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474 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for m.rahman1

Try telling your boss that getting a total beginner to design a web site is not a good idea and not cost effective, as you will spend a long time learning things and make many mistakes. It is very much cheaper to hire someone who knows how to build a …

Member Avatar for Purvi_1
Member Avatar for samsons17

Where on earth do you get this total rubbish from?? [quote] Most people set their screen resolutions at 640x480. [/quote] Are you someone from 1995 who has accidentally been timewarped to 2011? Someone who has met Doctor Who and left the Tardis by accident?

Member Avatar for spy_1
Member Avatar for JerieLsky

one order is related to only one customer, but one customer can be related to many orders therefore it is one (customer) to many (orders) You just ASK yourself "will this happen".

Member Avatar for Inderjeet_2
Member Avatar for JoelNiemela

"Compact and repair feature in 2007 and 2010 does not fix the file size." Really??? I just made a very simple little access 2007 database, put some data into it, edited field contents with large copy and pastes, deleted records etc, with saves after every edit, and after each time …

Member Avatar for Nevin_1
Member Avatar for mishu007

sorry but without an auto-incrementing numerical id, it doesn't look as if sorting will work. It looks like the primary key is PersonID varchar(8), so id 9a would be rated as a bigger id than id 88888a wouldn't it? That's how it goes with varchar, it's an alphabetical sort, not …

Member Avatar for Anvesh_1
Member Avatar for referag
Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for lloydsbackyard

Normally you give a form an action - a script to run. The script gets the variables from the form, then does something with them. <form method="POST" action=""> Yours doesn't. Action is empty.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Latrell_vie

It would be a lot easier if you gave a link to the page(s) where it goes wrong. Then we can see it in action, or not of course, without copying and pasting code and images to our own version of your page...

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for Stefce

if($result->num_rows > 0) { $count++; that says whatever the number of rows, $count now equals one, unless there are no rows, in which case $count is still zero. Then you are doing this. $num_length = strlen((int)$count); while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){ $seen = $row["seen"]; if($seen == '0'){ echo $num_length; } so now …

Member Avatar for Stefce
Member Avatar for azegurb

You would find it very much easier to use an existing free jquery script than writing your own. That way you could test four or five variations with tried and tested scripts. Then having found one you liked, you could modify it to work differently in your spare time.

Member Avatar for azegurb
Member Avatar for Latrell_vie

You are not specifying the table to get the data from in the sql you are using. A database and a table within a database are different things.

Member Avatar for _martinh
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

You have a lot of code in a single form. The presence or abscence of the divs has no effect as the fields are all in one form. Any saving is done by the script, usersave.php. So where are you trying to save the input, in what format (flat file, …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for benard16

you've answered your own question - just use a mix of <article>, <section>, and <div> tags.

Member Avatar for yugabharathi24
Member Avatar for SirMahlon

upload images of the correct size would seem to be the sensible way to work. So use your favourite free image manipulation software and make them smaller.

Member Avatar for LaxLoafer
Member Avatar for wikit

You could try inserting a space before and after the $criteria, so sun would be returned but not sunshine. WHERE field LIKE ' %".$criteria."% ' Order by Appeared asc" Basically you are discovering that using like in a search is a bit tricky to get perfect results . If the …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for jKidz

You should normalise your database. create a second table, called groups, with field id and group id is the persons id, group is the group they belong to. The table is then created with a joint primary key of id, group then each row is a unique entry eg 1,gamer …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Alijo

So apart from placing an advert for that web company of this forum, what do they have to do with learning to design a web site??? Nothing.

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for al2henry

Quick solution. <div class="footerBox">Your text link code here</div> Style the div to .footerBox{float:left; width:200px;) Make ten such divs, one with each text link in it, . You might need to adjust padding or make them a little bit narrower. But it will work. Just play with the numbers to get …

Member Avatar for al2henry
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

1 - do this step first 2 - do this bit second 3 - do this step next . buy onions . buy potatoes . buy milk . buy steak first is an ordered list, second is unordered list

Member Avatar for Oliver Realize
Member Avatar for savedlema

Perhaps you could avoid telling users the name of the back-up folder and the file name, as well as restricting access to that folder. And place an index.html file in the folder with nothing in it, or saying something like silly like a link to the home page, so users …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for nitos

Get hold of the free shopping cart OpenCart. Install it on a server with PHP and MySQL It's easy to use and much much more reliable than building your own cart! Alternatively, create a set of html pages for your products, and read up on mal's Ecommerce, where they run …

Member Avatar for phfilly
Member Avatar for Mr.M

You have several css files, all containing just a couple of lines. Make a single css file with all these rules in it. You can split the file into sections using comments. Multiple css files means the browser has to ask the server for each one separately, and each one …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for phoenix254

An id is meant to be a unique identifier. You can't have two unique identifiers on the same span, or same anything. You can use multiple classes however - .user, .Maxi, .John, etc. But you don't give any styles for your Maxi, John, Henry etc styles. So without them, there …

Member Avatar for Sam.Samual
Member Avatar for phoenix254 "Comet is an object-oriented language featuring both a constraint-based local search engine, a constraint-programming solver, and mathematical programming solvers." (I used google to find these, as I've never heard of it. You could have tried that yourself...) Then there's this: or this or even One …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for J._1

It would be a lot easier if you gave us a url so we can see what is happening and play with it there, without having to create our own copy of your page.

Member Avatar for advent_geek
Member Avatar for jchimz

PHP variables etc do not show up in a file named something.html, unless you go through all the things they mention above. Which is not actually the right way to work. The correct way is to name your file as a .php file, and of course to connect to your …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for Rhyan

The solution to this is blindingly simple, as I use this a lot. The user is NOT allowed to enter dd-mm-yyyy Instead have a form with a field for day, a field for month, a field for year. Then YOU take the year, the month and the day and build …

Member Avatar for Gakwaya Joel
Member Avatar for John_80

The control panel for some web sites can include an option to prevent leaching - letting another site display your images on their site and pretending they are their images. Look through your control panel and if you have such an option, switch it on. See if that helps by …

Member Avatar for codevzv
Member Avatar for davecoventry

There is no need to have the span in the li. It serves no purpose. The style for the link in the li will do whatever you need. You also don't need your menusub and sub-menu styles either. You can apply styles via the combinations of ul li a and …

Member Avatar for davecoventry
Member Avatar for romanromeo89

Wrap another div around all three. Give it a width in a suitbale percentage value. Style it margin:auto; Style the divs inside to have a width of about 33% .

Member Avatar for veera100

The End.