Hello Everybody ! i have a few questions for u
I have already made an appointment booking website on PHP using PHP Designer as editor and on WAMP platform, i run it on localhost. The website consults Database and puts forward the times available and lets users fix appointments and stores fixed appointments back into Db.THIS is running fine.
Main problem-->Now i want to build a mobile application on Android platform that could be integrated to that same database, once i upload the website on internet, and offer the same functionality of booking appointments on Mobile phonesas my website.
1) Is it possible? (and i assume the answer is yes)
2) which language do i use to write the code for my android app?
3) If answer of the above question is JAVA ,then do i have to learn J2ME first (i know core java/SL-275 only)
4) how much time do u think will it take me to learn and develop such app approx?