Hello every one
Every thing seems to be out of control here. When I move the curser down to the bottom of the screen the Dock appears and the top tool bar disappears and when the curser goes to the top the tool bar appears and the dock has gone. Also any pages I have on the screen move accordingly. Its as if the screen is too big. Any help please.

Sorry, I should have mentioned Im using Snow Leopard.

Member Avatar for coil

Do you have Hot Corners enabled? That would explain it.

To check, go to System Preferences, Desktop & Screensaver, click the Screensaver tab, and in the bottom-left of the window there should be a button "Hot Corners". Click it, and you'll see a picture of a desktop with four drop-down boxes.

If the drop-down box is not "-", that means you have something selected.

Basically, Hot Corners is a feature that is supposed to help you get things done faster. Instead of having to click on Expose for example, you can move your mouse into the bottom-left corner (or any other corner) and it shows all your windows.

Do you use any third party app to set your resolutions? It sounds that some app is attempting to override the settings for your screen or you have chosen an improper ratio for your screen. Have you tried to switch your Resolutions via the system preference. Stick with what apple offers in the System preferences--> Monitors .

Thanks to you both, Coil, the four drop down boxes all had "All Windows" and changing them to "-" didn't seem to do anything.

Macmad, I was unable to find "Monitors" in System Preferences. can you direct me further?

I bought this computer in July and did change the resolutions as the print was too small for me. This problem only started last Thursday 16 Sep. This is a 27" Snow Leopard. Would any one know what resolution Apple sets this computer at so I can go back to the setting it was originally, maybe that will do the job.

Sorry about that. The path is : System preferences--> Displays .

No, nothing suggested seems to work I'm on 1344 X 756 at the moment and have tried a few other settings, very hesitantly . Have not been able to find the setting the computer was at when I bought the machine.

Member Avatar for coil

This is rather odd...so when your cursor is not on the bottom of the screen the dock isn't visible?

If so, you can probably fix this problem by going to the Apple logo in the top-left of your screen. Click it, click Dock, and the first option should be "Turn Hiding Off" (note: if you don't see this option, and only see "Turn Hiding On", don't do anything).

No, tried that and it don't work. I may add that if I move the curser to the right or left of the screen it also moves to the left or right.
In answer to the first part only one part is showing at one time, its either the dock or the top tool bar depending where the curser is.
And if you live where I thing you live its time for bed.

A 27" imac has an aspect ratio of 16:9 ( standard HD). Apple states that you can go up to 2560 by 1440 pixels. Apple states that there Supported resolutions for a 27" display are:2560 by 1440 pixels, 1920 by 1080 pixels, 1280 by 720 pixels. Do not worry about trying them. The Display panel will let you switch resolutions to see what works for about 5 seconds and if you do not like it , it will default back to your last setting. Want to keep the setting, hit return.
Apple presents you with many different resolutions and some will not work properly for your screen. Some may leave you with vertical bars down each side or the information will not fit on the screen. They don't do this just to fyu, rather is is in anticipation that you will hook up another monitor that is of different dimensions.

Hi, that sounds quite technical, how do I get to the "Display Panel"

Back again.
Found the display panel, at least I think so, and went through the whole selection from 640 X 480 to 2560 X 1440 manually but none seem to solve the problem.
Was unable to find where it would run through them automatically for five seconds or unable to find the "Return" the only buttons displayed were "Gather Windows" and "Detect Displays.
It seems that I may have one big problem.

When you opened up the display panel in the system preferences, there was a list of resolutions displayed. The setting that your screen was at was highlighted. If you click on another resolution, the screen will switch so you can see what it would look like. The screen resolution that you have selected (1344 X 756) is not on the recommended list for a 27" imac. Click on one of the three mentioned before and if you are satisfied with it, close the display panel.

What an idiot I am, or maybe put it down to being nearly eighty. I won't bore you both the lengths I went to solve the problem only to say, press the command key and use the scroll key. I realised the desktop was big it just didn't enter my head that it was bigger than it should be. Thank you both for helping. d.


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