Strange things are happening with my computers and the Internet
connection. The Internet is working just fine, so is my Mac and PC.

When I logged on to my PC this morning, I got an Internet connection. But when I logged off and plugged the Internet cable into my Mac, the Internet would not work. It
was not until I shut down and unplugged the PC power cord from the power bar that the Internet worked on the Mac.

Now tonight I logged on to my PC, the Internet would not work. I logged off and unplugged the Mac from the power bar, but the Internet still would not work on the PC. So I log back on to my Mac and I get an Internet connection, so I am writing to you from my Mac.

Do any of you happen to have any experience with this scenario? Is it that the Internet connection is not strong enough? Is there a reason why the Internet would be working alternatively like this? I do not wish to connect both computers to the Internet at once. I use the two computers separately with the Internet, either one or the other.

Thanks for your help!

Most likely, you need to reboot the modem when you switch connections.
It's perfectly safe to use a router and connect both computers at once, which is what most people do.

Most cable or DSL internet providers will only allow 1 PC online at a time. The first PC to claim the internet connection gets it and another PC cannot use the connection unless that connection expires (which is rare as I understand it). To swap who can get out to the internet, you normally have to reboot the modem.

To share the internet connection you need a router between your computers and the modem. The same rules apply to the router - since the router has to make a connection to the internet, you have to reboot your modem before connecting it to your router.

In this case you have to give the manual ip to your MAC thats y the internet will not work without ip it wont work describe me what are u using are u using dsl or what.

Thanks very much. I rebooted the modem and I got it to work.


Most cable or DSL internet providers will only allow 1 PC online at a time. The first PC to claim the internet connection gets it and another PC cannot use the connection unless that connection expires (which is rare as I understand it). To swap who can get out to the internet, you normally have to reboot the modem.

To share the internet connection you need a router between your computers and the modem. The same rules apply to the router - since the router has to make a connection to the internet, you have to reboot your modem before connecting it to your router.

Thanks very much. I rebooted the modem, and it worked. Thanks. Kay

You are very welcome. :)

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