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800 Posted Topics
Re: You are going to need a database backend for your application. You will need to do the following: 1)Compose a list of things you need to store and keep track of. a)Inventory b)Customers c)Ect... 2)Tear down the storage items to their most simple (atomic) state to create your tables. a)Lookup … | |
Re: You could try a different method and define a structure..... Dim stud(24) As Students Dim tmpStud As Students Structure Students Dim StudentName As String Dim CumulativeScores As Double End Structure For i = 0 To stud.Count - 2 If stud(i).CumulativeScores > stud(i + 1).CumulativeScores Then tmpStud = stud(i + 1) … | |
Re: Are you sure the path is correct? You can verify it by doing this: If File.Exists("C:\Users\Abdueie\Desktop\BMS\Bridge Asset Management\Bridge Asset Management\bin\Debug\Adigrat.accdb") Then MsgBox("It is there!") Else MsgBox("Path May Be Wrong!") | |
Re: You will need a seperate table for the customer. Something Like ::Table Name: Cust_info:: ::Column 1:cust_id:: ::Column 2:cust_name:: ::Column 3:cust_charges:: ::Column 4:cust_payed:: | |
Re: Below you will find a very brute force way or measuring this: Private Function CountChar(ByVal c As Char, ByVal sSource As String, ByVal bCaseSensitive As Boolean) As Integer Try If Not bCaseSensitive Then sSource = sSource.ToLower c = Char.ToLower(c) End If Dim istart As Integer = InStr(sSource, c) Dim istop … | |
Re: There a couple methods you can use: [PrintForm](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.visualbasic.powerpacks.printing.printform(v=vs.80).aspx) and [PrintDocument](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.drawing.printing.printdocument.aspx) Printform sends an image of the active form to the printer. (Simple output) PrintDocument sends the output to the printer, but you have to specify the output. PrintDocument sounds like what you are wanting. | |
Hello Daniweb, and thank you for taking the time to read this post. I have a question of efficiency. I am wondering, what is the most efficient way to print from a listview. The listview's values are loaded from a database, and I would like to print from that listview. … | |
Re: You can use [Microsoft's Alternative](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms252073.aspx) to Crystal Reports. You can also try [this](http://www.fyireporting.com/index.html), although it is one I have not tried personally. | |
Re: You can make use of the [PrintForm class](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.visualbasic.powerpacks.printing.printform(v=vs.80).aspx) from the Power Packs. For example: Public Class Form2 Public WriteOnly Property _PrintForm As Boolean Set(value As Boolean) If value = True Then Dim pf As New PrintForm pf.Form = Me pf.PrintAction = PrintToPrinter pf.Print() End If End Set End Property End … | |
Here is a small extention of the Panel class that allows you to 'collapse' it. So far, the user can place a control on the parent form and perform a collapse/expantion by: 'Where cpNew is a Collapsible Panel If Not cpNew.PanelCollapsed Then cpNew.Collapse() 'or If cpNew.PanelCollapsed Then cpNew.Expand() I will … | |
Re: Please post the code that is throwing the given error. | |
Re: Have you tried making use of [IsNumeric](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6cd3f6w1%28v=vs.90%29.aspx)? For example: For Each row As DataRow In dts.Tables("[Sheet1$]").Rows If IsNumeric(row(0)) Then If row(0).ToString.StartsWith("98") Then Dim cell1, cell3 As String Dim col1, col2, col3, col4 As String col1 = String.Empty col2 = String.Empty col3 = String.Empty col4 = String.Empty cell1 = row(0).ToString cell3 … | |
Re: Without seeing your data we can not answer the question effectively. One method would be to write queriest to select the data you wish to receive based on a date field. For Example: 'For 2014-2015 "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE MyDateCol BETWEEN '01/01/2014 01:01:01' AND '12/31/2014 23:59:59'" 'For 2015-2016 "SELECT … | |
Re: Try wrapping your div in an [UpdatePanel](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.updatepanel%28v=vs.110%29.aspx). This will allow you to update only that part of the page without calling a full postback. | |
Re: This will be a simple File.Move: IO.File.Move("SourceFilePath", "DestinationFilePath") | |
Re: Your question is quite a bit incomplete. Please provide us with the following information so that we can help you find a solution! =) What control are you displaying your data in? Are you wanting to format this data a certain way? Have you attempted this thus far? Even with … | |
Re: This is a shell function called [SHFileOperation](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb762164%28v=vs.85%29.aspx). [Here](http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/shell32.SHFileOperation) is an article that you might want to read over. | |
Re: A SELECT CASE would look something like: Select Case Mid(txtLine, 18, 1) Case "G", "T", "C", "W" 'Do this stuff only for those Case Else 'Do some stuff End Select [Here](http://www.dotnetperls.com/select-case-vbnet) is an article that might help you get a little better understanding. | |
Re: In the NewWindow event of the browser control, you can use the following code: e.Cancel = True WebBrowser1.Navigate(New URI(DirectCast(sender, WebBrowser).StatusText)) This will force the active web browser to navigate to the clicked item. | |
Re: Just an additional note: if using OleDB then your queries will need to have '?' instead of a paramter name. For example: cmd.CommandText="INSERT INTO tblMyTable (someString,someDate,someNumber) VALUES (?,?,?)" cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@someString",MyStringValue) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@someDate",MyDateValue) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@someNumber",MyNumberValue) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() | |
Re: Q: What do you call a dog which has no legs? A: Anything you want; he's still not coming to you. | |
Re: [Here](http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?727399-VB-NET-Screen-Recorder-with-audio-Converts-to-MPEG-4-video-now-Update-29-Dec-13) is a project posted on VBForums that will complete that task. You can study it in detail to get an idea for creating your own. | |
Re: Way back when (about 7 years ago) I tried this for a friend. He had an old busted dvr he wanted fixed. I fixed it....so I thought. Turns out that some of the manufacturers key the hard drives to the recorders and once the drive is removed and replaced (same … | |
Re: What is most likely happening is that you are exiting the main thread when you use Alt+F4; thus no code will fire the code to 'jam' the keyboard. | |
Re: Other than upgrading the memory a little, I see no problem using xUbuntu. You may want to go up to 4gb if possible. | |
Re: Most mother boards have a crash free bios that has a backup of the OEM bios settings. I am assuming you have attempted to boot the pc in safe mode and scan it that way. I suggest booting into a linux live environment to disinfect the problem drive. Something like … | |
Re: Please post the code that you have in your fol_hide_load procedure. | |
Re: A few questions would be: What carrier? Do you want external storage? Do you prefer a certain OS? |
The End.