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I love computers. And I love learning. The only problem I face is time isn't cheap.

I curently work at Subway until I am done with school. I am the sub slinging master!!!!!

I like to draw, script, have fun, and spend time with vanessa =) I have a few microcontrollers also,…
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162 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for adanaz

for the width try [CODE] import os os.system("mode con cols=50") [/CODE] and for the length [CODE] os.system("mode con lines=20") #you could also combine them os.system("mode con cols=50 lines=20") [/CODE] Play around with the numbers until ya find a size you like. This is windows only.

Member Avatar for DubWine
Member Avatar for Batch Devil

You don't want to use batch for a server. There is no threading capabilities for such a task. You will want a language that has a strong web development base, such as python or php.

Member Avatar for Jaxonpoop123
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Have some fun with the SendKeys module? A script to log you into your favorite website? [url][/url]

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for getanshub4u

I think some tutorials found through google would suffice. Everything you need to know is already on the net. But if you want a physical book in front of you, O'Reilly makes some pretty good books as well. [URL=""]Some found here.[/URL] Also if you want to get into some hacking …

Member Avatar for dewhales
Member Avatar for vegaseat

What about an example of using the webbrowser as the frontend? I use some pen-testing suites that use html as the GUI. Here is an example, kind of ugly since it is just to demonstrate what you can do. Also, I am no web developer so the html was mostly …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for frankinaround

I posted a snippet on IRC stuff. Could help with the protocol commands. I don use regex though, so its a bit messy with all the splitting and stripping. [URL=""]link[/URL] Mine is more of a functional bot, not AI. It supports texting a cellphone, and translating languages via xgoogle.

Member Avatar for magnus.wootton
Member Avatar for tjames95
Member Avatar for zenith_96

It keeps clearing the text file because your passing the "w" to the open method. "a" appends data to the end while keeping everything else untouched. As for the data changing, why not use pickle? It would be easier that way. The best I can figure it, is to first …

Member Avatar for Nivir
Member Avatar for ZielonySBS

There is another way. Maybe try using os.popen()? You could for i in listdir("path-to-dir"): os.popen("move "+i+"other-dir") Idk that's just my take on it.

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for rom.

Also, if you want to get into network programming, it would help to know more about networking in general. Learn the OSI model and how the different layers work.

Member Avatar for silver.moon.37819
Member Avatar for ohmang841

[QUOTE=ohmang841;1163926]Hi guys...I'm new to python so I've no idea what I'm doing but I need to write a function that 1) asks the user how many strings they would like to input. 2)Stores the strings in a list 3) sorts the list 4) Displays the sorted list 5) Displays the …

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for markfw

I don't know what your trying to connect to, but here is an example to open a COM, receive data, send data and close. [CODE] import serial #Use the COM port you are trying to use #also set the baud at object creation ser = serial.Serial('COM8', baudrate=19200) #treat like a …

Member Avatar for meistervision
Member Avatar for Saqib_J
Member Avatar for funfullson

Blender has python built in. In the newer versions of Blender, there is even a python console interpreter built right into the scripting section for quick easy debugging and prototyping. [URL=""]Here[/URL] is a tutorial with getting started with Blender and Python. As for actually converting the image, I can't help. …

Member Avatar for funfullson
Member Avatar for ihatehippies

Look into port forwarding. You will have to log into your router and set it up there. [URL=""]Here [/URL]is a link to help ya out.

Member Avatar for ihatehippies
Member Avatar for draven07

Are you looking for something like Visual Studios by Microsoft so you have a GUI for building other GUIs for local apps. Or do you want something like Dreamweaver and build forms for websites?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for MarkWalker84
Member Avatar for BnayaArbel

As mentioned [URL=""]Sl4a.[/URL] You will need to install [URL=""]python for android[/URL], which now is a different project and offers 3rd party libs like Twisted. You can [URL=""]compile[/URL] your scripts and distribute on the android market as you please. I would suggest just learning Java and writing apps the [I]right[/I] way. …

Member Avatar for Tech B
Member Avatar for Tech B

This will allow you to login a website with python. After logging in, you now have access to all the pages for "members only" accessed with python. Could be handy for a myspace update program, webcrawlers, facebook(not recommended, facebook doesn't like scripts), and other things. Some knowledge of HTML is …

Member Avatar for python.crawling
Member Avatar for blaze423

I'm not sure about python itself doing it, but the way I would approach it would be to use an external program to do the actual video encoding. You could call it from python after you saved as many image files you wanted with your method of grabbing the images. …

Member Avatar for ashely97
Member Avatar for pelin

I would suggest putting the stick figure in a class that has an update method. The update will raise and lower the stick figures y position up and down. You will also need a while loop for the main code, so you can call the update method you created. You …

Member Avatar for pelin
Member Avatar for huntaz556

You could dive into some frameworks you can do nifty things with. Like [URL=""]Twisted[/URL], [URL=""]PIL[/URL], [URL=""]Django[/URL], [URL=""]OpenCV[/URL], or take some of [URL=""]these[/URL] algorithms and code them in python. The skys the limit. One of the first useful things I did with python was tracking an IR light source with my …

Member Avatar for huntaz556
Member Avatar for sathyapro

[QUOTE=sathyapro;1683905]hi thanks for the reply.. but i couldn,t get any copy of that book in any link.. pls send the link which contains that book if u ve found any.. i m using python 2.7 version for windows[/QUOTE] You can buy the book [URL=""]here.[/URL] You could also read an online …

Member Avatar for Tech B
Member Avatar for rysin

I wrote a key logger myself. I use pyHook and pythoncom from the pywin module. Here is the link [url][/url]

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for M09

It is to initialize things your going to need in the class. It is also where you receive the parameters the class needs. Anything you see that looks like "" can be used by the methods inside the class.

Member Avatar for M09
Member Avatar for shabsbshock
Member Avatar for Tech B
Member Avatar for Dann0

To get the events you need to have them all together. [CODE] #Events for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: keepGoing = False# if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: direction = "right" if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: direction = "left" #etc.... #put all the "key" events under the …

Member Avatar for Dann0
Member Avatar for Tech B

There isn't a whole lot here about security related stuff, so I figured I would post some work in progress. It is pretty well commented so following it should be pretty simple. The full story and reasons for doing what I did, and not another way can be found on …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for python-noob

Function 1: read in morse file (was passed as argument) create dict fromMorse: example {".-":"a" , "-...":"b" , etc...} creat dict toMorse: example {"a":".-" , "b":"-..." , etc...} return both as tuple Function 2: I don't know the contents of the .txt using arguments supplied map the word to the …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for pandita

You could use any GUI toolkit you want really. You could even create an html page and serve it via python. I have an example in the sticky GUI thread at the top of the python forums. Last I checked it was the last post in that thread.

Member Avatar for Tech B

The End.