Hey. Anyone can suggest me a smartphone that dont pass $200 (around) and is a good phone too?
And something else, anyone have information about "huawei ascend mate 7" ?

A few questions would be:

What carrier?
Do you want external storage?
Do you prefer a certain OS?

commented: I prefer android os +0

For an unlocked device that can use a SIM (assuming you are going with a GSM device) from any provider, then $200 is pretty cheap. Take a look on Amazon.com. I have several, ranging from an old Nexus One (freebee from Google), to a Nokia 920 (freebee from Nokia when I left their employ), to a OnePlusOne which I purchased to replace the Nexus One. That one cost me about $350 USD, is very capable, has great battery life, 64GB storage, and 2GB RAM. I also have a company Samsung Galaxy S5 that has similar capabilities to the OnePlusOne, but also has a swapable battery and a micro-sd card slot.

Both the Samsung and the OnePlusOne should work on any GSM network (international) and I think they also have non-GSM capabilities as well, but I haven't tried that. I think I would need to visit Japan to find out! :-)

commented: ok thanks for ur advice! +0

I think Gionee Marathon M3 is a good choice. It costs $179. I love it because it features a 5.000mAh battery and has a nice design.

commented: thanks for your reply! +0
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