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293 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

In the alternative energy movement, the mantra is a simple one: go to where you want to be – not where you are now. Think of hockey great Wayne Gretzky, who once said “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it is has been, or …

Member Avatar for arslan_12
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Feast or famine (probably famine); 2009 should be another interesting year for the tech sector. After all, any industry that can provide sexual performance drugs (Viagra) for the CIA to give to Afghan warlords is always going to find room on the front pages of every news outlet in the …

Member Avatar for sophieharris
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

I want to get to the impact of the current economic crisis on tech workers, but first a word on U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulsen, who engineered the mammoth $700 federal bailout of Wall Street with your tax dollars. And your kids' future tax dollars, and their kids' future tax …

Member Avatar for georgewhite
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Uh-oh. When Barack Obama promised change, this wasn't what Wall Street was hoping for. The market was down, big time, today as investor came to grips with an Obama administration and its taxing impact on the investor class. Today's headline said it all: "Stocks fall as investors ponder Obama …

Member Avatar for foxlion
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Is today the worst day of the recession? A lot of people seem to think so. I’ll get into that in a moment, in an otherwise light trading day for technology stocks. I think we’re seeing a run out of tech this week and into more stable companies, especially in …

Member Avatar for amandkumar
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

A new normal? That’s what one financial services guru says America consumers can expect now that the housing market has collapsed and people are losing their jobs in droves. “The worst is yet to come," adds Howard Davidowitz, chairman of Davidowitz & Associates. He thinks that the once lofty American's …

Member Avatar for debthelpsource
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Intel is killing the tech sector this morning, down six percent in trading – to $14.40 per share – after a particularly dismal earnings outlook. I’ll get into the details in a moment, but it’s worth noting that we can’t just point the icy finger of guilt at Intel. I’m …

Member Avatar for debthelpsource
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

The Street is still buzzing about Apple and its amazing quarterly performance numbers, boosted by solid iPod and iPhone sales, especially in the month of March. Apple’s stock is selling at $125 per share right now, but there is no shortage of analysts who believe that stock price is a …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

It’s no secret that one big key to unlocking the business and consumer technology spending lockbox is easier credit from banks and other lenders. On the surface, the better-than-expected earnings news from big banks like Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase gave a much-needed boost to that theory. …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Will the tech sector lead an economic turnaround? thinks so. This week, Peter C. Beller writes that Monday’s IBM revenues numbers and the fallout from the proposed Oracle and Sun Microsystems could lay the groundwork for an economic rebound. I’ll get to the IBM numbers in a moment, but …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

I want to get to GameStop and the overall video game market, which finally seems to be losing steam. But tech is going nowhere until we straighten the banking mess out and this week’s earnings report from perhaps the biggest bank out there - Citi – is being falsely touted …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

So much for a “glimmer of hope”. Wall Street is looking more skeptically at claims from Washington that the economy is getting better. The stock market is down about 45 points in late morning trading, after more layoffs were announced by U.S. companies (Yahoo (YHOO) being one of them – …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Google stock was up yesterday, down this morning and everyone has an opinion for the yo-yo effect currently frustrating Google investors. At the top of the list of issues is actually a projected issue – Google’s first quarter earnings which come out on Thursday. The sentiment is a downward one …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

President Obama – who only weeks ago warned of the greatest financial meltdown since the Great Depression if his $1.1 trillion stimulus package wasn’t passed by Congress - now says that he sees a “glimmer of hope” that the financial trauma is ending and that things could be stabilizing. Call …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

If you’re holding shares in (StockQuote: CRM) it might be time to sell. So says Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Nemeroff. The analyst slashed his rating on from “hold” to “sell” and says that the online sales giant’s current stock price of $36 is about $10 higher than his …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Is it time to get back into the market? I don’t think so – if it walks like a sucker’s market, talks like a sucker’s market, and squawks like a sucker’s market, it’s a sucker’s market. Tech Ticker’s Aaron Task agrees. He says today that the U.S. still haven't dealt …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

The Nasdaq is down 43 points this morning, with Google (down $12) and RIMM (down $3) leading the charge down the hill, so to speak. I think we’re seeing the first symptoms of anther false bottom, which sounds incredible after hearing from so many experts on Wall Street that the …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

It didn’t take long for CA to pay the price for the lower earnings outlook that popped up among Wall Street analysts last week. The stock fell 3% today after Jefferies analyst Katherine Egbert downgraded CA to “hold” from “buy”, and lowered her target price for the computer giant’s stock …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Apple is reportedly coming out with a new iPhone that will be so popular to consumers that it will drive the price of Apple’s stock up to over $140 per share. That’s the view of Barclays Capital analyst Ben Reitzes, who upped his target price this morning on Apple from …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Cisco isn’t putting the fear of God into Hewlett-Packard over its new entry into the blade server market. But even so, Cisco is seeing a nice run-up in its stock over the last three weeks - from under $13 per share to $17.50 per share – so Cisco shareholders don’t …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

My first job on Wall Street was on the equity options floor of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, running trades for Bear Stearns’ clients, mostly market maker and floor brokers trading on their own accounts or for affluent clients. Options are a tricky beast, and I don’t recommend that average investors …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

I’m back from a timely and tropical Florida break, and now I’m tanned, rested and ready to talk tech stocks. Issue #1 is Research in Motion, a stock on the upswing (at $44 per share) on news that it plans to roll out a new, full-service TV feature in the …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

On January 9, Google’s stock was at a historic low – at $290 per share – it spiked upward to $380 per share in mid-February before settling in at its current state at $340. Now, that’s a lot of volatility, even in this wild stock market environment. But Google has …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Now that the news is out on IBM’s proposed $6.5 billion purchase of Sun Microsystems, analysts are in a lather over why Big Blue wants to make the deal. The Wall Street Journal originally broke the story, reporting that the merger “could help IBM in the finance and telecommunications markets …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

When you rush legislation through Washington, like Congress did with the two financial sector bailout bills, you lose the right to complain when the outcome blows up in your face That means you Senator Chris Dodd, who actually inserted the language in the $170 billion AIG bailout bill guaranteeing the …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

One more note on the solar energy piece I wrote about yesterday. Evidently, the bad news on solar energy has made its way across the country. According to Barclays Capital analyst Vishal Shah early today, two solar energy stocks have seen their ratings cut due to lousy demand for solar …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

CNBC has a list of big name U.S. companies that could slide into default – meaning they won’t be able to meet their financial obligations, including paying their employees. There are a few technology companies on CNBC’s liability list, and it makes for an interesting slideshow – but only if …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

There’s a lot of talk about ‘dead cat” bounces in the financial markets these days. Nobody really knows if the stock market has hit bottom, but last week’s rebound continues into Monday, after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke went on “60 Minutes” and said that the recession could abate if …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Tech employees are starting to take matters into their own hands, with some apparently not above kidnapping. Our story begins in southwestern France, at a soon-to-be-closed Sony plant where employees had suffered numerous layoffs. Frustrated with the aggressive pace of the layoffs, and the seeming arrogance among Sony execs in …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

The stock market is up about 10 points, trying to find some buoyancy after yesterday’s big 400-point gain. Traders credit two events for the quick market turnaround: Citi coming out and saying it actually made a profit during the last quarter and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announcing that the …

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The End.