As the title says, I have been having a problem regarding my web browsers for the past 4 days.

My computer is connecting to the internet fine, I am able to use all of my applications such as MSN, Steam and the ITunes store perfectley, however whenever I open a web browser (Firefox or IE) the page simply loads blank.

The day this happened I tried:

Rebooting my modem/router
Disabling all antivirus programmes and firewalls
Ran scans for spyware and viruses

None of these things helped my situation in any way, so I decided to use system restore to revert my registry files back to the last good back up (one week ago). This was successful, after the system restore had finished and I logged back into Windows, I was able to browse the web perfectley.

However, when I started my computer up the following day, the same issue occoured again and I was forced to do another system restore.

So what I would like to know is why is this happening? What is happening (I assume a registry file is being changed)? And what can I do to fix this?

Thanks in advance,


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Make sure "Work offline" is not checked in IE or FF (Under the file menu)

Sounds like it could be that.....

Good luck :)

it is probably caused by a windows update. change the settings so that windows will ask you before it installs any updates and then you should be able to determine the cause.

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