well i asked her what the link was and she said she didnt know. So it i told her if she gets the link again just send it back to me with out the .com so it wouldnt be a link. I am worried that i got one b/c this is the first time this has happened to me since i had my expensive imac. I am running a mac os x version 10.3.9. And i ran a virus scan for my apps with ClamXav so far there hasnt been a virus detected. Can someone PLEASE help me becuase when i tell my dad he is going to kill me if i dont fix it....

Thx alot, Robby

Did you recently install a piece of software to know if people were blocking you? i did this with msn on windows and got the same thing saying "get blockchecker here"

Have you tried reinstalling AIM?

You could also try using a different instant messenger. Macs come by default, with iChat, which uses the AIM protocol, so you won't have to get a different screen name. Adium is another instant messenger you can try.

Or msn for mac

i hate msn, google should make google talk for mac and linux. you can also try trillian.

i hate msn, google should make google talk for mac and linux. you can also try trillian.

Google Talk (the service) is for Mac and Linux. You just can't use the Google Talk client. But there's lots of other clients that support it and are perfectly good:

For Mac:
For Linux:

Well, not "a lot", but enough....

oeryone else is getting off topic.... let me explain your real problem...

you HAVE indeed been infected with a virus... this a really week virus though so no worries about your computer..... basicly if you got the usual... what happens is they will get a messege from you that says something like:
"click here to do something blah blah blah:*insert url link here*"
then when they click on the link.... there infected aswell....
download some virus scanner becuase norton is worth nothing (like ad-aware SE)
then basicly just quarentine the virus.... make sure you warn your friends that prob have the virus aswell of the situation..... no worries about your computer though its not goign to mess up your computer... good luck :)

ad-aware SE can be found here:

I think you're a little late. This was posted over a year ago, so I think the person pretty much figured out the problem

I've used the services of after infecting my computer by clicking on things that I shouldn't have...

I was very happy that they cleaned my machine while I was at work. They also updated my xp pro, gave me full virus protection software for free. And I didn't loose one single pictures or documents on my desktop. Last year when I had my laptop brought to bestbuy to have viruses removed the idiots deleted my hard drive with all the data.

So don't experiment. These guys are awesome. Use '

I've used the services of after infecting my computer by clicking on things that I shouldn't have...

I was very happy that they cleaned my machine while I was at work. They also updated my xp pro, gave me full virus protection software for free. And I didn't loose one single pictures or documents on my desktop. Last year when I had my laptop brought to bestbuy to have viruses removed the idiots deleted my hard drive with all the data.

So don't experiment. These guys are awesome. Use '

Pretty good except for two things.
1. Thread is over 3 years old.
2. This is not the Windows forum.

Have run CCleaner, defragged and before I did these scans I ran malwarebytes full scan, then combofix. It was having issues where it would go into shutdown randomly but malwarebytes fixed that. It is just slow when opening applications, it has 2.5GB of RAM and XP so I don't think that's an issue. The account I did this on though is noticeably slower than the Admin account, is it because it has more stuff installed? Hope these help and if you need further free tips on keeping your PC free of spyware and viruses, visit <link removed> hope that helps and good luck

You are allover the place with this problem. I take it that you were a window user for a long time and then switched to mac. Number one, and this one is important, stop thing windows when dealing with a mac. If any one thing stands out dealing with someone from the windows world, is when something goes wrong, its a virus/worm/Trojan horse. Stop it now! Lets apply some simple troubleshooting techniques to this problem. Does this occur with other programs beside AIM. Try iChat and see if you get the same results. You get the same results, so the next step it to try it on a different account. Create a new account and see if you get the same results. Important: Logout off other account. Try these steps and see if your problem follows your troubleshooting. Either way post and we will react to your results. Defragging a drive in unix is a wast of time if you have more that 10% free. Some argue that it is simply a waste of time and I agree. Sorry, I did not want to confuse you, the Mac Os operates in a Unix environment.

OP had spam links removed, so I wouldn't worry about it :).

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