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686 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Borzoi

Not sure what issue you are seeing... In 2008 and 2013 servers, I can use the FILTER option off the context or main menu and enter any text, including text in the description. I do this all the time to find user failed logon attempts... I just enter the user …

Member Avatar for GreenVomit8
Member Avatar for genesis.aix

SRV records aren't designed to do that. SRV helper records can send traffic to a specific host based on destination port, but can't redirect that port. For example, if you have a dns zone called, clients can use that zone as the registrar address. Behind the scenes you setup …

Member Avatar for ProGamerBG
Member Avatar for Nick_10

.ts is a MPG media Transport Stream File. Really used for editing. You should change the recording format of your camcorder to something more conventional if you plan on simply sharing. But I digress... I've not worked with .ts files, but I have yet to see a format that VLC …

Member Avatar for william0ffil512
Member Avatar for weasel7711

rch is correct. You will need a usb to serial adapter. They are very cheap and all techs should have one handy. You connect it to usb, load the driver software, and it shows up as a high number com port. Once connected, it's a fully functional com port you …

Member Avatar for Foad_1
Member Avatar for sharara

Also, realize that this type of data is stored in cookies or on yourr login profile. A proxy will not help in those cases. There you need local protection. I.e. ghostery, an ad blocker, better privacy for flash cookies, etc...

Member Avatar for Free_2
Member Avatar for adi2012

If it is a perimeter block, then use a SHH tunnel through your home.

Member Avatar for Sarah_29
Member Avatar for Noor_7

You should also consider that the router is compromised. What router do you use? Have you tried setting static DNS in router... or even better, try setting static DNS on the PC to see what results you get. I also found this.... hope it helps.

Member Avatar for Anthony_16
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

So on the metered connection in win 10, the 'metered' setting has to be set on each network interface IIRC. If you only set it for ethernet, your wifi would still have full, unfettered access.

Member Avatar for Ronn_1
Member Avatar for PHIPH

JorgeM is correct. Also, Is this your home server/router or, perhaps, your parent's? Seems like someone here blocked facebook on purpose. If it wasn't you, you are only going to piss off the person who did by trying to circumvnet the process. If it is your server/router, then let us …

Member Avatar for Martha_3
Member Avatar for Saluki

Speaking of this... what is a good site to Download Truecrypt if one did not already have it saved?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Siberian

I assume if you create a draft in the imap folder for, it gets uploaded to the account as it normally would? (trying to eliminate any account setup issues)

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for Siberian

Lets start with this, from a command prompt run 'net share' and past the out here. In that list you should see the share the is offered to all laptops. From the same machine, try mapping a drive to \\\<sharename> and see if it works. Post the results if you …

Member Avatar for Siberian
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

That seems like a lot of routers/modems. Are these rooms huge? Controlling access to wifi is easy enough with radius on the backend, many wifi portals also offer this type of service. Have you considered bringing in a contractor to set this up for you....

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for zelrick

This will get you what you want.... working from the input list in your post: find . -name "*.gr2" -exec sh -v 'mv $1 $(echo $1 | cut -f 4 -d"_")' _ {} \;

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for ingeborgdot@yah

Nas4Free and FreeNas are both opensourced. With Ipad and itunes, you need to run bonjour services locally as it is does not route natively unless you run DNS trickery. Access from the road is doable from almost any NAS but I would really recommend placing your files/nas in a private …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for Stefce

Using VLC, it can boost volume 200% of original. I've had to use that often. In Media Player, you can enable the equalizer then jack all the controls up to 90%.... might be a bit static like, but you'll get more volume.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Drew29

From server at It is the DNS for the network. Thus it should also have Forwarders setup in it's DNS config so that anything it can't resolve gets sent out to another 3rd party dns server (i.e. or From the client, if you can ping something internally, …

Member Avatar for jacks009
Member Avatar for Edna_1

Check your current DNS settings. From a command prompt with 'ipconfig /all' . What are your dns servers? Once you have dns IPs, use nslookup to check. >nslookup > > <you should get an answer here with IPs, if you don't, your DNS servers are wrong> >server > > …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for rch1231

I give the same advice to everybody. Unless the theft recovery is built into the BIOS somehow.... it is useless. Most of these programs won't work unless you log into the machine. For MAC or windows that means automated signin that allows the theif to connect the mac to his …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for Jessica09

1) that pop up in safe mode is 100% normal. Its simply telling you 'you are in safe mode'. 2) A machine that powers off for no reason is usually indicative of a heat issue or power supply issue. I would get a can of air for a few bucks, …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for zelrick

You need GPT and NTFS.... if it's just going to be used for Redhat, then go ext4. To mount automatically on each boot, use /etc/fstab to mount the drive via UID.

Member Avatar for zelrick
Member Avatar for fallout4player

Also, there could be a heat issue in your machine if airflow is blocked or fans aren't spinning at correct speeds. You can buy a can of compressed air for a few dollars. Use it to blow though the small vents on the unit and remove any dust buildup. IIRC …

Member Avatar for KumarPradeep
Member Avatar for Ilja.vas

Can you copy any normal file to the USB? I would suspect that during extraction to the usb or even the move to the USB, your Anti virus may be catching the files and quarantining them. Thus they never make it to the USB.

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for Emmanuel_6

We would need alot more info. Slowdown can occur because of any number of issues. From HD issues, to memory issues, to bad cabling, to incorrect network settings.... Just to name a few. Give details on the machine, compare to a working machine, what have you checked already and what …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for cab_driver

Which company hosts your DNS. HAve you updated your DNS entries if at a 3rd party?

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

How far of a run would it be from house to bungalow? I've done this before. I wired my shed to my house for ethernet and did exactly what you describe.... just dug a shallow trench and piped two ethernet cat 5 through a PVC. I added an S curve …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

Sorry for the trouble.... I've used Dell's for my company for years... never had an issue with repairs myself. But sometimes it depends on the Tech you get too I suppose. At least they are replacing it finally.

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for holye459

Darin's Boot n Nuke is an ISO image you can DL and burn to a bootable media (usb/CD/etc...) I will securely erase the entire disk without relying on the manufacturer.

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for AleMonteiro

I use Mint and Windows since my job has different requirements. I prefer Mint as my main workstation and I use all the productivity tools there.... libreoffice, thunderbird for Exchange mail/calendar access, Cisco ASA ASDM runs through Java, All web based stuff works fine. I needed to keep windows in …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for mu2

I agree with rprofitt. portableapps is great. You can carry apps on a usb and use them where you want. It has value especially when , like me, you carry an arsenal of tools on a Read only USB for malware cleanup, etc...

Member Avatar for mu2

The End.