Hi there guys!

Got problem on the unit itself.. The motherboard of the unit has power but won't turn on.. I'd tried to replace the power supply unit but the same problem persist... I have two units of these and both have same problem.. I've already tested the power supplies and they are all good.. I had changed the CMOS battery.. still same result...

Please give me any idea on how to fix this problem without changing the motherboard.. (if there is any)


Do you hear any POST (Power On Self Test) when you boot up the machine? If not it means your motherboard or a hardware within it has a problem

If you heard several beep sound than it maybe be the graphic card or RAM than is having the problem. If not than it could be your motherboard.

Do you hear any POST (Power On Self Test) when you boot up the machine? If not it means your motherboard or a hardware within it has a problem

I don't hear any beep sounds (which is weird). The motherboard won't react to any thing.

If you heard several beep sound than it maybe be the graphic card or RAM than is having the problem. If not than it could be your motherboard.

No beep sounds sir. I've tried to change the memory cards and the graphic card, as I did changing the power supply and HDD's. Still nothing, but the flea power light of the motherboard is on.

No beep sounds, no fans, nothing means: motherboard is bad. Sometimes a bad motherboard can affect the CPU, sometimes it doesn't. To fix the problem your only option is to at least replace the motherboard. :(

No beep sounds, no fans, nothing means: motherboard is bad. Sometimes a bad motherboard can affect the CPU, sometimes it doesn't. To fix the problem your only option is to at least replace the motherboard. :(

Yes sir I'm thinking of it too. I might have a dead motherboard. but I'm still looking for any solution to the problem. Thank you

no beep, no sound anything, no bios. means motherboard is 95% dead...

What about the other 5%? Is that still good?

Remove all components and start the machine. if you get a post boot. start adding components 1 by 1.

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