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student of engineering

Programming (of course), engineering, biking, politics, swimming, guitar
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opensuse 13.2 on AMD A6-6310
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231 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Vongola_Takeshi

Whole codes? Well hint's are okay, but I won't cause fuss and try to figure out a completely running programme. Think about how you determine the length of a string? Null-terminated? Fine. I'd start like that: Run through the string, till \0 comes. Decrease the register (let's call it the …

Member Avatar for Nivre
Member Avatar for cpsusie

hi cpsusi, I can't find anything wrong with your assembly. The C++-output however looks awful. And I also don't have a clue why it perform worse than your C++-code. A reason might be, that MASM puts tons of unnecessary stuff to your simple code. Try NASM instead. That really is …

Member Avatar for Zack_7
Member Avatar for printf

Yeah. If you really have assembled your above code and copied it into the mbr, than the mbr is of course corrupted. You need at very least the correct primary partitions and the magic code at the end. Like so:

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for Rafael_4

I wouldn't. Simply increase a counter by one each time a valid number is entered and add this value to a variable sum. After the loop you can divide the sum by the counter and you get your result. This will be faster and lighter on ram.

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for RikTelner

Are you running the same .run-file over again (I confess, I have never used teamspeak)? A .run-file should put the programme somewhere in your bin- or opt- directories (install). If your installer hasn't done so, you can then create a .desktop-file pointing to the executable. You can then place this …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for The Old Man

It strongly depends. Also on you personal preference. 1) In normal desktop or server like environments, ASM isn't widely used anymore. But compiler-developers still need a very good knowledge of ASM and machine code. I also heart that some parts of modern DBS are still based on pure ASM. 2) …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for Hadi.M

I'd try something like this: 1) I'd create static strings with all your written numbers, eg `_zero DB 'Zero',0` etc. 2) I'd put all addresses into a look-up-table, like `array DD _zero, _one, ...` 3) Then, as the input (BIOS or OS) will be ASCII, you have to convert it …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for mak96

Hi Makrand, these messages aren't errors but warnings to force you to improve your coding style. If you don't fancy that (like I do) you can set your PHP.INI variable "error_reporting" to "E_ALL^E_NOTICE". This stops php to reports these warnings ([URL=""][/URL]). If you don't have access to the PHP.INI have …

Member Avatar for honeymehta
Member Avatar for jack_7

Is there any particular reason you're trying to convert rather complex C-stuff to even more complex ASM stuff? If it works in C then hurray. If you're really heading to convert it, you'll either end up rewring the whole TCP stack or link the C-functions into your ASM-project which makes …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for supermastereu

I won't read or even test your code. This is a good start: Have a look at an ASCII-table. The number 0...9 have a defined representation there. You need to subtract the this offset, then multiply it by 10^x and add it to your result.

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for munchlaxxx

it does involve a loop. I'd call anything else bad coding. why don't you draw yourself a table with the actions you'd do when having to solve it by hand? this is often (and definately in this case) a good start for an algorythm: Moving a byte into a register, …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for anil14353

Sorry, haven't coded PHP for a long time. But this is basicalyy how I did it: 1) set up a 404-page in your .htaccess-file (don't know right now without looking it up, but there's plenty of stuff on the net) 2) you 404-file reads the full URL with the $_PHP-something-variables …

Member Avatar for Bachu
Member Avatar for ckide

Java has the benefit of being multi-platform too. You can compile it once and run it on pretty all major operating systems. If you plan a software from scratch and can avoid system specific things like kernel-calls, than you'd be safe with C++ as well. You just have to compile …

Member Avatar for invadev
Member Avatar for haider885

It'd be good when you post the whole error message including line-numbers etc. Otherwise finding the error is like finding the needle in a haystack.

