how to send sms from web site to mobile
Can some please help , script to be used php
Thank you

liton1978 commented: Haram jada +0

how to send sms from web site to mobile
Can some please help , script to be used php
Thank you

how to send sms from web site to mobile
Can some please help , script to be used php
Thank you

if you find the solutin plz tel me about it,bec. i need the script


commented: please can someone helpanswer +0

i need to send the sms from my nokia mobile, without sms provider (using At commands)
* i have the vb script to do that ,but i need it in PHP

i need to send the sms from my nokia mobile, without sms provider (using At commands)
* i have the vb script to do that ,but i need it in PHP

If was it so easily done, don't you think everybody would be using it?

There's a section on what AT commands to use at, the site also has links to some software libraries .

A search on sourceforge also lists a lot of sms related software.

Do you want to send sms from a local application running on your pc? Php wouldn't be the natural choice of language to do that but you'll find ready build programs and libraries in perl, java, & .net which you can just exec from php.

Do you want to send an sms from your website via a mobile connected to your local pc? If so look at, with which you can setup your own sms gateway using your mobile.

I have feeling that he wants to run something for free, which at the present time is not possible as mobile companies will not tolerate it...

I have feeling that he wants to run something for free, which at the present time is not possible as mobile companies will not tolerate it...

am not looking for free sms

i just wont to send the sms from my mobile by attaching it to the com port

i need the php cod that can read text from the textbox in the form and the receiver Number and then open an connection to the "COM' port (the mobile attached to this port ) and send the "AT" commands that to the mobile which sends the sms


OK, if your mobile is attached to the COM port (i.e. rs232 serial port - *NOT* usb), then you should download the php_serial class.
Then look at this blog for some notes on how to send AT codes. The correct AT codes to use are in some of the previous links I posted.

Hi friend...I have been into this SMS gate way stuff ..I used many sms gateways like OZEKI ,Mcore etc. ...But the problem is all of them are paid softwares and so it does have limitations.So i tried making an sms gateway of my own and by gods grace i succeded.I used Serial port communication using and AT commands for communicating with the modem. ..Its working perfectly for me.I can send and receive sms using this ... I put some tutorials in my website

I know this tutorial is not complete,but it covers the most tedious task i faced,ie to convert text message to PDU format which most mobile phones recognizes. The rest is not that tough

I can get you the code if you need.Please contact me ...
Or else if u prefer using OZeki ,here is the tutorial for using those kind of stuffs


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