Hello Mac users,

I'm trying to hook up my husbands dell printer with my mac. We have two printers in our office and it's crowded. I wanted to get rid of my hp printer, the two printers are about the same. I can't figure out this printer driver thing. I know Dell printers are Lexmark. I tried to find out which Lexmark is the same as the Dell 926, but nothings working. I tired the Linux website and GimpPrint. If anyone knows anything else I can try, please let me know. Thanks!

The Dell 926 All-In-One printer is not supported on Mac OS X. Regardless of the underlying brand, there are no drivers available for Mac, and there's nothing you can do about it. Linux drivers won't work either as they're written for a different operating system.

Thanks John, I appreciate you letting me know. I can stop researching now. The clutter will have to stay.


I have a Dell AIO 926 printer and I am trying to find the software to download. Does anyone know where I can find the software? I have an iMac.

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