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me in a nutshell is a mexican jumping bean
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120 Posted Topics
Re: my only suggestion would be to take it apart and remove the button(or physically block it or something but then you couldn't reset it without taking it apart again :( | |
Re: get that dust out of the slot using compressed air | |
Re: olelink, why don't you try helping someone with a problem before you start asking for help, for all we know, you could be an alien from outer space | |
| |
Re: eh...silly skill kill killy -edit- an expresion of how i feel when i give away all the knowledge i paid so many thousands of money for...why am i here? | |
Re: i had a parakeet(Budgrigar) i named Henry. He learned how to meow like a cat. birds are not easy to keep alive. turtles are my favorite, but i feel guilty if i do not let them free. | |
Re: i'm curious what your motivation for this is, but you could also play around with bridging the adapters on the server. | |
Re: Does Windows ME have a task manager? Perhaps the System Monitor ITSELF is what is using the CPU! | |
Re: best answer is to force the password guy who said he 'forgot' to remember.... he is a jerk. i can help you if he won't. | |
Re: yeah, i was a noobie as well, i apologize to the whole community for creating these newbie monsters | |
Re: i have not touched a code in over ten years, but isn't the "if" class a loop? how are you NOT using a loop? ![]() | |
Re: the system is infected, update your antivirus program. also check for windows updates | |
Re: i agree with repliers, virtualization(emulation) can help run some vintage stuff. problems also happen with 32-bit processors(x86) another workaround would be installing vintage OS on seperate partiton(instead of virtual). i remeber hearing somewhere the root cause was something like Win7 does not support apps meant to run on a FAT/FAT32 … | |
Re: hmmm....i would also like to add telnet is usually port 23.SMTP is port 25. i guess this information was sorted out in Exchange.(since it was a LAN issue)? | |
I have read(in an unsolved thread) that IE9 does not support framesets. i still use ie8 and it works just fine for me, but when i upgrade, ie9 acts like its infected and hangs i tried reinstalling with security essentials disabled, but no luck, could windows defender be interfering? i … | |
i have a dual boot(tri) win7, Xp, ubuntu. i can login using ubuntu and & xp, but not 7. both xp & 7 am browsing with IE8. Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; … | |
Re: I hope you are using a surge protector... perhaps hmmm. i am still wondering why the RAM wouldn't fit....maybe a shard of metal got into the RAM slot and caused a short? and now the replaced PSU is not giving enough power? try starting the machine with only power to … | |
Re: that is funny...can't you just find it and delete it? | |
Re: you can "run..." services.msc from the "run..." line or from CMD... then, you can check to see if "windows installer" is enabled. mine is set to manual... | |
Re: almost all of my complaints have been mentioned in this thread, mostly the new coding bugs. however,(of course) a few have not been mentioned: 1.searching for a topic within DW has never been easy, i can't think of the words to describe, but noobs keep posting the same questions over … | |
Re: F1 for bios on older hp(i have one), sounds like your hard disk is dead(i could be wrong,but i got five dead IDE hard drives that i don't know where to recycle) | |
Re: It may be a feature that you can turn on or off from link on control panel->add/remove programs. Or you need the language pack for vistalator; http://www.7tutorials.com/install-change-new-display-language-windows-7-home-professional-vistalizator | |
Re: sounds like the same hardware problem as the broken IBM in my hall, something is fried, but i don't know what. i think maybe the processor is overheating. try cleaning the heat sink & processor(professionally).good luck to us both! | |
Re: first step to troubleshoot is roll back the driver and or unistall update...maybe not...other things to try can be display settings and switching plugs etc... | |
Re: going to run into trouble if the vista partition is the system partiton... | |
Re: the IT field is saturated, just like all the other careers, it has a lot to do with business and reputation and money and who you know | |
Re: uninstall the browser or disable the browser using group policy | |
Re: probably because windows7 and linux don't play well together. try using Disk Cleanup |
The End.