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I would like to know how to export my schema WITH the table rows/content into a .sql script in MySQL (If it's possible). I tried using Forward Engineering with MySQL Workbench but when I select "GENERATE INSERT statements for Tables" it doesn't do it... I tried googling and finding other tools but I couldn't find anything...

Any help would be appreciated...


Member Avatar for feoperro


Does anyone know of a GUI that has functions to generate INSERT statements based on the table data?

mysqldump is quite confusing...


phpMyAdmin has a dump option built in, and Navicat has, too.

as has heidiSQL and SQL manager lite from ems. In fact almost every database management application that I've used has it.

Member Avatar for feoperro

Ya so I've noticed, but on MySQL Workbench, when I forward engineer and select "Generate INSERT statements" - it doesn't do it for some weird reason, so I was hoping I'd get a decent alternative that works for sure

Here is a list of MySQL GUIs, all of them offer data export option.

Ya so I've noticed, but on MySQL Workbench, when I forward engineer and select "Generate INSERT statements" - it doesn't do it for some weird reason

Does it display any error? Does it generate empty file?

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Ya it just creates the .sql file with the code to create the empty schema basically... Well, I reverted to the legacy MySQL GUI and did it with MySQL Administrator Tool and it worked really well!

Either the new Workbench sucks, or Windows 7 sucks... or they both suck...

But ya, the legacy GUI's work way better for me...


I have never used Workbench, there might be an option to include/exclude the table data export.

Member Avatar for feoperro

ya there is one, but it doesn't work... its like the front end is there but theres no back end attached to it... I dunno... but the important thing is that I got it to work, so ya... I'm grateful for all your help

You can try dbForge Studio for MySQL. This manager has a lot of fucntions, among them there is great mysql export/import functionality. Also it contains great GUI. Read more and download FREE professional version here:

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