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17 Posted Topics
Google recently has made a big play to take over the majority of the internet search business in the Japanese market as part of an aggressive campaign to shut Microsoft out; but Microsoft is not going to sit idly by while Google gains a virtual monopoly in Japan and they … ![]() | |
[ATTACH=right]16821[/ATTACH][URL="http://lindenlab.com/"]Linden Lab[/URL], the guys behind the wildly popular 3D virtual reality community [URL="http://www.SecondLife.com"]Second Life[/URL], confirmed details on Friday that they will be dumping Teen Second Life as a secondary stand alone project. [URL="http://teen.secondlife.com/"]Teen Second Life[/URL] will officially be closing its doors at the end of the year. However, teens will … | |
[ATTACH=right]16125[/ATTACH]Google has been speaking about their commitment to be a[URL="http://www.google.com/intl/en/corporate/green/index.html"] cleaner, greener company[/URL] since they announced their commitment to become a carbon neutral enterprise back in 2007. Now, they have made a new green energy deal that could help give wind power the boost that it needs not only to … | |
On Wednesday, Apple [URL="http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/08/25/apple-invites-media-to-september-1-event/"]confirmed[/URL] that it was issuing a special, although mysterious, invitation only event to give a few lucky members of the media a sneak peek at some of the latest Apple releases. The event is scheduled for next Wednesday, September 1st (10 am. PT) and is to be … | |
A team of researchers from the [URL="http://uci.edu/index.php"]University of California at Irvine[/URL] lead by Laura Marchal-Crespo is developing a robot that will help train disabled children to use electric wheelchairs which can make a huge difference in the life of a child who has had little mobility. [ATTACH=right]16817[/ATTACH]Reporting on their research … | |
[ATTACH=right]16767[/ATTACH]In Google's apparent on-going quest to take over the entire (virtual) world, the latest rumors have the search giant making a major play for the tablet market on the biggest shopping day of the entire year. If rumors are true, on the one day a year when apparently normal people … | |
Imagine taking your favorite games with you wherever you wanted and being able to play whenever you wanted. That is the selling point behind Microsoft's latest move today at [URL="http://www.gamescom.de/en/gamescom/home/index.php"]GamesCom 2010[/URL] in Germany where they announced a massive line up of game titles to be released on [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/en-us/cmpn/windowsphone7/default.mspx"]Windows Phone 7[/URL] … | |
[URL="http://content.dell.com/us/en/corp/d/secure/2010-08-16-ir-release.aspx"]Dell announced today[/URL] that it has reached an agreement with the California based data storage company [URL="http://www.3par.com/index.html"]3PAR[/URL], to purchase the company for a total price tag of $1.15 Billion.[ATTACH=RIGHT]16668[/ATTACH] Dell hopes that this move will help the computer giant cut its own data storage costs by as much as 50%. … | |
Today [URL="http://www.Starbucks.com"]Starbucks[/URL] announced further details regarding the company's plan to launch a new digital network for their customers. The Starbucks Digital Network will be offered in addition to their free Wi-Fi further enhancing the community coffee shop feel that the company has been aiming for.[ATTACH]16628[/ATTACH]The plan for the Starbucks Digital … | |
On Sunday an [URL="http://www.tra.ae/news_TRA_Announces_the_Suspension_of_Blackberry_Messenger%2C_Blackberry_E_mail_and_Blackberry_Web_Browsing_Services_in_the_UAE_from_October_11%2C_2010-180-1.php"]official statement[/URL] was released by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) confirming that certain mobile features for the BlackBerry device including mobile email, messaging, and mobile web browsing will be blocked by government authorities. [ATTACH=right]16330[/ATTACH]The ban will officially go into effect beginning on … | |
At the [URL="http://www.blackhat.com/"]Black Hat[/URL] conference in Las Vegas, Barnaby Jack gave a demonstration of how he learned to crack the security of various stand alone ATM's. While they have long been at risk for physical theft (someone stealing or physically breaking into the internal safe of the ATM itself), this … | |
A lot of rumors began circulating about the possibility of a new Kindle on the horizon after the popular Kindle DX seemed to suddenly be sold out on Amazon's web site some time ago leading to the speculation that Amazon had a new version in the works. Wednesday those suspicions … | |
Security researchers have been looking at Safari, the standard browser for Apple's Mac computers, and have found a troublesome security problem. It seems that there is a feature that could reveal your personal information. The problem is with the Auto Fill feature which is designed as a part of the … | |
Blogetery.com, a free WordPress blog provider, was shut down earlier this month when their [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story297729.html"]entire server was mysteriously yanked [/URL]without warning or explanation. When the site went dark, over 73,000 user generated blogs disappeared and since then there has been little to no information as who was responsible for pulling … | |
On Friday, July 9th 2010 Blogetery.com went dark and over 73,000 user generated blogs disappeared without warning, without notice...and without any explanation whatsoever. Blogetery.com hosted thousands of WordPress based blogs that suddenly disappeared when their host, BurstNet abruptly pulled the plug in what has become one of the current mysteries … | |
[ATTACH=right]15792[/ATTACH]Google has been attempting to break out of their search engine based box for quite some time by presenting challenges to some of the IT world's biggest names such as Microsoft and Apple. Now with the new App Inventor that Google has launched for Android it is giving developers more … | |
A new game development company, [URL="http://www.direwolfdigital.com/"]Dire Wolf Digital,[/URL] has officially announced itself to the world today and could be prepared to make a big splash in the gaming world come 2011. [ATTACH=right]15818[/ATTACH]The company shows some strong potential given their current make-up of seasoned veterans in the gaming and business world … |
The End.