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75 Posted Topics
Re: I've had the problem on my Vista machine a few times as well. Have you emptied the recycle bin? If you have, then the file is really deleted, but windows is just showing the place holder. Try reindexing. Go to START click in the SEARCH box at the bottom and … | |
Re: No beep sounds, no fans, nothing means: motherboard is bad. Sometimes a bad motherboard can affect the CPU, sometimes it doesn't. To fix the problem your only option is to at least replace the motherboard. :( | |
Re: What is the error message you get when trying to open the pages? This could be a DNS problem, or could be something with Java, or some other problem like a hijack program (disguised as a toolbar or something else). | |
I am writing a simple shell script to automate a simple backup of a website and it's database. This is the working code: [CODE]#!/bin/bash # creates a backup of the mysql & webdata for a specific website. TODAY=`date +%A` # these variables cannot contain any spaces and must be modified … | |
![]() | Re: When did it start? Do you have anti-virus software installed? Have you tried installing and running spybot search & destroy or malware bytes? If the change was recent, try reloading from a recent system restore point where the problem does not exist. |
Re: What is the make / model of the usb modem? It may not be Vista compatible depending on the drivers available for it (which is what I suspect the case to be). | |
Re: Hi and Dear Customer are often found as precursors to unsolicited bulk mail. It may not be a problem with the phpMailer, but a problem with what you are trying to do. Anti-Spam servers perform detections based on a number of factors. The server you are sending from should be … | |
Re: I like Vista. I've been using it for 2 years. I have a few small problems, none of which are a deal breaker. I do wish I had waited until Windows 7, but I needed a top of the line PC at the time and all of the hardware needed … | |
Re: If this is a .BAT file, you will have to run it or the associated command prompt window with Administrative privileges to get this to work. Also, for your syntax problem, try this: REG ADD "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v Wallpaper /t REG_SZ /d C:\Windows\newbackground.bmp /f I also found on the web, … | |
Re: I've actually had to train myself to not put in any recipients of an email until after I have composed it due to a couple of early clicks or an accidental keystroke sending of an email (CTRL-S instead of say CTRL-D). Though I am skeptical that a feature like this … | |
Re: My company standardized on 8.04 LTS, so we probably won't be moving up until version 10. Our only other Linux distro that we primarily use is Fedora Core 8 as some of our solutions were not yet supported on Ubuntu. Although we have standardized, moving up early would obviously be … | |
Re: I grew up with no partiality to printed press. My dad read the paper every day (still does, or did as the case may soon be), but when I was old enough to care about reading the newspaper, I got all of it from the computer. Aside from the unfortunate … | |
Re: I'm stunned that people like Joel Anderson can hold a public office. I'm even more stunned when people behave ignorantly like Joel and manage to get RE-elected. It doesn't matter your political affiliation, I just wish people would recognize stupid when they see it and stop voting them back into … | |
Re: I am can't imagine my daughter posting nude or semi-nude photos of herself anywhere, especially online. That being said, I am horrified of the thought that our society would actually charge her with a crime for doing so. I think we've certainly lost our minds. We can't have playground equipment … | |
Re: It's their software and their training offer, so in my view they can offer it on any platform they want. I would support the same of any private enterprise. However, that's not to say I agree with them, but I understand. This is just one more item on a long … | |
Re: With DRM finally lifted on iTunes, it's still a wonder there is a black market at all. I mean what with everyone saying "It's the DRM that causes me to not buy music online!" I paid my $20 to support the DRM free switch. Where's everyone else? | |
Re: The whole notion of a social networking site "owning" what you post is ludicrous! What about photographers, journalists, book writers, artists that want to share some of their stuff with friends? They may still sell or otherwise market those materials to make a living. Actually I amend that, the whole … | |
Re: I suspect the numbers are greatly skewed by age bracket. At least here in the US I have at least 5 cousins just out of HS, but all during HS they all had mobile phones with unlimited text message plans that basically were extensions of their instant messaging applications with … | |
Re: My company is trying to get away from Sun, Unix & Microsoft platforms for an Open Source Linux platforms for multiple reasons, but the top reason we are switching is to get rid of high costs of Vendor locked software. Companies like ADP, Veritas/Symantec, IBM, McAfee have very unfriendly high … | |
Re: Unfortunately, that government "wallet" you are referring to is the tax of the people. It's a very slippery slope to start infringing on privacy to stop terrorists. They say they will only use it to stop terrorism, but every societal problem that was later deemed evil or tyrannical started with … | |
Re: That's too bad that Microsoft is resorting to dummy tactics. I too was really impressed the first time I installed Vista 32 on my brand new custom-built computer (Nov 07). Sadly, the "new and shiny" has worn off and all I am left with is an OS that is kinda … | |
Re: I think that is the single most amusing article I have read in a really long time. :) | |
Re: I like how people talk about standardization and interoperability, as if it was invented by Microsoft. Not including Office 2007, their products have always been behind the curve on both counts. Has Office 2007 gotten better? I have no idea, so I cannot comment directly about it. I'm not a … | |
Re: I don't know of any of my friends or family members that rent movies using PPV or iTunes. They are $3.99-$5.99 per rental! So I hope that Netflix pays attention to that when they offer digital rentals. With Netflix "snail mail" my wife and I get at least 12 movies … | |
Re: Try making an ISO of the CD (ignore read errors), then burn it back to a new CD. Sometimes the CRC checks are superficial and are preventing an install, but not a copy. This may not work if the CD Check figures out that it is being run from a … | |
Re: The only real concern I would have is the Windows Genuine Advantage detecting two separate installs when you try to update each of them. I admit I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to Microsoft anti-piracy tactics, but using the same install code for 2 installs, even on the … | |
Re: You could try a Windows Restore Point from Command Prompt: [URL="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/304449/"]http://support.microsoft.com/kb/304449/[/URL] If that does not work and if the HDD is still in full working condition, you would need a way to plug this HDD into another working xp machine so you can copy all of the data (pictures, websites, … | |
Re: The Win98 CD check is actually looking for a random file from a large list of files on a Windows 98 CD. Short of having the media, I don't think there is a way to slipstream an install. Any retail windows 98 CDROM should do - even if its a … | |
Re: That seems awfully big for a DLL. The only ones I can find by using Google are less than 10 MB. If you know the exact version of the dll, you might be able to find it in an online file repository. Just search Google for MSOLAP download. | |
Re: Did you break the case by accidentally dropping it? Might have also broken the drive... You can try a test by removing your current HDD and CD and only plugging in your 1TB drive. Try each SATA connector and make sure that you tell the BIOS to auto-detect drives after … |
The End.