Member Avatar for k99rs
Member Avatar for ala_2

Well these tools basically do a certain task and messure how fast it can be acomplished. But these tasks are not that easy to make up. You have a lot of statistical invarieties, you have driver-issues you have to ensure the OS gives you the needed privileges and so on. …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Haven't tried your code, but as I can find just one "form", I'd take this is your front-end for the upload. You have forgotten to add "enctype="multipart/form-data". So the correct form'd be: <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" enctype="multipart/form-data"> Hope that helps.

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for C-Money

Certainly doesn't help to post a question twice. Especially not when posting such long source codes. First off, tidy up your code. The one and only hint I can give: use a look-up-table with all the characters you want to eliminate, eg vowals db 'a','e','i','o','u',0 and then go through your …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for NewbieChameleon

I'm glad to hear you solved your printer-problem. The unsupported dongle hasn't got anything to do with opensuse. It's a missing linux-driver and every distro is affected by it. I am afraid it won't work, but you can try to update your kernel. This is safe. Add a new repository, …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

Accessing Windows functions from ASM is fairly difficult. But if I get you right, that's not what you want. Interrupts are also not accessible when having an OS running between your software and the CPU. If you intent to write your own interrupt-handler, you can test it with an emulator. …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for daniel36

or @readfile("./path/to/your/file"); to output the content of these files. Take care that you might want to manipulate the headers for the correct content, name and size.

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for stephen_UK

Hi, have a look here: [URL=""][/URL]. You can simply modify the headers. Greetings, Simon

Member Avatar for Tapioca77
Member Avatar for BruceSmith

It's "illegal" to "use" a computer properly? What's BootCamp for, then? Since when is it "illegal" to run software on "my" hardware? The only thing I can think of, that you actually loose warranty. But that's the case width almost all manufacturers. Anyway. Some OS's do have problems with the …

Member Avatar for Tannus
Member Avatar for jsepeta

Hi jsepeta, there are two possibilities (I can think of right now). 1) Try [URL=""][/URL] Don't know if it's working under Lion. Don't know if you can virtualize Mac on Mac. But have a look and search a bit with google and Co. 2) Make a second partition with Disk-Utilities …

Member Avatar for MichaelLAX
Member Avatar for hanintalal

that strongly depends on the features you request. You can include your sourcecode with %include "source.asm" during compilation time or you try to access the file in runtime via the kernel. For then first solution, NASM should be perfectly alright. Accessing the file in runtime can be quite tricky, but …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for mnewsome

I can't help thinking why on earth you wanna do that. I'm debugging websites, so I can give you some advice. Visit [URL=""][/URL]. There you can render websites with old versions of the IE from any browser. As the output is an image it should (!) also word on an …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for akasekaihime

what have you then been looking for? 1. in your posted file you need the attribute "name" in all of your <select>-tags. this makes php reefer to that value. 2. in the file search_result.php you do something like this: [CODE]<?php $destination=$_REQUEST["destination"]; //your array passed to your file $year=$_REQUEST["year"]; // -"- …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for utkarshsahu

Hi! Clear subjective answer: NASM is the best. Why? MASM is a Microsoft product. I've never worked with it but I can imagine that you have to stick to MS Windows. I personally started with NASM. I still love it. The syntax is very strict and therefore clear. Once learnt …

Member Avatar for utkarshsahu
Member Avatar for mackyflores

How about? [CODE]SELECT `name`, `address`, `number`, `company`, `reservation` FROM `db`[/CODE]

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for geekme

Why do you want to open it in a browser? PHP needs to be executed on a server. Anyway: Right click on the document. If there's no item called "Open with" then try holding these keys: Shift, Ctrl, Alt and Cmd. I don't remember which one is the beste choice, …

Member Avatar for mikulucky
Member Avatar for inni2626

@ardav: that doesn't necessarily help either. You don't know if "drink" really is an array. Additionally, I'd suggest to check that as well: [CODE] ... if(isset($_POST['drink'])) { $drinks = $_POST['drink']; if(is_array($drinks) && count($drinks)>=2){ ... [/CODE] then you can be sure not run into a memory leak. cu, Simon

Member Avatar for magento12

The End.