I Have Decode File That I need
I Found It Ofbuscated
I Have The Codes
I Want To Anyone Help Me With That

$xBhtml = _obfuscate_DQc7KjMhKzgCMSwmATFbKjM2OSMkFyIے ( "table.tpl", $ccthemes );

In Function php

$khtml = _obfuscate_DQc7KjMhKzgCMSwmATFbKjM2OSMkFyIے( "main.tpl", $gthemes );

I don't understand what you want help with?

_obfuscate_DQc7KjMhKzgCMSwmATFbKjM2OSMkFyIے = Function

What is The Function ..

Ask the person who encoded the file.

Ask the person who encoded the file.

He Left The Net From 2010

You need to know the name of the decoder. Without that, just try every single decoder you can find.

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