
I was trying to make a remote desktop program using java socket programming. I have been successful to develop it for LAN. But i am wondering that how to use the same application over internet. As i am not an networking guy, i don't have enough knowledge of tunneling and opening a port for public and route to some IP, etc.

Anyone please help me out.

Perhaps Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is something you should check out if connection itself is troubling you.

Basicly it's a little higher-level programming than the regular serverSocket/socket programming, taking care of http tunneling itself.

http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/rmi/index.html Would be a good start.

Good luck, I'd like to hear your progress :)

Perhaps Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is something you should check out if connection itself is troubling you.

Basicly it's a little higher-level programming than the regular serverSocket/socket programming, taking care of http tunneling itself.

http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/rmi/index.html Would be a good start.

Good luck, I'd like to hear your progress :)

Thanks for reply. I was on holidays so have been late.

Actually i have made one demo program for RMI. It is also working fine on LAN. Than I have tried searching about running the same over internet. I have got some clues about RMI/IIOP.

I have again tried compiling whole unit again. But i have not been able to run it over internet.

I think there would be some problem regarding public IP and access over ports.

Would you please suggest further.

If the person you are trying to connect to is also behind a NAT,
you not only need to know the public IP address but also their private IP.

I believe RMI has some NAT hole punching system, so I don't think it would be necessary to port forward the NAT router you are trying to connect to.

I'm not completely home in RMI, but google will give you some explanations.

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