I am trying to connect a Flash client socket (XML) to a php socket server (using Flash 8 and php 5).
My php socket server responds correctly when I connect to it with a php client socket but fails when I try to connect with the flash xml client socket.
Both codes are included below - they are both in the same folder on the web site and I am only trying to get them to connect.
THE PHP SOCKET SERVER (run on browser for the moment - daemon later when sorted!)
// set some variables
$host = "my ip address";
$port = 1234;
// don't timeout!
// create socket
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP) or die("Could not create socket\n");
// bind socket to port
$result = socket_bind($socket, $host, $port) or die("Could not bind to socket\n");
// start listening for connections
$result = socket_listen($socket, 5) or die("Could not set up socketlistener\n");
// accept incoming connections
// spawn another socket to handle communication
$spawn = socket_accept($socket) or die("Could not accept incomingconnection\n");
// read client input
$input = socket_read($spawn, 1024) or die("Could not read input\n");
$output = "Hello"."\0";
socket_write($spawn, $output, strlen ($output)) or die("Could not write output\n");
// close sockets
THE FLASH CLIENT SERVER (this is a one frame swf run on a simple web page)
mySocket = new XMLSocket();
mySocket.onConnect = function(success) {
if (success) {msgArea.htmlText += "<b>Server connection established!</b>";} else {
msgArea.htmlText += "<b>Server connection failed!</b>";}
mySocket.onClose = function() {
msgArea.htmlText += "<b>Server connection lost</b>";
XMLSocket.prototype.onData = function(msg) {
msgArea.htmlText += msg;
mySocket.connect("my ip address", 1234);