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About Me

Nearly finished my masters in Computer Science, I basically love programming, and really enjoy it. If I am not programming I am either reading manga, watching anime, or working on an outfit for comic-con

Anime , Manga , Games , Cosplay , Photography
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Macbook Air (2nd Gen) Mac Pro Two 2.93GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon “Westmere” , 24 GB Memory, 4TB, Two…
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56 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for warlord902

[QUOTE] In php, I can do more design of my website.[/QUOTE] I also think PHP would be the best option, It is easy to learn, and allows fast development. It does not have downtime when deploying, I have a dev server and live server, so its just a matter of …

Member Avatar for brodiebyatt
Member Avatar for cryptique

What about some sort of distributed storage system, that uses IP tables to locate and map drives. Going along the samba line.

Member Avatar for Yakz
Member Avatar for skilly

Well if you go with the noah idea, that the 1 ark was able to 2 two of every animal on the planet. We would only need one to fit all of humanity. As there is current around 8.7 million species of animals. Multiply that by two, thats 19.4 million …

Member Avatar for skilly
Member Avatar for fussballer

All macs have VNC, in the mac work this is called screen sharing. On the windows machine install a VNC client, enter the connection information username and password and so on. Then you will be able to use your mac full screen on your windows computer. Here is a link …

Member Avatar for dioioib
Member Avatar for sergent
Member Avatar for hystaspes
Member Avatar for cloud02

As a web developer, you do not need to know about the actual coding of the backend of a website. However you must be fluent in especially jQuery json, it really helps to know back end scripting, such as php and so on. However the most important aspect is to …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Working on creating a PHP environment, which hooks up to my own CMS. Then building my own template system, that just uses plain html, but the environment knows what to do with and what data to enter. Its going ok atm :)

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for Transcendent

I'm slightly confused, do you mean the boxes on the right, or the left. No the less, they are standard divs. Maybe post a wire frame of what you want or something?

Member Avatar for jorik
Member Avatar for happygeek

I believe that using a mobile phone would be the best option, however it could be even more secure than just having the phone on your person. How about the phone has to be known to the machine, allowing the phone to connect to the machine via a wireless technology. …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for danielbala

I agree this is going to cause serious problems allowing users to be any level they wish!!!! The site will not last more than a week online with that security!!!

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for radc

What you really have to ask yourself is what do you want to do, not what the job market says. Take me for example. I'm currently on track for my career of working for government then do PhD and become a lecturer. This dream well lets say path has not …

Member Avatar for Dexxta27
Member Avatar for Hajira Khanum

stultuske is right we would not want to advise you without knowing the points stated [QUOTE]you told us nothing about your course, what you've learned, what (if any) limitations you were given, ..[/QUOTE] Would really need to know your discipline, because the project choice can change vastly between Computer Science, …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for wenothat
Member Avatar for polinolin

The first thing to do would to design and build a database, as all this would be ran on top of it. As for a link to something the same, I would not know where to start. So build the database -> then build user objects / scripts -> then …

Member Avatar for mikulucky
Member Avatar for issaru07

Firstly your queries don't make sense, because your selecting an admin where there is admin, surely you want to test to see if the user who has just logged in is admin or not. Secondly you need to get the details of the user currently logged in, which you are …

Member Avatar for mikulucky
Member Avatar for showman13

[QUOTE=HITMANOF44th;1733911]begining you test $_POST['formsubmit'] and if it is accept do what you need for accept and vice versa[/QUOTE] This would be the best way to do it.

Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for mikulucky

Hi my problem is that I have a slider that is triggered on an onlick event, on document ready. In all other browsers this works great. However in IE, you click the link and it turns to visited, then click it again and it works. After this it works first …

Member Avatar for @developer
Member Avatar for sajithfx

Is this your code? And do you mean like a javascript thing as you type is searches? Bring back results as you type, I'm confused by what you want?

Member Avatar for sajithfx
Member Avatar for sidra 100

I have looked through your other posts, they all have the same theme. Your a student, doing an MSc, who posts their assignments online, or parts of them. Then gets members to answer them for you. If your doing an MSc surely you must have learnt in your BSc or …

Member Avatar for sidra 100
Member Avatar for Azmah

I have been neck high in HEX and horrible computer forensics :( , can't wait till tomorrow when its over :D

Member Avatar for dij_0983
Member Avatar for mikulucky

Hi i have made a site and it looks great in FF and Chrome. However it look really bad in IE and some things just do not work. And being not much of a front end developer I am truly stumped. There are three main problems: [LIST=1] [*]I would like …

Member Avatar for sidra 100
Member Avatar for afrogfx

[QUOTE=richaell;1734433]I dont have a solution sorry... but put your email input type as email. [CODE]<input type="email" name="emailmalling" id="emailmalling"/>[/CODE][/QUOTE] Sorry I don't have a solution atm, will look at it later, however do not change your text input to email like suggested above, this is html5, and this input type is …

Member Avatar for sidra 100
Member Avatar for richaell

This is a repost, could you then close the other post, as that is not out of date as the code has changed? Please close this post then : [url][/url] Thanks

Member Avatar for mikulucky
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi Yeah this can be really horrible at times!!!! This is a snippet, I would recommend changing this into a function of some sort, just returning true or false. [CODE] $regex = "((https?|ftp)\:\/\/)?"; // SCHEME $regex .= "([a-z0-9+!*(),;?&=\$_.-]+(\:[a-z0-9+!*(),;?&=\$_.-]+)?@)?"; // User and Pass $regex .= "([a-z0-9-.]*)\.([a-z]{2,3})"; // Host or IP $regex …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for tieastie

Hmm I would need to see your code, also does JpGraph create a jpeg of the graph on the server? If that is the case, then the src= would just be a path to the created jpeg. If this is the case, then have the graph show in a div, …

Member Avatar for mikulucky
Member Avatar for prasanna123

[QUOTE=pritaeas;1734256]If they have to login, then you can store that user in a session. If you want an overview of all the people online, you may want to store that in the database.[/QUOTE] What pritaeas means is when you user logs in, then there would be an extra column in …

Member Avatar for mikulucky
Member Avatar for Behi Jon
Member Avatar for roshan_iiita

What you could do is start little projects yourself, on your home machine, for example little problems at home. I remember when i was smaller, i made little programs to make shopping lists, with favorites all of and so on, little programs can help like that. I know it might …

Member Avatar for mikulucky
Member Avatar for mikulucky

Hi, I am attempting to build a PHP based CMS, and a custom template system, these items I do not believe I would have a problem with. However its about the server environment. For example I would want to place instructions in the html code, in the form of html …

Member Avatar for mikulucky

The End.