hi all, i want to send sms to mobile phones from web site . is there any solution for this ....... give me idea!!!!!!!!.......
rajabhaskar525 1 Junior Poster
urtrivedi 276 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso
You need to purchase packages from service provider, who will provide you the api and ip addresses for interfacing your website and their website for sending sms. www.smsmuic.co.in
Edited by urtrivedi because: n/a
rajabhaskar525 1 Junior Poster
You need to purchase packages from service provider, who will provide you the api and ip addresses for interfacing your website and their website for sending sms. www.smsmuic.co.in
is there any otherway. to send sms for free of cost.
urtrivedi 276 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso
I didnt find such website till date. otherwise you need to purchase gsm modem and you may connect your mobile to it and then can send a message. but that will also need some investment. Nothing comes free.
Edited by urtrivedi because: n/a
rajabhaskar525 1 Junior Poster
I didnt find such website till date. otherwise you need to purchase gsm modem and you may connect your mobile to it and then can send a message. but that will also need some investment. Nothing comes free.
thanx for ur suggetions.........
K0ns3rv 0 Junior Poster in Training
I remeber seeing a page which provided a free sms service, can't recall it's name though. In conclusion, sms gateways is rarely a free service.
rajabhaskar525 1 Junior Poster
I remeber seeing a page which provided a free sms service, can't recall it's name though. In conclusion, sms gateways is rarely a free service.
realy it's helpful for if u get it . tell me. it help me alot.......
digital-ether 399 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso Team Colleague
You can send SMS for free to most carriers by sending an email to their Email to SMS gateway.
A list of carriers is here:
I wrote a class based on this a while ago but never got around to finishing it:
If you're interested in finishing it, here it is:
* Send SMS via Email to SMS gateways
* Please note that the list of carreirs is UTF-8 encoded. ie: Mexico != México
* @author gabe@fijiwebdesign.com
* @link http://www.fijiwebdesign.com/
class email2sms {
* A list of the major Phone carriers and their Email 2 SMS gateway syntax
* Compiled from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_carriers_providing_SMS_transit
protected static $carriers = array(
array("Airtel", "Andhra Pradesh, India", "#@airtelap.com"),
array("Airtel", "Karnataka, India", "#@airtelkkk.com"),
array("Alaska Communications Systems", "USA", "#@msg.acsalaska.net"),
array("Alltel Wireless Verizon Wireless", "USA", "#@text.wireless.alltel.com,#@mms.alltel.net"),
array("aql", "UK", "#@text.aql.com"),
array("AT&T Wireless", "USA", "#@txt.att.net,#@mms.att.net"),
array("AT&T", "USA", "#@mmode.com"),
array("AT&T Mobility", "USA", "#@mms.att.net,#@txt.att.net,#@cingularme.com"),
array("AT&T", "USA", "#@page.att.net"),
array("Bell", "Canada", "#@txt.bell.ca,#@txt.bellmobility.ca"),
array("Boost Mobile", "USA", "#@boostmobile.com"),
array("Bouygues Télécom (company)", "France", "#@mms.bouyguestelecom.fr"),
array("[[Loop_Mobile_India|Loop] (BPL Mobile)", "Mumbai, India", "#@bplmobile.com"),
array("Cellular One", "USA", "#@mobile.celloneusa.com"),
array("Cingular", "USA", "#@cingular.com"),
array("Centennial Wireless", "United States, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands", "#@cwemail.com"),
array("Cincinnati Bell", "Cincinnati, Ohio, USA", "#@gocbw.com,#@mms.gocbw.com"),
array("Claro", "Brasil", "#@clarotorpedo.com.br"),
array("Claro", "Nicaragua", "#@ideasclaro-ca.com"),
