Yes I finally decided to continue on with my programming efforts. I would like to be able to refer to myself as a master programmer, but I may not have that much time, after all I am almost 80 years old. Right now I'm delving into C++ and finding it a little bit interesting, but it is early I've only been at it for a day and 1/2 now and already I am having questions. I am taking a course at UDemi but they never move along fast enough so I am always exploring ahead of the instructor as I am doing now. And I have a question? I need to be able to test an integer variable to be sure that the user enters integer data. So if there are any C++ programmers here, and I am sure there are, I would appreciate it if you could set me off in the right direction.
Oh, by the way, I lost all the feeling in my fingertips due to carpal tunnel syndrome and it made it quite impossible for me to type. But now I'm back and as you can see I am typing very well, but that is because I am not typing. I have the software that I paid a lot of money for called Dragon naturally speaking. And I just sit here and talk and the Dragon translates my speech into printed text.
Tata for now, will wait for your response and talk to y'all later.