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I'm sometimes dumb, sometimes clever. We'll find a way to get along.

Reading, Researching, Writing - handwriting recognition permitting :-)
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484 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for vegaseat

"Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." Confucius

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

How about ultra-seasoned, decades experienced Police Chiefs depending on the non-medical criminal investigative abilities of a doctor or Novel writer? You can tell when they are running out of storylines when one cop's girlfriend is mysteriously shot dead leading to an emotional traipse through the investigation to find the killer, …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for BigPaw

I'm in my 50's and my IT credentials have lapsed. Pre-cancer I was a consultant in software licensing, but my background is more dominantly hardware and developing. I am self-taught in a couple of old irrelevant-to-today languages, and hold a certification for VB6. Hardware I'm certified A+ and some Toshiba …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for Duki
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for LastMitch

In The Heat of The Night - Sidney Poitier is a brilliant actor, and it's a great story. I'm really big on Sci-Fi - just for the escapism. I-Robot, Men In Black, Logan's Run. . . I could makequite in list of favourites, but it must have a good story. …

Member Avatar for LoanHensley
Member Avatar for anetry

It would be a good idea to start a new thread because this one is over 7 years old and the majority of people probably won't pay any attention to it. To answer your question with the limited information you have given us, if you have a critical battery message …

Member Avatar for mariah1902
Member Avatar for NEctovelius
Member Avatar for tha503girl

Just a small note about laptops. Using them an your lap is often quite bad for laptops, as well as most fabric or similar soft type surfaces that could obstruct ventilation. Also, many laptops are not best suited to 'heavy' gaming because of the simple cooling system they have. As …

Member Avatar for Dani_12
Member Avatar for victro.ouses

Con you put a link in your next post that tells us more about your Tek 6633 All-In-One PC, please? Which operating system? Do you make regular back-ups, would it be a problem to lose the data on the hard disk if it was absolutely necessary?

Member Avatar for Andreas Shapaka
Member Avatar for mike_2000_17

For a number of years I lived in Australia. The nearest neighbour was twenty or thirty miles away. We tackled problems with Hornets, various poisonous spiders, and venomous snakes, etc. All of that came with the territory. A great many people share their environment with Lions, Tigers, or Bears. As …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

Is your computer definitely a HP 7600 or could it be a D7600, even a DC7600? This would matter significantly when it comes to drivers. Run a Windows Update, or check if Windows is waiting for you to give the go-ahead to install updates. Sometimes Windows fixes this issue "itself". …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for spammyyammy

When you fitted the motherboard into the new case, did you use those little paper washers with the motherboard screws? When you use the computer, is the computer's case closed fully? All of the cables to your TV are seated properly? Either or both these scenarios (no paper washers, opened …

Member Avatar for djmndlss
Member Avatar for kevinn

They are great questions! I could give you a brief answer file system by file system here, but you would gain only as much as I want to write. Telling you how to find the answers to your questions would lead you to the richest answers, answers that would best …

Member Avatar for Shabbir_2
Member Avatar for ggeoff

The arrangement of the partitions is okay. The 'Recovery' partition is for reinstalling Windows, restoring it back to Manufacturer defaults. Don't let anything happen to that partition, and don't use it to restore Windows until you are happy this problem is fixed and you have your files. It's sometimes best …

Member Avatar for mindmergepk
Member Avatar for jonnyboyrich

The link below is to the Extreme PSU Calculator. With this you can give either a specific or general run down on what you have in the box, it then does a bit of jiggery-pokery and gives you some helpful guidance as to a suitable PSU wattage. [Extreme PSU Calculator]( …

Member Avatar for tranny
Member Avatar for vegaseat

UK TV service is now entirely digital having now switched off all remaining analogue services. As a marked advancement, it sadly also closes a chapter on the BBC's Ceefax service, established C. 1974. This service provided Text News, Weather reports + map, sport results, recipes, quizzes, and more. On a …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for happygeek

To the great majority of end-users, or home-users, there really is not a lot of differences between them, or at least justifiable differences. For a lot of people out there it was also free, as a result of piracy. The arrival of XP also caused, or coincided, with a PC …

Member Avatar for XP78USER
Member Avatar for dimiboy

It may also be a software issue. Do you know how to find your way around Control Panel? It may be worth looking at your regional settings and keyboard settings. Which operating system are you using?

Member Avatar for sophia_smith
Member Avatar for xiaoai

We don't know what make or model your Computer is, but there may be something available from the manufacturer, or available for a like model laptop. Alternatively, you could purchase a standard backlit keyboard that is typically used with desktop computers. You would just plug it into a spare USB …

Member Avatar for replacelaptopke
Member Avatar for abelLazm

>and nothing bad ever happens period! Wish granted... you are now narcissistic >I think i win :) Yup, confirmation of granted wish.... :) I wish I had Einstein's grasp of mathematics, when he was alive of course. ;)

Member Avatar for James_40
Member Avatar for Zee911

Clean the screen now and again, don't spill coffee on it, use it to visit Daniweb and keep us guessing with your intriguing posts. :-)

Member Avatar for lukaterra
Member Avatar for awesomelemonade

Popeye has his spinach & Olive Oil, Mike_2000 has his C++ & Daniweb Mrs BigPaw wants BigPaw to paint the pond's bridge at the weekend, and he's decided that it will need about five coats of paint. Which coat will he put on the first?

Member Avatar for Slavi
Member Avatar for khakilang

The security updates didn't make that much of a difference to the general user really. The great thing about XP was that after its teething problems, which was commonly due to badly written drivers on the part of Vendors, it became an operating system that people learned how to fix …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for danant69

Do each of your children have their own accounts on the computer? (individual login and password, etc) Depending on the type of software you are using, you may find that you are just monitoring your own account. May I suggest, please, that you start a new thread (post) and summarise …

Member Avatar for cheechee345
Member Avatar for mattster

Nick Drake's version of ["Summertime"](

Member Avatar for polodas
Member Avatar for soknasazeh
Member Avatar for iAssistant

Kinda difficult to answer that in the UK here. I asked a Polish friend who had recently moved here what the weather was typically like in Poland. He said, "We get four seasons..... a year..." It's very changeable.

Member Avatar for Stuugie
Member Avatar for solver80

What is the make & model of the Netbook? Have you made any changes to it recently, hardware or software? What happens if you start it with no devices attached to it? No optical drive, no mouse, no printer, etc, only the power cable. If that makes no difference can …

Member Avatar for SaintAce
Member Avatar for azareth

Fleetwood Mac, Without You, new EP version. (which I think is better than the old demo version)

Member Avatar for GrimJack

The End.