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67 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for A_Dubbs

The way i see most fit is having it take input(intergers only) until the user enters a blank line, like so: [CODE] numbers=[] print "Enter your numbers and enter a blank line when done \n\n" while True: n=raw_input('#') if n==None: break numbers.append() [/CODE] also it's best to use the raw_input …

Member Avatar for B dawg
Member Avatar for template

In my opinion if you optimize the code enough it will make it pointless to decompile because the decompiled code will be just as confusing as the bytecode. If you are really desprite you could take a packing approach, compile your swf encrypt it, make a small flash app that …

Member Avatar for çadır
Member Avatar for aripaka

I've been using Linux for a long time and noticed that it is a lot harder to exploit loop holes in it, to run an executable it must be Chmoded, to access gain write access to anything out side of your home folder you must be root, and security holes …

Member Avatar for itexamstube
Member Avatar for Tech B

I did something similar except I made 2 versions, one put the logs on a FTP server, one emailed the log. You could also try your hands at a linux keylogger, jut use xorg's xlib.

Member Avatar for Tech B
Member Avatar for newsguy
Member Avatar for sinisterduke

Pygame and py2exe don't get along well, you have to do a few things to get it working. Take a look: [url][/url] A great idea is to make a list of the modules you need.

Member Avatar for tendragons
Member Avatar for camthalion95

[QUOTE=camthalion95;647418]Ok, Where can i dwnld it? And why is your name linux and you have XP?[/QUOTE] Many people run Linux for programming boxes, servers, gateways, yet they still use XP as there recreational OS. I however go all out *NIX. Just a matter of preference.

Member Avatar for laima
Member Avatar for Shadow-Illusion

Well it looks like you may be opening the file wrong, i don't know why is raising that error, you're not even using a list object. Try this: [CODE] import MySQLdb, csv, sys conn = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",user = "a", passwd = "b",db = "c") c = conn.cursor() csv_data …

Member Avatar for djmagba
Member Avatar for gunbuster363

Recoding never hurts, usually the first things I do to optimize codes is replace all range() funstions with xrange(), then I look for loops that can be replaced with lambda, then I look for if statments that can be changed to elif so it doesn't have to go over unnecessary …

Member Avatar for amrutraj
Member Avatar for khess

Like I said in former comments on your articles. If we keep making Linux more and more user friendly its not going to suit the needs of the original tech saavy users. And this has already started to take effect, I mean look at Gnome, its tries to integrate as …

Member Avatar for khakilang
Member Avatar for veledrom

[QUOTE=necrolin;1081642]sudo apt-get remove "packageName" or you could easily use of of the GUI tools to do it as well. If you want to know more about the options available in apt-get try: man apt-get and you'll get the manual page which lists the options for the package manager.[/QUOTE] Don't encourage …

Member Avatar for hughv
Member Avatar for kevintse

Using a standard library may allow your software to be cross-platform or easier to port to another platform. I'd say stick with the standard library, it'll be much easier and keep everything OO.

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for hondros

[QUOTE=jice;1084331]You should use modules like pickle or marshal to serialize and load your datas...[/QUOTE] I really agree with jice, but keep in mind the Pickle module shouldn't be used for anything that would requires good security, theres a good amount of exploitable loop holes that will most likely never be …

Member Avatar for hondros
Member Avatar for coffeebox

Maybe instead of using rsync, you can implement your own crossplatform version of rsync. You could also multithread is and/or use the multiprocessing module to provide multiple CPU support so copying can go much faster. Another good idea is to make a daemon out of it, and have it backup …

Member Avatar for ov3rcl0ck
Member Avatar for EvaDo
Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for kaydub123

Hot damn, why such and odd Variable name? Just name it weight or something simple, I'm pretty sure you can't use "{" or "}" in a variable name.

Member Avatar for masterofpuppets
Member Avatar for rajeshwari_ib

You can use the PIL(python image library) to convert an image to a string and store the string in your database.

Member Avatar for ov3rcl0ck
Member Avatar for Japus

You can call APIs in your OS to display images, or you can link up to some C libraries, maybe just link to some OpenGL libraries.

Member Avatar for ov3rcl0ck
Member Avatar for suki_boy
Member Avatar for ov3rcl0ck

I'm trying to strip HTML tags and replace certain tags with newlines and tabs. I just can't figure out a function to do this, any ideas? I'd prefer to use regex instead of a library.

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for functionalCode

lets say we want to use the C library "stdio.h", we need to use the extern and call instructions. Like so: [CODE] extern _printf ;allows you to access the printf functions from stdio.h; ... mov ecx,5 push ecx ;push ecx on the stack for stdio; push YOURTEXT ;replace YOURTEXT respectively, …

Member Avatar for ov3rcl0ck
Member Avatar for coolbuddy059

I recommend starting out with packet capturing on TCP/IP and UDP protocols.

Member Avatar for rahul8590
Member Avatar for mps727

Proprietary drivers may be the only solution, wireless drivers are a well kept secret. I'd recommend installing the proprietary driver but if that fails you look into Ndiswrapper.

Member Avatar for mikeP32
Member Avatar for sanchitgarg

[QUOTE=vishesh;1036765]Well there are several algorithms to generate random number, simplest to my knowledge being [URL=""]Linear congruential generator(LCG)[/URL]. The general formula for LCG is [TEX] X_{n+1} = \left( a X_n + c \right)~~\bmod~~m [/TEX]. The recommended value for a, m, c are given in Wikipedia page. It is recommended use those …

Member Avatar for sanchitgarg
Member Avatar for leegeorg07
Member Avatar for P00dle

open it in binary mode. In unix however binary mode isn't needed but using 'wb' or 'rb' instead of 'w' or 'r' doesn't hurt. This should copy the file contents of a file to another no matter the content: [CODE] fi=open("filein", 'rb').read() fo=open("fileout",'wb') fo.write(fi) fo.close() [/CODE] In windows you just …

Member Avatar for P00dle
Member Avatar for PixelHead777

Buddy you are not using enough functions, if you need everything in one function(sometimes teachers require this) you can declare functions within a function but it gets pretty messy.

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for nerdagent

Its going to be platform dependant, for windows you're going to have to use the win32 library and for Linux(and some unix flavors) you're going to have to use xlib, unfortunatly xlib for python is horribly documented.

Member Avatar for ov3rcl0ck
Member Avatar for kiel19

WEP is very unsecure, it can be cracked in minutes, sometimes seconds. You should really go with WPA/2.

Member Avatar for ov3rcl0ck
Member Avatar for mohankumar554

The End.