There is an icon on my task bar.
In my device manager, in OTHER DEVICES,there is,
MULTIMEDIA AUDIO CONTROLLER. The WIZARD is trying to install this controller, but cannot because I do not Have the disk.
I have tried, unsuccessfully, to disable, uninstall and delete, but it keeps coming back.
I think this other device has deleted my sound. I do not have any sound. I do not have a sound icon on my task bar.
Need help to get rid of the WIZARD and OTHER DEVICES to restore my sound.

You havent said what computer you have or what version of windows you are using. These are vitally important if you want your issue resolved!

Hi RIK from RCE,
Thank you for your reply. I have an Acer, model T160.
I am running Windows XP, Service pack 3.
Appreciate, very much, your help. Stellios

Click desktop, then Aspire T130, then XP drivers. The second one in the list is the one you need to download and install.

I do not have an icon,"ASPIRE T130", in my desktop.
Is there another way to get to "XP DRIVERS"?
Should have mentioned that I have the Home Edition XP.
Really appreciate your time and help. Stellios

Sorry, I meant Acer Aspire T160. You need to get the driver from the Acer site!

Your computer may not say Aspire on it but it definately is an Aspire as that is the only model I could find that had T160 in it's range!

I have downloaded the Realtek audio driver to my C drive
as per your accurate instruction.
It is saved in my desktop. Please forgive me, I am not
very computer literate. Please tell me how to install it.
Again, many thanks for your help and patience. Stellios

Without actually seeing the driver I can't be %100 sure but it should be in a zip format. If it is, double click on the zip file and you will see it's contents. If there is a setup.exe within it then you need to just double click on that. If there is no setup file then you will have to look for instructions in a .txt file and do as it says!

Let me know how you get on!

RIK, You are correct, it is a zip format.
Double clk on zip file; there is no setup.exe file.
But, we do have: setup.ibt, setup, setup.isn, setup.iss,
setupEX. Also, do not see a .txt file in the opened zip.
Please tell me where I can find it. Thank you. Stellios

What other files are within the zip file? Please list them all.

There are a bunch:
Ap, Config, WDM, Win95, WinNT4, Alcchkid, alcrmv, alcrmv64, alcrmv9x, alcupd, AlcUpd64,
ALCXDEV, alcxnit, CnCfg, CPLIcon, data1, data1.hdr, data2, engine32, GETDXVER, ikernel, layout, README, setcdfmt, setup, setup, setup, soundman.
That's the lot. Written all as case sensitive.
Thank you for your help. Stellios

One of the setup's will be setup.exe, that's the one you need to run. If the .exe part is not showing, right click on each of the setup's and check it's properties to find the right one.

Found the setup.exe file. When I opened the folder, "INSTALLSHIELDWIZARD installed "REALTEK AC'97 AUDIO A3.77". When I go into my Control panel and open,"sounds and audio Devices, the tab,"volume", shows "no audio Devices". I have no idea what this installed audio does.
By the way, there are many other .exe files in the Zip, but only one setup .exe.
For instance there is a MPSTD.exe, application, original size 3,723 kb.
Thank you Stellios

If you right click on the zip file and extract it, then run the extracted setup.exe, that may do it!

best to unzip all files to a new folder before trying to run the .exe
i downloaded the file ,unzipped it and there is only one setup exe file that has application as the file type ,run it

That should do it.. the other way is to note where you saved the file and let the Hardware Wizard deal with it - it will ask where it is...

Unzip the file and extract to a folder. Thank go to Control panel > System and choose Hardware manager > Device Manager. On the sound you just right click and click Update driver. Than when ask to choose a location than you just choose the folder that you have extract the zip files folder and see the computer work from there.

By unzipping the file do you mean to move the files to a new folder?. Once the setup.exe folder is isolated, please tell me how to run it.
Thanks for your help.

Please excuse me for not getting back to you. Your suggestion to run the extracted file
did not work.Not being very literate, I may have screwed it up. Thanks for all your help.

Stellios, just direct the Hardware Wizard to where you saved that zipped file. It will uncompress and run it.

if the above doesn't work ,use winzip trial version to unzip the file to another folder and run the setup.exe file by simply clicking on it and chose install.

Have installed Winzip. cannot figure out how to unzip the file.
Please help. Thanks for your time and help. sorry for delay.

Have installed Winzip. cannot figure out how to unzip the file.
Please help. Thanks for your time and help. sorry for delay.

create a new folder on the desktop just call it drivers ,try right clicking in the zip file ,open with winzip should be in the list ,if so click it ,winzip has icons alson the top one will be unzip and then direct it to the folder you created on the desktop

i created a new folder to desktop: drivers
rt clk winzip file
clk on winzip, shows following icons from top
to bottom;
extract to
extract to here
extract to folderc:/program files winzip
create sel-extractor(.exe)
need help. Thank you.

Caper is abed. Drag your driver zip file into Desktop\drivers, then rclick it and select : extract to here.
You driver files will be unzipped, most likely into a subsidiary folder to \drivers.
Rclick Setup.exe.

Caper is abed.

that what i got for christmas ,A [new] bed .
yeah that works to, but so does the way i said, hesus, all one needs to do is read ,unzip to, or unzip to here would have worked ,

Whoops, I spun the earth the wrong way... it's only late arvo in Vancouver. Newfies are blowing out the candles, though...

Whoops, I spun the earth the wrong way... it's only late arvo in Vancouver. Newfies are blowing out the candles, though...

lol.newfie humor

Have had a death in the family. Will be away from the computer for a few days.
Much appreciated thanks to all for your generosity of time and help.

Sad news! :( Sorry to hear that!

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