Inbox repair tool for Outlook 2007. I have never had problem with mine but husband is going crazy - has uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2007 3 times. Still cannot get into his Inbox. Please help us!!:-/

There is a .pst file repair tool that comes with Outlook 2007. Don't remember the name but I found it by googleing Outlook .pst repair and there was a Microsoft tech page on how to use it.

OK will have hubby try that. Every time he gets to something before it is over they want to sell him something for $130. The following I just saw on a website: "If Microsoft Office Outlook 2000 (or higher) can not open your mailbox folders and it is reporting that your Inbox folders or Outlook PST file may be damaged, then you should use the Inbox Repair Tool supplied by Microsoft. This tiny tool is installed by default when installing Microsoft Office 2000 to 2010. " This "tiny" tool is NOT installed anywhere we can find it. Simply not there. Any info on that thank you.

The inbox repair tool(scanpst.exe) is available in program files of your system.It is hidden and will be installed automatically with Microsoft Office.In case when the inbox repair tool fails then, you have to depend on the pst recovery software that repairs your mailbox and restores back the data from it.Unfortunately, all these tools are paid.But you can download the trial version and estimate the recovery chances whether your data has been recovered completely or not using the tool.a

Also after you recover your inbox I would suggest sending your inbox to your web mail so all of your emails are in your web mail. Then install Mozilla Thunderbird and assign your web mail smtp account to Mozilla Thunderbird. Thunderbird will then download all of your emails into its inbox and you can then download Mozilla Backup where you can backup all of your emails so if Thunderbird crashes or the isp becomes bankrupt then you can refer to the backup file generated by Mozilla Backup. Always good to have backups.

I so appreciate all the good suggestions. My husband refuses to pay $130 to "recover" whatever that tool is. We are seniors and I guess he doesn't want to spend for that. It simply cannot be fixed any other way, so he says. He's been working on it for weeks. So guess he'll just have to settle for another e-mail. I've never had any trouble with outlook on my pc. Thanks again.

hi, did you try the free windows fix it tool,in the link i posted 12 days ago

yes thank you that did not work either. I appreciate your intended help. just our luck I guess. And he unstalled Outlook several times and re-installed. thanks though

your welcome .happy computing

did he look for the tool in this location on his computer .
The Scanpst.exe file for Outlook 2007 is is typically located in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12

I went to that location on my computer and here is what it shows.

MSO Examnple Setup File A
None of which means anything to me

That is C - Program Files - Microsoft Office - Office 12

hi, i just copied that info from the web ,with out checking on my computer do you have a office 14 in that folder ,thats where the scanpst.exe file is on my computer ,but i have both 2007 and 2010 office on my computer

if its not there then download from my attachment and unzip the file and copy it to the office12 folded and try running it

thank you caper jack I do not have an Office 14 in that folder. :-(

Oh Caper Jack the next instructions sort of boggle my elderly mind. I have no idea what unzip.....means but in the am..........I'll click on that, hold my breath and see what happens. I know husband will just say forget it!! LOL

oops I click on the SCANpstzip and have NO idea what that all was about. I'm so sorry - it's hard do deal with non technical people. But thanks anyway. I have no idea what to do after I clicked on that. So much stuff to look at. :-(

Yes he did - it is not there. Odd isn't it.

what version of windows are you using

we both have windows 7 . I should try and find whatever he is looking for to see if I have it on my pc - maybe I did that before but afraid I may screw up my Outlook or something. I have no trouble. I would share his email with you but hate to do it on an open forum. Maybe the two of you could work through it from emails to him.
Yes here is what I found in that folder
MSO Examnple Setup File A
None of which means anything to me

That is C - Program Files - Microsoft Office - Office 12

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