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Member Avatar for vegaseat

[QUOTE=vegaseat;1127017]"You get what you pay for." -- unknown wise guy[/QUOTE] "You'll pay for that" -- probably the same guy

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for moderate_rock48
Member Avatar for Duki
Member Avatar for mattyd
Member Avatar for tdba.316

Then [I]originalPointer[/I] is getting too large. What is in the array [I]inputText[/I]? Not what you [B]think[/B] is in it, but what actually is the value of every single element in the array? Print it out value by value, as integers, and make sure the last word in the array is …

Member Avatar for Toniolo
Member Avatar for plang007

Because [B]!infile[/B] is TRUE until you hit the End Of File. When you read the last line, you still haven't hit EOF so you fo through the loop once more. The first input hits EOF and continues through the loop since you are beyond the check already. The last line …

Member Avatar for toneewa
Member Avatar for adoleh

[QUOTE=adoleh;]I have to create a program that asks a person to enter a 2 digit number (10-99) and convert it into words. I've been working on this for days and I still don't see what I'm doing wrong! PLEASE HELP ME!!! [/QUOTE] With what? You didn't bother telling us what …

Member Avatar for emsmary
Member Avatar for logicslab
Member Avatar for alamu

>sir i got error 112th line Sorry, but that's what you get for using someone else's code and not fixing your own code. You don't understand what he did and can't fix it.

Member Avatar for 4rajgopal
Member Avatar for fugnut

Why not just hit Ctrl-C. It'll stop the program too. :icon_wink: You need to test the return from [iCODE]cin[/iCODE] and look for [B]EOF[/B]

Member Avatar for mohammad reza_1
Member Avatar for Duki

Another thing to consider is the line [INLINECODE]else if ( ( a == b ) && ( a == c ) && ( b == c ) )[/INLINECODE] is a little longer than it needs to be. If [B]a[/B] == [B]b[/B] and [B]a[/B] == [B]c[/B], isn't [B]b[/B] automatically equal to …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for NinjaLink

Or, Read in the numbers into the array Sort the array [i]Then[/i] the duplicates are easy to find.

Member Avatar for Nor_492
Member Avatar for slapme
Re: tax

And what do you need help with, other than learning how to [url=]format your code[/url] so we can understand it.

Member Avatar for Olivia Alex
Member Avatar for ellaine101591

Does that compile? You need to write short sections of code, compile and test each as you go. Otherwise when you get 800 lines of uncompiled/untested code, you will have a nightmare of errors to try to fix.

Member Avatar for MUGDHA_2
Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe

[QUOTE=GeekByChoiCe;]Everything that was written as possible solutions are not really good. Downvoting...hmm that doesn't happen a lot (at least in the VB forums)[/quote] So? It happens enough. And even if [I]in your opinion[/I] is doesn't happen enough, so what? Downvote them and it happens more? IMAO, your reasoning why you …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for tracethepath

In your first post you did good -- mentioned what you wanted and what the program actually did. This time you left it up to us to figure out what happens. [I]always[/I] tell us 1) what you did, 2) what the program did, and 3) what you expected instead

Member Avatar for Saba_6
Member Avatar for camelNotation

I've used [url=]HyperSnap[/url]. It had the most options I needed (included command line invocation). The author is also very responsive to bugs and requests.

Member Avatar for Andre_14
Member Avatar for naya22
Member Avatar for Gheorghe_1
Member Avatar for DemonLady

[QUOTE=TkTkorrovi;412602]And using %d, the sscanf does some strange things. %d must read int, but when we read into int and then print that number, it prints correctly even numbers which are greater than 65536. This should mean that it would write into memory larger than int allows, which is overflow. …

Member Avatar for Ajini
Member Avatar for brittany435

[QUOTE=Compton11;569810]Brittany, you can't do cin >> number[i]..That will not read a value and store it in the array...Do something like this: ...Remember to add to my reputation![/QUOTE] That is [I]exactly[/I] how to read in a value into the array. Don't know where you get the idea it can't. [code=cpp] //Find …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for vmanes

[QUOTE=dawn.visp;1128490]I just hate when someone in the office downloads huge amount of files because the connection starts to slow down.[/QUOTE] His wife won't let him download that stuff at home, though.

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for tina.2826
Member Avatar for Rose Aashii

[QUOTE=sun_kangane;347764]How To Calculet Time Complexity Of An Algo[/QUOTE] By reading the responses posted in this and the other link you hijacked.

Member Avatar for Ali_84
Member Avatar for Naruse

[QUOTE=Naruse;]Hi all.. How i can make a report without using database. Data can directly from the active form. Thank you in advance[/QUOTE] If the form has all the info for the report, just start outputting the info the way you want it. If that doesn't help please give some details.

Member Avatar for Ami_Tech
Member Avatar for JHus00

Take for example you want to convert 7520 seconds into hh:mm:ss. Use integer math To get hours: [ICODE]hr = sec/(60*60); // int math truncates [/ICODE] What's left is: [ICODE]sec = sec - (hr*(60*60)); // remove the #hrs[/ICODE] Or using mod: [ICODE]sec = sec % (60*60)); // gives remainder if hrs …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for stefy14

[QUOTE=dusktreader;1176168]There is actually a very simple solution to this problem. First, you are trying to do two things here: [icode] 1. Split an input number into separate digits. 2. Add the digits together. [/icode] First of all, I would not recommend putting your input into an int type. If you …

Member Avatar for amisha_1
Member Avatar for Amiet Mhaske

[QUOTE=Amiet Mhaske;]Hi, guys I am working on vb project, which will save client database. I've done the coding of ADD, NEW, SAVE, EDIT button. Now, I am stuck at DELETE button. When I delete any particular client then I want my client_id (it's a column in my access database) should …

Member Avatar for UZAIR_5
Member Avatar for WAIWAIWAI

[QUOTE=WAIWAIWAI;1149599]How to add, subtract, multiply and divide 2 different numbers from 2 different form. Pls help me. The code i think is way too simple example: (Result.text = result) (Text1.text = number from form2)(Text2,text = Number from form3). the code i think is like this and this one is not …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

The End.