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Web developer with 5+ yrs Exp, currently working in SugarCRM

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40 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for logicslab

Hi pals, I am a Newbie in C++ Programming field. I plan to add graphics.h header class in Dev -C++ Version from Bloodshed which is come along with Borland Compiler. I follow the Steps in URL : [url][/url] But I Got Error in the Sample code which test the …

Member Avatar for James_163
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for logicslab

Friends, I am using web service and forms for a number of situations in my project. But now when I try to use same strategy the data is not provided by the provider function. It gives ‘null’ value always. But I can see the value in chrome web console. page.ts …

Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear Friends, I have a string with structure $selectedTime = "2017-02-10 07:00,2017-02-10 08:00,2017-02-11 09:00"; I need to convert it as {"2017-02-10":[{"start":"07:00"},{"start":"08:00"}],"2017-02-11":[{"start":"09:00"}]} any idea ? please advise asap Thanks Anes

Member Avatar for logicslab
Member Avatar for logicslab

Friends, I have a search list as shown in image below ![View3.png](/attachments/large/2/d1321f559022df4c5850e9a5fce3635e.png "align-left") When clicking on a result i need to show that detaIls on same place without going to another page ( like ajax in web) . I click first row in search result got that details as shown …

Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear Friends, I am a newbie in GTK3 development using C. I created a file menu with some sample menu options. But I need to activate each menu using keyboard shortcut. Please provide a sample code based on the given working code . #include <gtk/gtk.h> static void open_activated(GtkWidget *f) { …

Member Avatar for logicslab

Hi dear friends, My current problem regarding inputstream value processing . I don't get the block level full value as shown in loop.I got last byte value only cipher.init(cipherMode, publicKey); byte[] encText = null; while ( (bufl = != -1) { encText = RSAEncryptUtil.encrypt(RSAEncryptUtil.copyBytes(buf,bufl),(PublicKey) publicKey); } String hexString = …

Member Avatar for Slavi
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear Friends, I am Anes , doing M.Tech in Cyber Security. As part of our syllabus lab program in "Information Security Lab" we have an experiment "**Implementation of proxy based security protocols in C or C++ with features like Confidentiality,Integrity and Authentication**" . Actually I am in dark now . …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear Friends, I am looking for the topic "Virtualization techniques for Security" and got 3 points 1.Isolation and Protection of hypervisor from external entities eg; Privileged management VMs 2. Recursive addition of additional virtualization layers eg: by running commodity hypervisors on top of special "Secure" hypervisors 3. Through hardware trusted …

Member Avatar for logicslab
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear pals, As part of educational syllabus there is a lab program for "Configuring S/MIME for email communication". We are searching a script based installation scheme for Ubuntu linux. But We have no idea how to do it . Please geeks give an idea how it can implement . Waiting …

Member Avatar for ziggystarman

Dear Friends, I am Anes, Saw your post and program in URL : [Diffie–Hellman key exchange algorithm, can't find bug in program]( I got the answer , but my doubt is 1. how u can say the value of 'g' should be 5. [line number : 151 (int g_base = …

Member Avatar for logicslab
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear pals, I have idea regarding "Multicasting" , but not have a topic "Secure multicasting" . Please provide resource regarding same.. Thanks, Anes

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear pals, I am using Virtual Box of Oracle in my Windows 7 pc for running Red Hat Enterprise server 6.1 . But When I try to install using Yum i got error as below: ![207e0048c89145c5ec335ea15f718872](/attachments/large/2/207e0048c89145c5ec335ea15f718872.png "207e0048c89145c5ec335ea15f718872") Please advise me fast . I am trying it for 2 days Thanks …

Member Avatar for logicslab
Member Avatar for logicslab

Hi pals, I am looking to find a modulus calculation using my casio fx-991 ms calculator i know how to find modulus using small numbers eg: 7 mod 3 = 1. This because 7 = 3(2) + 1, in which 1 is the remainder. To do this process on a …

Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear Friends, I am looking a syllabus topic regarding "CFS(Completely Fair Scheduler) on Linux" . Please provide a good topic content .... Anes

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear pals, I have an online app site which need 11 JS files including jQuery & D3.js files. I need to compress it into a single file and it's easy to use . I check some but need node.js and complex stuffs. I found but it's not working Application …

Member Avatar for chinusfashion
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear pals, I am searching a payment gateway which can do Credit/Debit/Internet banking in a single system. Do you know any thing in current existing system . Let me know and advise Thanks anes

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear pals, I installed Turbo c for windows 7 ultimate 64 bit , but it's not user friendly .When it use in full screen the mouse is not working . Any solution for it ? If you know any new C compiler setup let me know. Thanks, Anes

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear Friends, I am looking a small thing , I need a simple code to check the input whether it's prime , if not can enter same repeateddly upto get a proper value . Please provide a simple code snippet and help me Thanks, Anes

Member Avatar for logicslab
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear friends, I am using Wordpress 3.6 . I need to integrate an alert system(to send email notification) to users when a preference value (Reach price of onion 40 $/kg). Is stored procedure can do any thing with it? Please advise how it is feasible. Thanks, Anes

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear friends, I am using wordpress for my activity logging purpose . I have a plugin for chart preparation , Wordpress Business intelligenace . . But i need to take that chart data as HTML . I need to take a php page data as a function return . How …

Member Avatar for logicslab
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear pals, I am using Wordpress 3.6 for my activity logging purpose . I need to authenticate user from REST , using their username/password . But Wordpress use a framework named "phpass" . I cannot identify how to compare my given password with database table password . Please advise a …

Member Avatar for logicslab
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear pals, I am newbie in RESTful services . I need to call a GET Verb in Server . I know 2 methods 1. Ajax Call we can write it as $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: "html", type: 'GET', data: "id="+id+"&type="+type, success: function(data){ //$("#content").html(data); alert(data); $('table #sample-boxed-2-pagination th a').each(function(){ //this.href = …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for shhh

Dear Dani maam, Do you Please give a cURL version of GET Verb REST call instead of the file_get_contents() method ? Waiting your reply Thanks, Anes

Member Avatar for logicslab
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear friends, I am using the XML-RPC Server to implement a simple login authentication as a web service . So I wrote a function in wp-includes\class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php like function web_auth($host, $db, $dbuser, $dbpass, $username, $password) { $dbhandle = mysql_connect($host, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die("Unable to connect to MySQL"); $selected = mysql_select_db($db,$dbhandle) or …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear friends, I am using Wordpress 3.6 for my current development . But my client need a system which has independent layers i.e 3 layers such as * Service Layer * DB Layer * View Layer from my analysis I can found that Wordpress has a **Theme ---- View+DB layer …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear pals, I am using the tutorial code of "xmlrpc in wordpress" in URL [Click Here]( , but it shows result as blank in my local wamp but it work fine on another local pc. I attach the code and preview of the problem. Please check and help me. code …

Member Avatar for logicslab
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear Friends, I am using Simple-REST Library for my REST Web service purpose . I need to integrate "OAuth2" with my REST API skeleton. I attached the REST - API Client & Server for your reference . Please check it and help me with a good solution for implementation. Thanks, …

Member Avatar for logicslab
Member Avatar for logicslab

Dear Friends, I need a payment integration method except paypal which connect to banks for a local site in Kerala,India. If you know any thing please let me know. Thanks, Anes

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for logicslab

Hi pals , I need a particular script for spun text generation: We need to create a script that will generate a spun text using the data entered by the user, it can use JS/Ajax to make it user friendly. below you will see how the script will look like, …


The End.