array("Comcel", "Colombia", "#@comcel.com.co"),
array("Cricket", "", "#@mms.mycricket.com,#@sms.mycricket.com"),
array("CTI Móvil Claro", "Argentina", "#@sms.ctimovil.com.ar"),
array("Emtel", "Mauritius", "#@emtelworld.net"),
array("Fido", "Canada", "#@fido.ca"),
array("General Communications Inc.", "Alaska", "#@msg.gci.net"),
array("Globalstar satellite", "", "#@msg.globalstarusa.com"),
array("Helio", "", "#@myhelio.com"),
array("Iridium", "", "#@msg.iridium.com"),
array("i-wireless (Sprint PCS)", "", "#@iwirelesshometext.com"),
array("Mero Mobile", "Nepal", "#@sms.spicenepal.com"),
array("MetroPCS", "", "#@mymetropcs.com"),
array("Movicom", "", "#@movimensaje.com.ar"),
array("Mobitel", "Sri Lanka", "#@sms.mobitel.lk"),
array("Movistar", "Colombia", "#@movistar.com.co"),
array("MTN", "South Africa", "#@sms.co.za"),
array("MTS Mobility", "Canada", "#@text.mtsmobility.com"),
array("Nextel", "United States", "#@messaging.nextel.com"),
array("Nextel", "México", "#@msgnextel.com.mx"),
array("Nextel", "Argentina", "#@nextel.net.ar"),
array("Orange Polska", "Poland", "#@orange.pl"),
array("Personal", "Argentina", "#@alertas.personal.com.ar"),
array("Plus", "Poland", "#@text.plusgsm.pl"),
array("PC Telecom", "Canada", "#@mobiletxt.ca"),
array("Qwest Wireless", "USA", "#@qwestmp.com"),
array("Rogers Wireless", "Canada", "#@pcs.rogers.com"),
array("SaskTel", "Canada", "#@sms.sasktel.com"),
array("Setar", "Aruba", "#@mas.aw"),
array("Sprint (PCS)", "USA", "#@messaging.sprintpcs.com,#@pm.sprint.com"),
array("Sprint (Nextel)", "USA", "#@page.nextel.com,#@messaging.nextel.com"),
array("Suncom", "", "#@tms.suncom.com"),
array("Sunrise Communications", "Switzerland", "#@gsm.sunrise.ch"),
array("Syringa Wireless", "USA", "#@rinasms.com"),
array("T-Mobile", "USA", "#@tmomail.net"),
array("T-Mobile", "Austria", "#@sms.t-mobile.at"),
array("T-Mobile", "Croatia", "#@sms.t-mobile.hr"),
array("Telus Mobility", "Canada", "#@msg.telus.com"),
array("Tigo", "Colombia", "#@sms.tigo.com.co"),
array("Tracfone", "", "#@mmst5.tracfone.com,#@txt.att.net,#@tmomail.net,#@vtext.com,#@email.uscc.net,#@message.alltel.com"),
array("Unicel", "USA", "#@utext.com"),
array("US Cellular", "USA", "#@email.uscc.net,#@mms.uscc.net"),
array("Verizon", "USA", "#@vtext.com,#@vzwpix.com"),
array("Viaero", "USA", "#@viaerosms.com,#@mmsviaero.com"),
array("Vivo", "Brasil", "#@torpedoemail.com.br"),
array("Virgin Mobile", "Canada", "#@vmobile.ca"),
array("Virgin Mobile", "USA", "#@bills.com,#@vmobl.com,#@vmpix.com"),
array("Vodacom", "South Africa", "#@voda.co.za")
* Send an SMS to a Phone Number
* @return Bool
* @param $msg String SMS/TXT message
* @param $to Int Receivers Phone number
* @param $from String From Email address or phone number
* @param $carrier String Carrier Name (index of self::$carriers)
* @todo at the moment we only send to the first listed email
* In the future it would be good to check the existence of mailbox at each domain
public function send($msg, $to, $carrier, $from) {
$carriers = self::$carriers;
if (!isset($carriers[$carrier])) {
throw new Exception('The requested carrier was not found');
return false;
$addresses = explode(',', $carriers[$carrier][2]);
$address = str_replace('#', $to, $addresses[0]);
if (!mail($address, $msg, $msg, "from:$from\n")) {
throw new Exception('The Email could not be sent to SMS gateway');
return false;
return true;
* Return a Carrier by phone number
* @return Array
* @param $name String
public function getCarrierByNumber($number) {
// todo
// here we would query MTA at each domain for mailbox existence
* Return a Carrier by name
* @return Array
* @param $name String
