274 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dani

Do you think that the forum software that's used makes a difference for a community? Suppose, for example, forum software all has the same options available. And we're talking about the same community of people. For a forum visitor, does seeing powered by vBulletin strike a softer note than seeing …

Member Avatar for Amit6622
Member Avatar for guyinpv

Here is a basic question, what is the fastest way to transfer a MySQL database? Here are the variables at play: 1) Database is just shy of 3GB 2) Transfer is between two servers running different versions of MySQL 3) There will not be usage of the database during transfer, …

Member Avatar for Saudi_2
Member Avatar for Tracy_2

Hello Guys, I have a asp site. and Now i'd like to install forum(Xeforo or Vbulletin) is it possible or not? I can use separate database and site | code but in the same root domain? Is it stable? Need your solution Much thanks Leon

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Deidredup

I am looking for a script which will allow me to place a vbulletin login box on a non vbulletin page. There are couple of scripts, but they are for older versions. I am using v3.6.8 Does anyone know where to find one for 3.6.8? The closest I could find …

Member Avatar for Fadli_1
Member Avatar for Dani

The Forums page (the first item in the footer toolbar) has gotten a huge overhaul today that hopefully will make it a lot more useful ... plus it brings back a bit of nostalgia from our vBulletin days. Enjoy. And let me know thoughts. https://www.daniweb.com/forums

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Dani

Have been surfing around forums for forum owners tonight, and an ENORMOUS problem seems to be bot spam. I'm feeling pretty proud of myself and all of the custom tools that I wrote to keep bot spam at bay since switching off of vBulletin. :) It's really seeming like we …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for jKidz

Hi friends, In my site, simply I want to save the configuration data, site details in the php file. For an example, in vBulletin they are using config.php file to save all the general details. // ****** DATABASE TYPE ****** // This is the type of the database server on …

Member Avatar for jKidz
Member Avatar for Dani

Who thinks that vBulletin providing a cloud-based offering is going to restore any type of faith in their product? http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?p=2476015#post2476015

Member Avatar for Catweazle

Can the database of a phpBB forum be transferred across to run under vBulletin, without losing memberlists, post history and so forth?

Member Avatar for lizapritz
Member Avatar for Dani

In light of vBulletin getting hacked due to hackers gaining the ability to log in as a moderator, we are being proactive and changing our method of storing and checking user passwords. Although we are no longer on the vBulletin platform, and are absolutely not susceptible to being hacked in …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for happygeek

The popular [MacRumors Forums](http://www.macrumors.com/) site has confirmed that it was successfully hacked on Monday this week. The vBulletin powered forums fell victim to what it describes as a similar breach that hit the Ubuntu forums earlier in the year. "Our case is quite similar" says MacRumors founder Arnold Kim who …

Member Avatar for Dani

Ever since 2008, Google has been figuring out which content are forum discussions, and showing the number of posts, authors, and the last post timestamp as meta information within the SERPS description. They're pretty accurate when it comes to any vBulletin forum, and even StackOverflow (which is a unique Q&A …

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for Dani

When we switched over from vBulletin to our own unique platform back in March 2012, one of the things that changed was the way that post quality score was calculated. Most members noticed their quality score had suddenly changed by a few points. Since then, however, over the past year …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Dani

Community activity has been WAY down since we switched over to our new proprietary platform and off of vBulletin just over a year ago. There was literally a night and day difference in activity from the day before the switch to the day after. I thought that it would just …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Sahil_Ar

Hi Guys! I want to know about Forum Software Development,(Vbulletin for Example) i want to Build the Popular Software like Vbulletin,how can i Develop it? Please Help me,what i should know to Build it,Basically i don't even know C,C++. Would it be Difficult and how much and yes i am …

Member Avatar for klaipedos
Member Avatar for vngeanceFPS

Hello everyone. A group of us who are into Battlefield 3 gaming have started a new clan/community to support the game and we are looking for someone to help with designing a basic but professional looking website for the group. We would like to run a vbulletin forum on that …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for happygeek

DaniWeb, the 10 year old IT discussion community with more than a million members, is always looking forward and never stops introducing new features and functions for users. When spammers managed to get the better of the (highly customised) vBulletin forum platform which had been driving DaniWeb since the get …

Member Avatar for Dani

I've temporarily disabled the live preview when posting in the DaniWeb editor. I've been really looking seriously into why contributions to the forums have been ever-decreasing and so poor lately, and I was able to trace it back to a complete night and day difference the day that we switched …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

I want to post an ad to sell my license of vBulletin 4.x in Webmaster Marketplace (at least I think that is where it should go), but it doesn't fit any of the type categories in the dropdown list. How (or where) can I post this? >I have one vBulletin …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

hey there guys I need a PHP class to fetch news from different sites, I use rssphp.net class and its great if I need the **title** of article and the **short description**, but what I need is the full story somthing like ?type=rss2 in vBulletin forums the main output of …

Member Avatar for OsaMasw
Member Avatar for DominatorPools

HI Everyone. I am not new to programming, but I have just started to work with vB. I have been around vB.com and vB.org and neither really have a good how-to on starting your our hacks and using the vB page shell. Maybe, I missed it... But, I want to …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Dani

As of the last crawl of your website, you appear to be running vBulletin 3. One or more of the URLs found were: http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/c/threads/242548/1063562 http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/326935/1395062 http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/threads/26614/134458 Google recommends that you update to the latest release. Older or unpatched software may be vulnerable to hacking or malware that can hurt your …

Member Avatar for canadafred
Member Avatar for micheal.burns1

Hello Everyone, On two/three forums, I activated my account and i got logged in. After contributing in forum i thought of updating my profile and get a profile link than i tried to confirm it whether its visible on not but then i saw got this message: > **USERNAME**, you …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for TraderX

Hello all I am trying to find a menu tree that I can use on my vbulletin site in my left column. I have looked at [URL=http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/switchmenu.htm]DHTML Switch Menu[/URL] I like it but, it doesn't remember what you had open (if you were in a sub folder) when you get …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for Gearspro

Hello, this maybe a obvious. But i'm new to all this and i really need some help! :). I was wondering if someone knew how i could turn off email verification (being emailed to confirm the account) As i feel it is not necessary to have spam stopper, being an …

Member Avatar for I.M.O.G.
Member Avatar for iguanairs

I am trying to display my vbulletin usergroup ids for each user who posts an ad in my photopost classifieds. in doing this I can execute my code based on that usergroup id. I have been working on this for 3 days now and I just can't get it to …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Arash-Sh

Hello i want to have a discussion forum for my website and i like daniweb script . is it develope for just using in daniweb or its available to purchase like vbulletin ? any advice for another good script ? thank you

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Dani

Hey, I was just wondering if you guys miss having article views? Is it an incentive to see how many views your article received? Or can you live without it? vBulletin's view counter was always just a simple increment counter everytime a thread was fetched from the database. However, that …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

Every once in awhile I get email from my web site vBulletin that there is an error on MySQL. Below is the most recent error message. Looks like it might be caused by a hacker to me, what do you think? I've asked the technicians at iPage and they have …

Member Avatar for al c
Member Avatar for sowh4t

So i'm trying to make a script that reads from forum last post first word and displays it on my site vBulletin forum http://www.forum.com/showthread.php?85788&goto=newpost it uses javascript, so I can't get any info :S My script so far <?php header("content-type: text/plain"); $myurl = 'http://www.forum.com/showthread.php?85788&goto=newpost'; $curl_handle = curl_init(); curl_setopt ($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, …

Member Avatar for mschroeder

The End.