Hello, everybody!
I'm a new Mac user. I bought the iSight but wasn't able yet to use the iChat with PC users. Is it possible? Is any plug-in required? Is there any alternative?


iChat is a AOL Instant Messanger (AIM) client. Any PC / Mac / Linux user with AIM will be able to talk with iChat.

I would test this with you, but I deleted my iChat in favor of Fire which allows for me to use one program for multiple (AIM / MSN / Yahoo / ICQ) clients. While I might miss some extra features, such as webcams, I am glad to only have one program running with all the flexibility.


FIRE "burned" my old g4 powermac. nevertheless, i heard that it works, but because of that experience, i personally would never install fire again.

there is this hax that it does not have to be a firewire cam to mac iCat AV work. but i really never tried to find out how that works. maybe someone who already has read it can give me a link.


Fire caused a problem with my keychain too. Then again, I don't use the keychain, so it causes some hiccups here and there. Thinking about gaim and seeing if that ports.


Hi Aaron, How r u?

Apple is amazing it has the best operation system i have been using apple from 2 year.
But it should be a bit cheaper.

Hello I'm new to all of this how am I to use this devise?

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