public function getCarrierByName($name) {
return isset(self::$carriers[$name]) ? self::$carriers[$name] : null;
* Retrieve a list of Carriers by region
* @return Array
* @param $region String[optional] Return only gateways in this region. eg: "USA" or "India"
public function getCarriersByRegion($region = false) {
$carriers = self::$carriers;
if ($region) {
$_carriers = array();
$region = strtolower($region);
foreach($carriers as $carrier) {
if (in_array($region, explode(', ', strtolower($carrier[1])))) {
$_carriers[] = $carrier;
return $_carriers;
return $carriers;
* Retrieve the regions in carrier list
* @return Array
public function getRegions() {
$regions = array();
foreach(self::$carriers as $carrier) {
$regions[$carrier->region] = 1;
return array_keys($regions);
rajabhaskar525 1 Junior Poster
You can send SMS for free to most carriers by sending an email to their Email to SMS gateway.
A list of carriers is here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_carriers_providing_SMS_transitI wrote a class based on this a while ago but never got around to finishing it:
If you're interested in finishing it, here it is:
<?php /** * Send SMS via Email to SMS gateways * * Please note that the list of carreirs is UTF-8 encoded. ie: Mexico != México * * @author gabe@fijiwebdesign.com * @link http://www.fijiwebdesign.com/ */ class email2sms { /** * A list of the major Phone carriers and their Email 2 SMS gateway syntax * Compiled from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_carriers_providing_SMS_transit */ protected static $carriers = array( array("Airtel", "Andhra Pradesh, India", "#@airtelap.com"), array("Airtel", "Karnataka, India", "#@airtelkkk.com"), array("Alaska Communications Systems", "USA", "#@msg.acsalaska.net"), array("Alltel Wireless Verizon Wireless", "USA", "#@text.wireless.alltel.com,#@mms.alltel.net"), array("aql", "UK", "#@text.aql.com"), array("AT&T Wireless", "USA", "#@txt.att.net,#@mms.att.net"), array("AT&T", "USA", "#@mmode.com"), array("AT&T Mobility", "USA", "#@mms.att.net,#@txt.att.net,#@cingularme.com"), array("AT&T", "USA", "#@page.att.net"), array("Bell", "Canada", "#@txt.bell.ca,#@txt.bellmobility.ca"), array("Boost Mobile", "USA", "#@boostmobile.com"), array("Bouygues Télécom (company)", "France", "#@mms.bouyguestelecom.fr"), array("[[Loop_Mobile_India|Loop] (BPL Mobile)", "Mumbai, India", "#@bplmobile.com"), array("Cellular One", "USA", "#@mobile.celloneusa.com"), array("Cingular", "USA", "#@cingular.com"), array("Centennial Wireless", "United States, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands", "#@cwemail.com"), array("Cincinnati Bell", "Cincinnati, Ohio, USA", "#@gocbw.com,#@mms.gocbw.com"), array("Claro", "Brasil", "#@clarotorpedo.com.br"), array("Claro", "Nicaragua", "#@ideasclaro-ca.com"), array("Comcel", "Colombia", "#@comcel.com.co"), array("Cricket", "", "#@mms.mycricket.com,#@sms.mycricket.com"), array("CTI Móvil Claro", "Argentina", "#@sms.ctimovil.com.ar"), array("Emtel", "Mauritius", "#@emtelworld.net"), array("Fido", "Canada", "#@fido.ca"), array("General Communications Inc.", "Alaska", "#@msg.gci.net"), array("Globalstar satellite", "", "#@msg.globalstarusa.com"), array("Helio", "", "#@myhelio.com"), array("Iridium", "", "#@msg.iridium.com"), array("i-wireless (Sprint PCS)", "", "#@iwirelesshometext.com"), array("Mero Mobile", "Nepal", "#@sms.spicenepal.com"), array("MetroPCS", "", "#@mymetropcs.com"), array("Movicom", "", "#@movimensaje.com.ar"), array("Mobitel", "Sri Lanka", "#@sms.mobitel.lk"), array("Movistar", "Colombia", "#@movistar.com.co"), array("MTN", "South Africa", "#@sms.co.za"), array("MTS