Have never worked with either so just at this point trying to get the environment up and running.

Yesterday I downloaded:
1. SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP2

2. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit

3.HTML-Kit build 292
did a PHP hello world and was not able to preview it in HTML-Kit IDE

Now I am reading posts on other boards that I have to
Set up a web server on my network (which is wireless)
Set up a domain on my network

There has to be an easier way

Any insights would be very much appreciated.


All you need is Wamp. Just install wamp and it will configure apache, mysql and php for you :)

Yes, the two most common dev platforms are the WAMP(Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP) and LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stacks. If you are using Windows, as nav33n said, you would want the WAMP stack.

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