so i checked my storage on my mac(running windows 10) it said 340gb used out of 500gb. 249gb of that are the windows system files. why are they so big and how do i make more storage. please help. im at high school and all my documents take a crap load of space. sooner or later im going to use it all up.
fallout4player 0 Light Poster
rproffitt 2,693 Moderator
CimmerianX 197 Junior Poster
rproffitt commented: Both are up at Why Ninite? Read +8
AleMonteiro commented: Great tips! Didn't know about nitenite ^^ +10
rproffitt 2,693 Moderator
CimmerianX commented: +1 for ninite. +9
fallout4player 0 Light Poster
CimmerianX 197 Junior Poster
rproffitt commented: And +1 for spreading the good word. +0
saxon747 0 Newbie Poster
mblan180131 0 Light Poster
Itsdigger 18 Light Poster
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