Good day every body. I want to develop a database program that will be used in school to input information about students and all the staff of the school. I want the program to be able to retrieve any required information and also display the total number of students in the database. Because I don't have any knowledge of SQL, I want to use Microsoft access database. Some should please assist in the complete codes.
Thank you

Wait, you lead with you want to develop this but then ask for complete codes. What development would be left for you to do?

commented: Exactly , how is he supposed to learn anything ? +0

This sounds to me like something that can just be done in Microsoft Access alone. What would be the purpose of in this case? How do you imagine it to look?

It sounds to me you could create a handful of tables in a relational database: students, teachers, subjects, classes, and class rosters.

Every class has a teacher. Every student is assigned to multiple classes.

Student table:
StudentID (primary key)
First Name
Last Name
School Year (Freshman, Senior, etc.)

Subject table:
SubjectID (primary key)

Teacher table:
TeacherID (primary key)

Class table:
ClassID (primary key)

Class roster table:
Grade (A+, B, etc.)

Sounds like a bit of homework to me.
By making the database for a "school" the data required would be familar to a student.

Create your data tables, create your data entry forms, create your queries. ALL within Access itself, which is perfectly capable of using its own built in programing capabilities for a project like this. If its part of your course, create a few views as well.
Add tests to check the data entry form is not missing any required data - ie don't add to the table unless the required data is complete, give a relevant error message and let the user try again.

Design before you start building anything! Design, design, design first.
Make each section work before moving on to the next, rather than hopping around doing bits and pieces.
Think of Must have, Could have, Might perhaps have. So you don't concentrate on an extra while must have bits are incomplete.

PS I know it's a project, as we did something similar in a course many years ago, and such software already exists, so you are not build for a real client, are you? ;)

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