I'm running exchange 2003 on Server 2003. From my workstation's command prompt, if I enter "telnet (myserver.domain.local) 25" the screen hangs for a second and then reverts back to the original prompt screen. I can't even do "telnet localhost 25" from the exchange server itself.

Now keep in mind, everyone's e-mail is working (we use Outlook 2003-2010) and there are no issues with this. However, I need a 3rd-party program to connect to my exchange server and send e-mail for paperless invoicing.

When setting up that program, the connection never can be made and the error is simply that the server could not connect. I suspect it can't connect for the same reason I can't telnet to port 25! This program is also trying to send SMTP over 25.

Any help is appreciated!

you can setup a email connector in exchange system manager. then specify the ip address of the system with the 3rd party app as trusted. i suspect the issue might be related to relaying mail. we've had to do this a lot for 3rd party apps, scanners that email out directly, and that type of thing.

Do I set the IP address of the server with the app installed in the "forward all mail through this connector to the following smart hosts" box?

no , use dns to route to each address space on this connector. was there already another smtp connector there or is this the first one ?

This is the only connector. I guess Exchange 2003 can handle most things on its own.

Where do I add the IP address in brackets?

actually just add the smtp connector , don't add the ip address for the machine in this area, its not needed. in 2007 and 2010 you have to add it in the connector but not 2003. you probably couldn't telnet to 25 because there werent any smtp connectors.

does your 3rd party app have a section for username and password to smtp server? unless you have your server configured for anon access (if it is it shouldn't be) it will need those credentials.

Yeah, it does have a place for credentials. I'll try just adding the plain old connector.


yez that should do it. just with the credentials watch the syntax as well. i know some apps want you to do domain\user some domainfqdn\user some user@domainfqdn.

as well once you get your smtp connector going check the services.msc concole and make sure the service is started. sometimes its set to disabled or manual if there isn't a connector setup. this should be set to automatic using local system logon.

So far its not working; I can't telnet to 25 still. I did restart routing engine and SMTP service first. Is there a specific connector service? I'll check

I did notice the telnet service was disabled on my exchange server. But, enabling and starting it did not allow me to telnet to port 25 anyway.

I think if I can't telnet to port 25 then there's no point in trying different logon credentials in the 3rd-party program. There has got to be some reason I can't telnet to it! I'm trying from a workstation on the same network as the exchange server; I've tried from other workstations on this network as well...same result.

try telnet from the exchange server itself . like 25 . see if that works. do you have any software or windows firewalls turned on? if you want we could do a quick join.me and i can take a look.


I can't even telnet from the exchange server itself. how do you use join me? is it like teamviewer?

just go to http://join.me > click share > and give me the 9 digit number. once i connect you'll see me and i'll click to request control , then you click yes :)

I was able to connect remotely and fix this for troverman. the issue was settings on the virtual smtp adapter. basically we needed to added the local subnet of pcs that are allowed communication and that fixed it! troverman please mark this as solved when you can. glad i could help with this.

hmmm....i would also like to add telnet is usually port 23.SMTP is port 25.
i guess this information was sorted out in Exchange.(since it was a LAN issue)?

Swifttech was great...logged on remotely and was willing to give up a significant amount of time in figuring this out for us. Successfully telneted to port 25!


virtual smtp adapte

Hi i have allmost a simliar problem we have mails on linux server and our exchangen 2010 download from linux box it work perfect!! but now it give error connection is forcefully rejected named.local:25 just a sample we use 3rd party app to forward from linux server to exchange 2010

Hi i have allmost a simliar problem we have mails on linux server and our exchangen 2010 download from linux box it work perfect!! but now it give error connection is forcefully rejected named.local:25 just a sample we use 3rd party app to forward from linux server to exchange 2010

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