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1,257 Posted Topics
Re: run this query in backend phpmyadmin or any tool you have directly. You may find error there, solve and fix your query in your code. SELECT * FROM tb_pedido Pp INNER JOIN tb_cliente C ON Pp.codCliente = C.codCliente INNER JOIN tb_funcionario F ON Pp.codFuncionario = F.codFuncionario INNER JOIN tb_produto P … | |
Re: You can execute following query to determine whether new reservation for any room is confilicting with existing reservation for that room. [code] select * from reservtable where '{$fromdate}' <= check_out_date and '{$todate}'>= check_out_date and room='{$roomno}' [/code] | |
Re: this is simple php email checker, use this to get your task completed function checkEmail($email) { if (!preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9\._-])+([a-zA-Z0-9\._-] )*@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)+$/" , $email)) { return false; } return true; } | |
Re: You can look joomla,wordpress, magento(inventory/store) demos on their sites for crm. I am not sure about ERP. | |
Re: 1. What you are showing seems to be file upload part. 2. File content function not visible in your script. i.e. move_uploaded_file() to be moved to your folder. 3. Href link to download file can be rendered in html emebded with php loop of file table. echo "<a href='http:domain/contentfolder/{$filename}' target='_blank'>download … | |
Re: 1 use bootstrap css or any other you know for row hover https://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/bootstrap_tables.asp 2 put your table under < form > tag Add one more th/td in header and whole loop. .. . . <th width="5">select row</th> <th width="5">ID</th> . . While.. .. . . echo '<td><input type=radio name =selrow … | |
Re: You may try following UPDATE download LEFT JOIN lookup ON download.ip_address between lookup.start_ip AND lookup.end_ip SET dowload.ref = lookup.id ; | |
Re: This kind of solution is useful where php mysql application is build for internal use like in intranet enviroment. Some time operator at reception need to print receipts and bills directly for the customer, there this will help | |
Re: Dear larry You need not to have two triggers. Only before insert trigger is fine. | |
Re: Visit following post and go through all comments, I think you will find proper solution [url]http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/366629[/url] | |
Re: You can use group_concat funtion SELECT col1_id, col1_name, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT col2 ORDER BY col2 SEPARATOR ';') FROM table GROUP BY col1_id, col1_name http://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-group_concat/ | |
Re: i Hope sysadmin/sysadmin may work | |
Re: problem in line number 12 of first code block $controller->index(); change above to $controller->Index(); | |
Re: getlisted function must return array either first or second you passing, or anything you process convert it to array and return it in getlisted | |
Re: specify column names as shown in following query. Make sure you spell column right as its in your table. There are more columns in your table then in your $variable list (line 41). $sql = "INSERT INTO `User` (firstname,lastname, addresslin1, addresslin2, postcode,city, email,password,dttime, verificationcode, status)". " values ". "('$FirstName', '$LastName', … | |
Re: When you add any element with same name again the way if you have only set of elements then code is like `document.formname.elements['elename'].value` if you have more than one set of elements with same names document.formname.elements['elename'][0].value document.formname.elements['elename'][1].value | |
Re: No need to do loops now Listagg function may help you https://docs.oracle.com/cloud/latest/db112/SQLRF/functions089.htm#SQLRF30030 You can convert multiple records to single row as per your wish and with better performance | |
Re: I assume you set session variable USERNAME OR USERID, when user logins So same can be used as path for your folder when he upolads anything $uploadpath="/webfolder/docfolder/{$_SESSION['USERID']}"; | |
Re: You have to use only one fpdf object for whole process Loop through alll payslip record you have already written code for one payslip, so put that code in your above loop when next record start add page to your fpdf object output your fpdf object after loop ends javascript … | |
Re: You can use browser cookie for same. 1) When page is loaded first set cookie say 'sendmail'to 0 in bottom of page in javascript. 2) on click of button to send mail set cookiet in javascript 'sendmail'to 1, call php mail handler. 3) When php code is executed check cookie … | |
Re: I used following excel plugin, its very convenient https://www.mysql.com/why-mysql/windows/excel/ | |
Re: Remove curly braces around $_server variable, its used when you want to embed variable in string. echo "<form action ='<?=$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?>' method = 'POST'/>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='off' value='Turn OFF Grow Light'/>"; echo "</form>"; | |
Re: If you can change preference of file type, from excel to csv then after uploading csv file to server, you can use "load data infile" available in mysql http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/load-data.html | |
Re: You can put one more hidden variable in your form. Like type of post <input type=hidden name=method id=method value=''> before submitting set appropriate value whether method is post or ajax, same can be captured in your php handler. | |
Re: change line number 13 with follwing line, comment your if condtion if (in_array($loc_con1[$j], $loc_con)) | |
Re: I think wriring html code within script is creating problem, keeep document.write fucntion comented or write them with with normal/standard html | |
Re: write two php files, one for showing all other data file 1.php 1)fetch data from mysql with primary key 2) show all columns 3) <img src='file2.php?imgid=currid'> file2.php //it will contain code you have written to show image in your post above, but it will use one get parameter to load … | |
Re: Learn here on your own without any help http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp | |
Re: I too feel that it was hourly website now its daily one. |
The End.