Mobility", "Canada", "#@text.mtsmobility.com"), array("Nextel", "United States", "#@messaging.nextel.com"), array("Nextel", "México", "#@msgnextel.com.mx"), array("Nextel", "Argentina", "#@nextel.net.ar"), array("Orange Polska", "Poland", "#@orange.pl"), array("Personal", "Argentina", "#@alertas.personal.com.ar"), array("Plus", "Poland", "#@text.plusgsm.pl"), array("PC Telecom", "Canada", "#@mobiletxt.ca"), array("Qwest Wireless", "USA", "#@qwestmp.com"), array("Rogers Wireless", "Canada", "#@pcs.rogers.com"), array("SaskTel", "Canada", "#@sms.sasktel.com"), array("Setar", "Aruba", "#@mas.aw"), array("Sprint (PCS)", "USA", "#@messaging.sprintpcs.com,#@pm.sprint.com"), array("Sprint (Nextel)", "USA", "#@page.nextel.com,#@messaging.nextel.com"), array("Suncom", "", "#@tms.suncom.com"), array("Sunrise Communications", "Switzerland", "#@gsm.sunrise.ch"), array("Syringa Wireless", "USA", "#@rinasms.com"), array("T-Mobile", "USA", "#@tmomail.net"), array("T-Mobile", "Austria", "#@sms.t-mobile.at"), array("T-Mobile", "Croatia", "#@sms.t-mobile.hr"), array("Telus Mobility", "Canada", "#@msg.telus.com"), array("Tigo", "Colombia", "#@sms.tigo.com.co"), array("Tracfone", "", "#@mmst5.tracfone.com,#@txt.att.net,#@tmomail.net,#@vtext.com,#@email.uscc.net,#@message.alltel.com"), array("Unicel", "USA", "#@utext.com"), array("US Cellular", "USA", "#@email.uscc.net,#@mms.uscc.net"), array("Verizon", "USA", "#@vtext.com,#@vzwpix.com"), array("Viaero", "USA", "#@viaerosms.com,#@mmsviaero.com"), array("Vivo", "Brasil", "#@torpedoemail.com.br"), array("Virgin Mobile", "Canada", "#@vmobile.ca"), array("Virgin Mobile", "USA", "#@bills.com,#@vmobl.com,#@vmpix.com"), array("Vodacom", "South Africa", "#@voda.co.za") ); /** * Send an SMS to a Phone Number * @return Bool * @param $msg String SMS/TXT message * @param $to Int Receivers Phone number * @param $from String From Email address or phone number * @param $carrier String Carrier Name (index of self::$carriers) * * @todo at the moment we only send to the first listed email * In the future it would be good to check the existence of mailbox at each domain * * */ public function send($msg, $to, $carrier, $from) { $carriers = self::$carriers; if (!isset($carriers[$carrier])) { throw new Exception('The requested carrier was not found'); return false; } $addresses = explode(',', $carriers[$carrier][2]); $address = str_replace('#', $to, $addresses[0]); if (!mail($address, $msg, $msg, "from:$from\n")) { throw new Exception('The Email could not be sent to SMS gateway'); return false; } return true; } /** * Return a Carrier by phone number * @return Array * @param $name String */ public function getCarrierByNumber($number) { // todo // here we would query MTA at each domain for mailbox existence } /** * Return a Carrier by name * @return Array * @param $name String */ public function getCarrierByName($name) { return isset(self::$carriers[$name]) ? self::$carriers[$name] : null; } /** * Retrieve a list of Carriers by region * @return Array * @param $region String[optional] Return only gateways in this region. eg: "USA" or "India" */ public function getCarriersByRegion($region = false) { $carriers = self::$carriers; if ($region) { $_carriers = array(); $region = strtolower($region); foreach($carriers as $carrier) { if (in_array($region, explode(', ', strtolower($carrier[1])))) { $_carriers[] = $carrier; } } return $_carriers; } return $carriers; } /** * Retrieve the regions in carrier list * @return Array */ public function getRegions() { $regions = array(); foreach(self::$carriers as $carrier) { $regions[$carrier->region] = 1; } return array_keys($regions); } } ?>
i am new to php. but i will try it.
