6 Topics

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Member Avatar for jkon

"Is DaniWeb under a grand attack or just suffering from many small cuts with no purpose?" I’ve written about this before. Many AI-driven accounts here post once, share a brief sentence, and disappear without any ads or clear purpose, only to return to obscurity. I’ve been trying to understand their …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

A big problem today is that people have forgotten the purpose of language. In my day (cue Seth Meyers routine) language was intended to convey ideas from one person to another. Similarly to data transmission, we want to get the information from one person to another as quickly and as …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i have a code files in php + mysql database , so now i want to make them online on some free hosting site. i am totalyy blank about this, so how to make it online so the world could see

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Member Avatar for umitkhanna

Hi, I have created a personal blog based upon wordpress, please let me know if any one is earning good money using these blogs? Also I would like to know the suggestions to get more traffic on this website, I have managed to get arround 100 visitors a day. The …

Member Avatar for weber444
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Last week I opened my [URL="http://www.feedburner.com/"]Feedburner[/URL] account to check the daily traffic statistics for my [URL="http://byronmiller.typepad.com"]by Ron Miller[/URL] blog. There was a link at the top of the page encouraging me to transfer my Feedburner account, which Google had purchased back in 2007, to my Google account. Seemed like a …

Member Avatar for LimeMediaHawaii
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

The times of generating profits via blogs are probably limited. I remember even a few years ago when many bloggers touted making beyond 6 figure just by blogging. What do you think?

Member Avatar for MktgRob

The End.