Have you ever given a thought about installing three different type of Operating System on a single computer? Not Yet! Hmm... This sounds scary and too complex right? But You're Totally wrong! Its as simple as Install two Windows Based OS on one computer... Believe Me! Still Don't Believe Me? Ok Then, Read On :
You will need the following :
A Computer with at least 40GB SATA Hard Disk + 2Ghz Processor + 512MB RAM + DVD ROM
MAC OS X for Intel Architecture
Windows XP
Ubuntu Linux [Any linux will do, but i prefer UBUNTU]
Installing MAC OS X
Set your first boot device to DVD-ROM
Boot from MAC OS X DVD
Create atleat 15GB Partition for MAC and while formatting it, format it as MAC journal file system
Create atleast 15GB Partition for windows XP and while formatting it, format it as NTFS file system
Create atleast 8GB Partition for Linux and while formatting it, format it as Linux file system [EXT3 preffered]
Install MAC OS on the first partition
Follow the instructions. Its a GUI based istallation.
Installing Windows XP
Boot with Windows XP CD
Install Windows XP as you do it normally on the partition that you formatted as NTFS from MAC
But make sure you do not touch any other Partition
Reboot your computer
Installing Ubuntu Linux
Insert the Ubuntu CD and Boot from it
Select the partitions that you formatted as Linux file system while installing MAC
Now Create 1 GB swap partition from the remaining space
Install Ubuntu
Now as grub has taken over all the boot loaders you will see only two options :
Windows XP
But nothing to worry about...
Now select to boot with Ubuntu
Go to "/boot/grub/"
Open "menu.lst" file with administrator's right known as "root"
Add the following lines to the file and save it :
title Mac OS X (Tiger)
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
Wow...! The grub boot loader shows all the three Operating system!
So..? Its so simple! Right? Finally... you believe me!
All the best...!