ampLife 0 Newbie Poster
i had classmates who did this as thesis project nad they succeeded in creating such site but it is done in python:D

I won't disagree with previous posters, but I can't imagine portals allowing limitless free sms. Most offer a trial 10 free sms service. I've seen rates of £33/1000 messages - don't know how good that is. Seems a bit much to me (3.3p/text). I assume that is per message sent (not received). So if you send a bulk message to 100 recipients, that's £3.30.
That's my take on it. I could be mistaken.
riyan.2024 0 Newbie Poster
Do you think that marketing on mobile phones to promote a business is pretty much just blasting out text messages? Well you will be pleasant ly surprised to learn in this article that technology has developed significantly and now you can reach your consumer just about how and when they would like to see your message in a way that truly interests them.
chuksy 0 Newbie Poster
what about Mtn Nigeria, Globacom, Etisalat, Airtel Nigeria.
anu10 0 Newbie Poster
i want to send sms to mobile phones from web site . is there any solution for this using php?
Tko_1 0 Junior Poster
$info = date("d/m/y : H:i:s", time());
echo $info;
$number = $_POST['number'];
$provider = $_POST['provider'];
$message = $_POST['message'];
if((is_numeric($number)) && (is_numeric($provider)) && ((strlen($message))<120) && ((strlen($number))==10) && ($provider<17) && ($provider>0)){
if($provider == '1'){$ext='@message.alltel.com';}
elseif($provider == '2'){$ext='@cingularme.com';}
elseif($provider == '3'){$ext='@mms.mycricket.com';}
elseif($provider == '4'){$ext='@mymetropcs.com';}
elseif($provider == '4'){$ext='@metropcs.sms.us';}
elseif($provider == '4'){$ext='@metropcs.com';}
elseif($provider == '5'){$ext='@messaging.nextel.com';}
elseif($provider == '6'){$ext='@messaging.sprintpcs.com';}
elseif($provider == '7'){$ext='@tmomail.net';}
elseif($provider == '8'){$ext='@email.uscc.net';}
elseif($provider == '9'){$ext='@vtext.com';}
elseif($provider == '10'){$ext='@vmobl.com';}
elseif($provider == '11'){$ext='@txt.bellmobility.ca';}
elseif($provider == '12'){$ext='@fido.ca';}
elseif($provider == '13'){$ext='@text.mts.net';}
elseif($provider == '14'){$ext='@pcs.rogers.com';}
elseif($provider == '15'){$ext='@sms.sasktel.com';}
elseif($provider == '16'){$ext='@msg.telus.com';}
$headers = 'From: [emailaddress-from]' . "\r\n" .
