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115 Posted Topics
Hi All, I havefollowing code and getting error "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'elseif' (T_ELSEIF) in C:\xampp\htdocs\SMR\index.php on line 13". Wehen i remove elseif and keep only if it just checks the first condition and ignor the second. When i put back elseif i get error. Please to fix this … | |
Hi Good Evening All, Hope all are fine during this current situation. Currently i am facinf some issue after sudden power shut the HP Z840 Workstation is not loading the operating system i tried following: 1. Tried to repair the OS but in the repair screen no OS to select. … | |
Dear All, Good Morning! I am facing this issue i tried a lot but not able to find the issue with this function when i call this function i get error Argument not specified for parameter 'LVL' of 'Public Function UL(LVL As String) As String' The code is listed below, … | |
Hi, Good Evening to everyone! I am preparing one application facing some challenges, the scenrio is to send email when a user enter a complaint in the system to the assigned user the assigned user have email address already in the system the email notification should go to assigned user … | |
Dear All, I am trying to read a CSV file into VB.NET datagridview which is fine i did already but one of datagridview coloumn is date and time i want to convert it to human readable format and want to read the correct format in date and time column in … | |
Dear Friends, Good Day, I am facing an issue in one of the functions the code is given below if someone can help on this actually this function is supposed to check the work ordewr number if it's nulll then it is suppose to take default value as 4999 and … | |
Re: firs of all you should add these libraries in your form [CODE]Imports System Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.OleDb[/CODE] Then copy and pase this code hope this would help you. [CODE]If ComboBox1.Text = "" Then MessageBox.Show("Please Select a Search Field From Combobox!", " You Software name ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) ElseIf TextBox5.Text = … | |
Dear All, How Can i prevent duplicate record entry in vb.net. Please help | |
Dear All, 1. How can i enter data in flex grid and then press save button to enter data in access db with out using text boxes? 2. How to bind record set with flex grid? Please give me sample code which should for add edit delete data from db … | |
Hi All, I want to ask you a question. Can you tell me how can i record a call from my phone to my PC? What method should i adopt? Should my telephone is is connected to my PC through a wire? | |
Dear All, I have one PDC and one ADC my ADC(Additional Domain Controller Has been crashed) now i want to make new ADC but i receive error please view the attached image for error detail please advice me how to complete this task | |
Hi all, Can anybody tell me how can i give option to user to design there own reports???? i.e They should be able to define 1. Report Title 2. Reports Fields(When they click on Work Order button they should be able to view Work Order Table column and they should … | |
I am auto generating data grid and I am using check box in Data grid View, Now i am invoking check box state changed event but it produces the following error Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types. Here the … | |
How can we apply wipe in and wipe out animation on VB.NET form. | |
Re: Change the column type from text to memo. | |
Dear All, Here is my code i am generating data grid manually on run time i want to assign a default value to REC ST column, i have tried but it didn't assign default value please view the last line of this peace of code. [CODE] Dim clmprno As New … | |
Dear All, [CODE]for /f "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do set fdate=%%a%%b%%c for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5 delims=: " %%a in ('time /t') do set ftime=%%a%%b%%c%%d%%e exp userid=HR/HR@dummy file=C:\BACKUP\backup%fdate%%ftime%.dmp log=C:\BACKUP\backup%fdate%%ftime%.log[/CODE] This scripts works fine but my requirement is when this script run it should make a folder its name should … | |
Dear All, I want to print a crystal report on which the contents are displayed on first page(which i already have don) and the Instruction always should displayed on second page how can i do this???? Please help me | |
Re: I think You should use Textbox name instead column name in your insert statement in values section you are entering your column name you should use textbox name follow this example [CODE]sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO tracker(TrioleNo,TrioleOpenDate,Description,Qty,Price) VALUES ('" & Me.Textbox1.Text & "','" & Me.Textbox2.Text & "','" & Me.Textbox3.Text & "','" … | |
Dear all, I have problem i have table name "WO" in oracle db i want "Whenever I start my program, I want it it look at all the works orders, and if any works order has a date that is exactly one month before today's date, then I want the … | |
Re: Which language are you using??? and which database are you using??? | |
Re: First of all you must create a textbox on your form then enter type in text box and change this line of code [CODE] com = New OleDbCommand("select partname,partdesc,partnum,partqty from partno WHERE type = '" & textbox1.Text & "'", cn)[/CODE] Hope this would help you. | |
When i pass the parameter and run the report it works fine as i close the form it closes the form is there any way so that i should be able to close the crystal report viewer and pass the parameter again and should be able to view report again. … | |
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How can we disable a cell of datagrid in vb.net and how to show date in datagrid cell in vb.net | |
Here is the code which is working fine for me on another form but creating problem when i use the same code on another form it gives me this error message when i try to insert a new record in DB "Value cannot be null Parameter name: Data Table" and … | |
Re: Uninstall the visual studio then install it it would resolve the issue. | |
Re: First of all you should mention the language you are using is it VB.NET if yes then here is the code [CODE] Private Sub DataGridView1_UserAddedRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.UserAddedRow If DataGridView1.Rows(e.Row.Index).IsNewRow Then If e.Row.Index = 1 Then DataGridView1.Rows(e.Row.Index - 1).Cells(0).Value = e.Row.Index Else DataGridView1.Rows(e.Row.Index - … | |
Re: Yes [B][COLOR="black"]debasisdas[/COLOR][/B] is right you must show your code so that anybody could be able to help you. | |
Dear All, How can i change the dtPicker style to 2D i.e what i want i want to have dtpicker in my textbox when i click in text box then the dtpicker should open how to achieve this please help me if it is possible in VB.NET. Thanks in advance. |
The End.