13 Topics

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Member Avatar for EmmaRose123

**Hi everyone,** I'm planning to take the AZ-900 (Microsoft Azure Fundamentals) certification exam and would love to hear your advice on the best strategies for passing it. Specifically, I have a few questions: **Study Materials:** What are the most effective resources for studying for the AZ-900 exam? Are there any …

Member Avatar for payerkordiak
Member Avatar for shannu97013

Linting is going smoothly because we are using the super-linter docker image on the Microsoft-hosted Azure DevOps agent. However, we must export these logs outside the agent and prepare the output of the super-linter execution. We'll attempt to make a dashboard for the problems that the linter is looking for. …

Member Avatar for Marie_7

Hello anyone? Does anyone track time? My new project manager requires our team to track time and this is the first time this is happening to us. We are about to use TMetric app. Can you share your experience?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for sganandhsg

Hi All, Basically, am using Azure Repos Git as for my source control with Azure Devops. I am using automated build and deploy process. Here, having one branch (for example master) within this branch having Multiple projects in different folder names (like, Project1, Project2, Project3, Project4...etc and one Common folder …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for pradeep_12

I am new to Office 365 API. We have a requirement of developing a Web API, that will access office 365 APIs for accessing calendar information, send emails etc. I have an Azure account with Administrative access. I also have a Office 365 tenant with a system account. I have …

Member Avatar for lauraroxi

Is it possible/compatible to use Session Types in Java for a cloud-based application using Windows Azure (SDK for Java)?

Member Avatar for owenransen

I want to port some graphics applications in C++ which compile to Windows Executables to run as WEB apps. I don't want to throw away all the code I've written in C++, so it seems to me that Microsoft Azure would be prefect. My idea is that I learn to …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for pritaeas

I want to have the following on SQL Azure: IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [sys].[databases] WHERE [name] = db_name() AND [compatibility_level] = 110) BEGIN ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Test] AS BEGIN -- Omitted body containing lots of strings END END or a work-around that does something similar. What follows is what I'm trying …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for owenransen

As a first part of really using Windows Azure I'd like to use C# running on Azure to verify the license code of a program I'm about to issue the upgrade for. I'm planning on porting the whole thing to the cloud, but to gain experience I'd like to license …

Member Avatar for owenransen
Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]15786[/ATTACH]At Microsoft's [URL="http://www.digitalwpc.com/"]Worldwide Partner Conference[/URL] in Washington, D.C. this week, the digital diplodocus will announce its lumbering movement into the cloud along with an appeal for its partners to hold hands and make the leap as well. For those partners that are still a little hesitant to make the jump, …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I came up with an idea this week: What if Microsoft made Windows open source? Before you accuse of me of link baiting, I believe this idea has merit for several reasons. It will reduce the cost of development, put the power of the community behind supporting what's become an …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

All last week, Microsoft was trying desperately to shift the spotlight from Vista, the OS that has become a major liability for the software giant. To that end, Microsoft made a flurry of announcements including Azure, the newly announced cloud platform, the Windows 7 Alpha and a preliminary view of …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

This week at the Professional Developer's Conference in Los Angeles, Microsoft made a big splash by announcing a new [URL="http://cooney.typepad.com/lauren_cooneys_blog/2008/10/welcome-azure-qa-from-the-experts.html"]cloud computing initiative it's calling Azure[/URL]. It's significant on several levels. First of all Microsoft wants to compete with services like [URL="http://aws.amazon.com/"]Amazon S3[/URL] and offer online storage and online computational services. …


The End.