Can someone please tell me how many unique visitors i need to have visit my site before it would be a good idea to start advertising on it?

Also how many hits i would need on it?

You can advertise without any visitors. I do, and it doesnt affect people coming to the site.

There is no magic number :)

Normally around 1k uniques a day you can start to generate interest, depending on content of the site, once you get above 2k-3k month you can get places like tribalfusion to be interested or fastclick (I think that is the name)

Text links sell on sites with low traffic and high PR but they generally do not go for much.

I would suggest to get atleast 50 to 75K views of your site before starting advertising it.

Yes, some of the larger ad agencies / networks are Tribal Fusion, ValueClick, FastClick, Burst! Media, etc. Don't underestimate the power of text links. They can be very valuable in getting your site well indexed by the search engines and consequently can run into the thousands per month for a run of site link on a high profile site.

Uniques dont really matter much when you are advertising its the page views that matter the most. There is no set figure either, depends on the niche, if you are a small site but only site in a niche then you can get good advertisers very quickly.

I would suggest to get SEO of your site and target it to your niche market.

Can someone please tell me how many unique visitors i need to have visit my site before it would be a good idea to start advertising on it?

Also how many hits i would need on it?

well it depends on what type of advertising ypu will be selling.

You cans start selling textlinks when you get a google pagerank of 3. You will be able to sell a link for about $5 per month on average (depending on your website).

If you want to start selling banners you will need to get at least 500 unique visitors per day to make it worth while for the purcheser.

But this all depends on your websites target market.

Hope this helps with your question.

what is your site's orientation?

You can advertise your website even before any visitor comed to your website. It is recommended to make some fake users, fake action to get the website to life.
Also, keep in mind that search engines doesn't look any more for large amonuts of users, so the first of all you will have to think to a great content.
Take care!


Well, I just started about a month ago. I am not up to speed on all the pageview stuff etc, but (let me see.. sec..) this is what I got my first 3 weeks:

Total Sessions 52,262.00
Total Pageviews 1,070,594.00
Total Hits 1,714,695.00

I am not sure who I can go to to get banners on my site. Yes it was our first month (3 weeks actually as we did not open the site till the 11th of October) and those numbers were from Oct 1 - Oct 31).

So, we added some google banners. Well, Google cancelled us the first of November. They said we were clicking our own banners. I sent them all the login info in the world to logs to show we did not, but I think they just did not think we could get that kind of traffic that fast. So, here I am now needing a new ad banner company and have no idea who to go to. I am not worried about the ad revenues, although that is nice, I just really wanted the banners to fill empty spaces.

So, any recommendations with that kind of traffic?

Thank you very much.


It usually not depend but depend on your maketing strategy and hardwork and your wisdom.

I think as some of the member mentioned, you don;t really need to have a very high traffic to start with advertisement. Google adsense do allow on that basis as long as your content is comply to their policy. I have been using a lot of the publisher site but so far, adsense has the most conversion rate if you have a low traffic site.

Visitors don't matter in many cases since search engines will take you if you do pay per click. Also, there are a lot of free ad sites like craigslist that you can utilize.

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