'Reply-To: [emailaddress-from]' . "\r\n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
$message_sms = "$message\n";
if(mail($to, '', $message_sms, $headers))
$msg = 'Sent Successfully';$number='';$provider='';$message='';
else {
$msg = 'Error! Please return shortly.';
}else{$msg='Try again. Fill out all fields';}
echo $msg;
<form method="post" action="sms.php" name="submit"><table>
<tr><td>To: (10 digits)</td><td><input name="number" type="text" maxlength="10" /></td></tr>
<tr><td>Select Provider:</td><td><select name="provider"><option>Select Carrier</option><option value='1'>Alltel</option><option value='2'>AT&T</option><option value='3'>Cricket</option><option value='4'>Metro PCS</option><option value='5'>Nextel</option><option value='6'>Sprint PCS</option><option value='7'>T-Mobile</option><option value='8'>Us Cellular</option><option value='9'>Verizon</option><option value='10'>Virgin Mobile</option><option value='11'>Bell (CA)</option><option value='12'>Fido (CA)</option><option value='13'>MTS (CA)</option><option value='14'>Rogers (CA)</option><option value='15'>Sasktel (CA)</option><option value='16'>Telus (CA)</option></select></td></tr>
<tr><td>Message:</td><td><textarea name="message" type="text" value=<?php echo $info ?>></textarea></td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send" /></td></tr>
chrishea 182 Nearly a Posting Virtuoso
This topic comes up on a very regular basis. Some of the confusion on this is that the availability of free services depends on where you are and which Carrier you need to send to. This service is at the discretion of the Carriers and they don't seem to publish any detailed Terms of Service with respect to how many (free) email-SMS messages you can send at one time / per day / per month etc. They do have the right to cut you off but I think that the limit is fairly generous (but that does depend on each Carrier).
A catch is that you have to know more than just the phone number to do this right. You need to know which Carrier each recipient uses so you can build the appropriate email address. If you just bomb all of the Carriers with all of the phone numbers in the expectation that this will get everything through in a very dirty way, then that might lead to you being cut off (if you are persistently sending a lot of volume this way). Thus, it works best when you have people registering to receive things from you by text and they can then tell you which Carrier they use.
This article provides quite a lot of info on this topic, including the SMS email addresses for Carriers in various parts of the world.
If you need to send text messages for a serious business purpose (you need assurance that they will get through); if you are going to be sending a lot of volume; if you want to be able to access replies in your application; or, if you want to be able to send the message without knowing who the Carrier is, then you should sign up for a paid service. I have experimented with Twillio (so far just outbound) from PHP and it wasn't difficult to get it working. There are many paid interfaces to choose from.
danielpeterson -3 Light Poster
Have you observed that when you try to use some of those 100 % free SMS online services, 50 % of time they don’t work? Well, most of them never proved helpful for me when all I tried to do was deliver a written text from my pc at home to my Verizon mobile phone! Not only that, but some of them start to junk the contact number with written text ads.
So in this article, I will discuss the 100 % free SMS text messaging sites last, as you really should prevent using them unless you have no other choice. Fortunately, there are some genuine ways to deliver a written text from your pc without having to use sketchy sites who might offer your information and junk you.
happygeek 2,411 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
In what article? You are posting a lot of nonsense all over the place, please cease and desist...
sammry -3 Light Poster
I have heard sa far good about www.smsgatewaycenter.com from India. They help you in basic script in PHP. But again, its a a paid service using HTTP API.
Free SMS Service providers collect your valuable data and tamper with it, do not trust them with your valuable data.
almostbob commented: self serving spamvertising garbage, go away -3
Sangeeta_2 0 Newbie Poster
You just need to integrate SMS API into your website code With below Steps:
Integrating HTTP API Download sendsms php class code
Use below code in your file to send sms
include 'sendsms.php';
$sendsms=new sendsms("http://alerts.springedge.com/api"
, "API key HERE", "sender ID HERE");
$sendsms->send_sms("99xxxxxxxx", "MESSAGE HERE"
, "", "xml");
for CMS like joomla, opencart, woo commerce, zencart, wordpress, SpringEdge's messaging Modules can be used. Get API Key from Spring Edge Messaging Gateway Provider.
Bishnoi_1 0 Newbie Poster
There are some providers who provides it for free ( but you have to put their name in bottom of your website ) you can enqire with Spring Edge SMS Gateway.
eg: ishipshop.com is using Spring Edge Messaging for free.
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