I am very new to Perl Scripting. I used Shell scripting before, but very little knowledge of Perl Scripting.
I am given at task at my work: Here is info:
I need to write a program that will listen to a port which will connect from Telnet. Also, the program will read information from a Infofile. Info file has location, ip address, and port number.
sample infofile:
Newyork 2250
Chicago 2251
Floriad 2250
The program will take two arguments - the path of the infofile and the port number that the program listens on. The commands to the port of the program have the following syntax:
Record priority location filename time
..where location is the location from the infofile, filename is the file that should be recorded and time is the length of the recording (in seconds). priority is an integer 1-200. 200 is hightest. Example,
Record 19 Chicago myfile 25.
So I need to write this program in Perl and convert it .exe program. I will be really appreciate if you can help me. If you can't figure it out all, the partial help will be great too.