Another gem from B.L. Ochman on Based on experiences of her own, B.L. identified these three screw-ups that she has first hand experience with that could damage your brand. What do you think? I tend to agree.

  1. Start a Twitter account and then don't Tweet
  2. Don't track your social media activities with monitoring tools
  3. Start a social media program but do not alert the rest of the company

I do like your list. I also would add:
1. Not contributing to comments
2. Not giving credits to tweets and retweets

I do like your list. I also would add:
1. Not contributing to comments
2. Not giving credits to tweets and retweets

Another I would add is posting content that is nothing but a constant sales pitch or posting content without adding value.

Your two are dead on also.

The mentality of "Build and they will come" may not be true in social media. Yes, you can build it but you also need to make it alive. It is like getting a plant and not watering it.

The mentality of "Build and they will come" may not be true in social media. Yes, you can build it but you also need to make it alive. It is like getting a plant and not watering it.

Sadly the 'build it and they will come' attitude is far too prevalent right now.

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