I have been stumped trying to figure this one out so I am giving you a shot. Sometimes when I place an Illustrator file into Quark 6.5 and then export it as a PDF file, the logo will spread on me. Basically, the Illustrator file is a logo of a local car dealership, that is all paths. On some of the paths there is a stroke applied but there is plenty of white space between the letters. However when I view it in Acrobat, the letters appear to have spread to the point of touching each other. I can think of no reason for this.
Another issue I have encountered from time to time with another logo, is that sometimes the paths will look as if the rounded letters have been created with a series of small straight lines. In the world of imagesetting it would be called the flatness value, but I don't understand why it's happening. I am quite savvy on the mac and have been the troubleshooting guy myself for many years, but I can't get to the bottom of this. I have discovered a workaround to this problem by going to the Advanced button in the Print dialog box and then in the next window clicking on "Print as Image" checkbox and that has ended the problem. I'd still like to know why it's doing it though. However, the first issue is more pressing to me as I have a deadline looming using the first logo I spoke of.
I am working on a G5 dual 2Ghz mac, running Panther 10.3.9. I am using the CS suite (not CS2) along with QX6.5
Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this for me.
Best regards,
David Aaron