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82 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for vegaseat

Don't know if it's been suggested, but if you're into wanting to make video games, try to create a text version of Battleship, Tic-Tac-Toe, or any other game you can think of. Then, create an AI to play with you. And make it really good, and hard to beat. It's …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for hondros

Okay, so I am creating a battleship game, I posted a thread here earlier to figure out how to place the ships, but know I'm back, because I am curious as to how I should program the AI for it. Here's my base code now, and I'll explain how the …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for hondros

Essentially, I'm learning how emulators work. I've got the core down, but I wanted to know if I'm actually doing this the right way, or if I should be doing it differently. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> // Opcode + Argument Retriever #define GetOpCodeControl1(x) (x>>14) #define GetOpCodeControl2(x) ((x>>12)&0x3) #define GetOpCode0Arg(x) (x&0x0FFF) #define GetOpCode1Arg(x) …

Member Avatar for hondros
Member Avatar for cpeeyush1

Um. People, it is very tough to create a fully functional web browser such as Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari, etc. If you want to do something simple, how about using Python and a GUI toolkit to retrieve a website, then display it. It'd just have a simple address bar, and …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for hondros

Alright , so I spent _forever_ trying to figure this out. So, if any newbies here need to know how to write and read ANY object (with the exclusion of pointers, but I'll get to that), this is something that can help. First and foremost, you have to take endianness …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for hondros

I posted a while back ago on making directx work in classes. I'm having more issues now. On line 125 (system.cpp), when in debugging, it tells me that it has an access violation. I googled the issue, and someone had said something about initializing the pointer, but that is taken …

Member Avatar for hondros
Member Avatar for hondros

I am at my wit's end with this thing. I just can't figure out, why I cannot set the WNDCLASSEX.lpfnWndProc equal to my class's function. Can someone help? Here's my code: system.h [code] #ifndef SYSTEM_H #define SYSTEM_H #include "stdinc.h" class System { private: void initD3D (void); void cleanD3D (void); LRESULT …

Member Avatar for hondros
Member Avatar for hondros

Hey there. I've been programming in Python for about a month now. I've created simple programs for myself, such as games and e-mail applications. Still getting GUI down, I'll post if I need help there. Anyways, here's my problem: Running: Windows XP Python: Python 2.6 I installed the newest version …

Member Avatar for Eswarimallur
Member Avatar for ndowens

You need to call the function "input" So it'd look like: [code]input()[/code]

Member Avatar for ndowens
Member Avatar for ret801

[QUOTE=ret801;1568618]I dont get exactly what it does still is there no good documentation for it? and how come you post on all my posts do you live on daniweb and post on all newb stuff? lol im no complaining you have helped me out a bit , are you a …

Member Avatar for hondros
Member Avatar for pareshverma91

I'm sorry, but doesn't Bash already support remote ssh log-in? And that's not remote desktop, but rather remote log-in. Two different things. Can you give a better explanation of what you want?

Member Avatar for itergosum
Member Avatar for nemo
Member Avatar for murphp
Member Avatar for hondros

Hello, I'm trying to take a C array of char's and trying to take all of the spaces out of it. Yet I keep running into a segmentation fault. Can anyone help me here? [code] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int strlen(char* Str) { int toret=0; int i=0; char tmp = …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Techno22

My opinion, if wanted, if I was in your situation, I would keep your laptop, not fix it, but I would buy a moniter for it. And also buy the new laptop. I'm sure you can find a cheap CRT moniter somewhere. Near where I live, there's a used computer …

Member Avatar for Techno22
Member Avatar for neoboi

Also, you'll need to learn a few languages here: 1) HTML (Most definitely) 2) CSS 3) PHP 4) MySQL (or another good database) Also, you'll need to read up on servers and apache, find what to use, etc etc.

Member Avatar for kirennian
Member Avatar for hondros

Well, since there was no option for "tutorial" in the type of post, it has been created as a simple thread... Obfuscation - confusion resulting from failure to understand obfuscated code - Code that is hard to read In this tutorial, I will show you how to convert something readable, …

Member Avatar for hondros
Member Avatar for Kanem
Member Avatar for hondros

I have the following function (from windows.h) which I am trying to use the Python C API to allow python to call it. This is the function: [code syntax=C] BOOL ReadConsoleOutputCharacter( HANDLE hConsoleOutput, (Type Handle to Change (use STD_OUTPUT)) LPTSTR lpCharacter, (char pointer to store Characters read) DWORD nLength, (length …

Member Avatar for hondros
Member Avatar for hondros

Okay, so I'm sitting here bashing my head against the desk. I've been googling this for what seems the past hour. I cannot find any relative good links for making Python work with WAMP server. Yes, I understand how CGI scripts work. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to configure …

Member Avatar for satishvis
Member Avatar for hondros

Here is my issue: I have a program, that downloads roms off the internet. Everything works fine, but I would like to show an indefinite progress bar while it is downloading. I have that with the following code: [code] # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for hondros

I have created a program, and wanted some critique on it. There is a website that I go to in order to download roms, and I do not like clicking a ton of links and waiting 15 seconds to download it, so I created a program to fetch it for …

Member Avatar for hondros
Member Avatar for pythonnewbie10

Hey, why not just store it in a string and eval() it? [code] _main = eval("__name__ == '__main__'") if _main: main() [/code]

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for capson

Hmm... Perhaps use a dictionary to sort it all? [code] # Original values L1=['v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', 'v5'] L2= [3, 1, 7, 6, 5] # Dictionary to keep them in order d = {} for x in range(0, len(L2)): d[L2[x]] = L1[x] # The dictionary should automatically sort by number, …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for vskumar19

Or perhaps you could do this: [code] import os var = 'test.txt' os.system('gedit '+var) [/code]

Member Avatar for hondros
Member Avatar for kur3k

Look, if you want a new function, and you're sure that it'll always be a 3x3 matrix, think about what you need to do. Outline it. Do it by hand a few times, and then list EVERY step needed to do it. Then translate it into the python code. So …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for JordanWalcaraz

Hey, just to show you something dangerous you can do with input(), (If the module 'sys' has been imported): [code] >>> input("> ") > sys.stdout.write('OGGA') OGGA [/code] I know it's not much, but think of things you could do with that

Member Avatar for hondros
Member Avatar for jcao219

I'm still using 2.6, but I have the newest 3 installed. I don't use 3, because there aren't many modules made for it. However, I do try and use 3's syntax in 2.6 where applicable (ie print("") not print ""). I do wish that I could do one liner "for" …

Member Avatar for hondros
Member Avatar for gunbuster363

Well, you could just do this as well: [code] import time timevar1 = time.time() # YOUR CODE GOES HERE timevar2 = time.time() print(timevar2-timevar1) [/code] That will determine how many seconds it takes for your script to execute

Member Avatar for hondros
Member Avatar for anumitadas
Member Avatar for hondros
Member Avatar for kjock002

Okay, first off... See all of those purple words now that it's in the [-code-] tags? Yeah, those mean that they are internally defined, and do something. You want to change all of those variables to something else. Second, your error is self-explanatory, the variable "line" is not defined anywhere …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony

The End.